The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 102 The host is a monk Recommendation ticket plus update

Chapter 102 The host is a monk (29) Recommendation ticket plus update
Xu Xian seemed to lose his soul with his gait, he bumped into countless people along the way, his mind was in a mess, at one moment it was the gentle smile of his wife, at another moment it was a terrifying huge boa constrictor, which only scared him so much that he was dripping with cold sweat, When he came back to his senses, he had no idea where he had gone.

By the river, a monk was fishing with a bamboo hat. He felt strange when he saw it, so he went up and asked:

"Master, aren't you a monk, why are you still fishing here?"

Su Ye held the fishing rod in one hand and twirled the Buddha beads in the other, looking at the occasionally rippling water surface:
"The poor monk only catches fish that bite."

Xu Xian felt even more strange:
"Fish still bite?"

"Will your beloved hurt you?"

Su also asked back.

Xu Xian was stunned, feeling that the monk in front of him was pointing something.

"Fish are good and bad, and people are good and bad. Everything in the world is like this. The benefactor knows... Oh, I took the bait. This man-eating fish finally came up!"

Before Xu Xian could figure out what the monk in front of him said, he saw something coming up by the monk's fishhook. When he saw it clearly, he couldn't help being startled, and fell back several steps.

Where is the fish, it is clearly a scary black snake.

Xu Xian was already apprehensive, but when he saw the ferocious writhing big black snake, he felt even more frightened.

But after thinking about it, I felt that what the master said meant something:
"The master is talking about my wife? She seems to have never hurt me, so she is also a good person?"

Although he was a little afraid of the big black snake, Xu Xian still felt that the monk in front of him was a master of Taoism, so he simply asked what was in his heart.

Yes, in fact, what the master said is right, even if his wife is a monster, so what, and she has never hurt him, if she is a monster, she is still a good monster.

Xu Xianmao suddenly realized that he was about to thank the master for his enlightenment, but he saw the monk showed a look of disdain for him, and he seemed to be a little angry. He moved the big black snake into the snake cage very rudely, and angrily picked it up. The Zen stick is gone.

When passing by his side, he gouged out a fierce look and scolded him for being an idiot.

Xu Xian scratched his head, not understanding where he made this monk unhappy.

【Host, if you want to say that Bai Suzhen is bad, just say it directly. Why are you so meandering? It's no wonder Xu Xian misunderstood. 】

If it were replaced by it, it would also misunderstand.

Su also snorted coldly, and cursed stupidly inwardly: "My character is set to be an eminent monk, so I'm sure to pretend to be inscrutable, not OOC."


By the time Xu Xian regained his courage to go home, it was already dark, and the White Snake had been waiting at the door of the pharmacy. After finally seeing his figure, he hurried up worriedly:
"Officer, where have you been all day, I'm so worried."

Xu Xian looked at the gentle lady beside him, and then thought about the terrifying snake demon image, but he couldn't think of it together, maybe he was thinking too much.

Even though he was thinking this way, Xu Xian's heart was always trembling, for fear that the next moment, the gentle lady in front of him would turn into a big boa constrictor and swallow him up.

White Snake only thought that it might be because he was pregnant and excited, so he didn't think much about it.

Dinner was ready, Xu Xian looked at the smiling person in front of him, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, covered up the panic in his heart, calmly and naturally poured a glass of wine for the white snake, fearing that the white snake would refuse, he immediately said:

 Mao Mao has a problem with writing articles, that is, every time the host goes to a plane, she doesn’t like her to change too much from the original owner, unless the original owner doesn’t have much contact with the outside world, otherwise the change is too big, which will definitely arouse the suspicion of the people around , including ability, um, I probably want to talk about this
  Then, today cats love you too, yesterday's recommendation votes are a new high since the book was opened, refills, refills, refills! ! ! ! !I am very lucky to have everyone's support after the book is opened. I hope that when the scum is over, I can still see the cuties. I love you! ! !I love you all! ! !I love you the most! ! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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