The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 199 The Host Is a Witch Recommended Ticket Adds Updates

Chapter 199 The Host Is a Witch (15) Recommended Ticket Adds Updates
That's right, Harry knew that she was weak and prone to illness, and when it was about to rain, he should take her back as soon as possible.

Subconsciously clenching her fingers, Bertha realized that she was wearing the coat of a handsome young pharmacist at some point.

And the slender Pharmacist was only wearing a very thin underwear at the moment, and his face was slightly pale due to the cold.

Turning around, Bertha frowned even more when she saw that Harry was still fully dressed.

Whether Harry would give her clothes to wear, Bertha didn't actually insist.

But with the pharmacist's gentle and considerate comparison, Bertha felt even more uncomfortable.

Noticing the change on Bertha's face, Harry glanced at Su Ye, who was only wearing a thin inner coat, secretly hating him for doing so much, then took off his coat and put it on Bertha, with a gentle attitude:
"Sorry, Bertha, today's incident is my fault, I should have thought of your sickness!"

Bertha looked at him, the worry and self-blame in his eyes were very sincere, and he chose to forgive.

Seeing this, Su didn't say anything more.

The rain in summer comes and goes quickly.

After the rain stopped, Su took Bertha back to the palace on the grounds of Bertha's body.

Harry has never paid attention to this charming and indistinguishable pharmacist, anyway, Anas has agreed to betroth Bertha to him.

Back at the residence, he opened the door, and Harry saw the girl he picked up yesterday, sitting on the bed obediently.

Doris was bored in the room all day. Although it was boring, as long as she thought of being with Harry, she felt that all the waiting was worth it.

"Sorry, I'm too busy today, you must be bored here by yourself, right?"

Gently rubbing the girl's soft long golden hair, Harry said in a gentle and caring tone.

Doris shook her head, her eyes were shining brightly, and only Harry seemed to be reflected.

"I brought you something to eat, you're hungry."

Taking out the food bought outside, Harry handed it to the girl.

The thing in her hand was unfamiliar, but it exuded a tempting fragrance. Doris licked her lips and took a tentative bite. A fragrance that she had never smelled before spread between her mouth and mouth.

The light in her eyes became brighter, and Doris whetted her appetite, and quickly finished eating a whole cheese bread.

Reminiscing about the lingering aroma of the food in her mouth, Doris leaned up, blushing, and kissed Harry lightly on the face, and opened her cherry red mouth silently:
"Thank you."

Harry felt a little contempt in his heart, but he didn't even notice it, and stroked the girl's soft long hair lightly:

"I'm going back tomorrow, do you want to come with me?"

Doris nodded quickly, then leaned over quickly, and hugged Harry's arm affectionately, as if she was afraid that Harry would abandon her.

Harry was very satisfied with her reaction, and a question suddenly came to mind:
"By the way, I don't know your name yet. Can you write? Can you write your name?"


Doris tilted her head and nodded obediently.

Harry came over with a quill and ink paper.

Looking at the strange thing in her hand, Doris was a little puzzled. She stared at the thin pen tip for a while, and seemed to have a little reaction. She held the quill pen with her fingers, and writing appeared on the paper.

It is a unique character of the mermaid race.

(End of this chapter)

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