The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 200 The host is a witch

Chapter 200 The host is a witch (16)


Looking at the crooked lines on the paper that looked like words but didn't look like words, Harry's forehead twitched.

This is not as good as the words written by a three-year-old child.

After Doris finished writing, she raised her little head and stared at Harry with starry eyes, expecting to hear her name from him.

In the end, Harry's eyebrows were tightly knit, and he seemed a little disgusted.

Doris pulled Harry's arm nervously. Did she do something wrong?
Realizing that his thoughts were exposed, Harry quickly covered it up, his face softened slightly, and he showed a gentle smile like the wind:

"It's because I feel a little stupid that I can't understand what you wrote. Why don't you tell me your name with your mouth."

Hearing what Harry said, the uneasiness in Doris' heart dissipated. She opened her mouth and tried to tell Harry her name with the shape of her lips.

"Your name is Doris?"

It was not easy for Harry to know the girl's name. He deliberately said the girl's name in a very affectionate tone.

Listening to her name slowly coming out of the mouth of the person she loves, every word is hot, and every word is lingering with obvious love, Doris has never felt that such a simple three words can make her feel Excited and happy.

Knowing the girl's name, Harry didn't feel much. He glanced at the messy lines on the paper on the table, looked at it, and suddenly felt that these lines were very similar to the words recorded in an ancient book.

She glanced sideways at Doris sitting on the C. The long blond hair seemed to be woven of dazzling gold, and the color of her eyes was clean and pure. Although she looked innocent, she felt more Like a noble princess.

He was born in the royal family, and he is most familiar with the royal temperament.

After thinking about it, Harry decided to send someone to investigate Doris' whereabouts after returning home.

His eyes fell back to the paper with weird lines. Harry folded the paper and stored it carefully. As long as he found out whether the text on this paper was the text recorded in the ancient book, he would know Doris' identity.

Doris didn't think about it that much. She only saw Harry carefully put away the paper she had written, as if treating the most precious treasure in the world. The sweeter she felt, the more she liked Harry.

On the second day, when Harry was about to leave, he looked at the pharmacist who was standing beside him with an indifferent face but full of monstrous aura, and the corner of his mouth twitched:
"Pharmacist Mi Ye, Bertha is weak, you should stay with Bertha and take care of her."

What is going on here, Anas actually let the pharmacist go back to the country with him, did he not trust him, or did he want to do something?
Su Ye's eyebrows and eyes were frosty and indifferent. Anas saw this, laughed, stepped forward, glanced at Su Ye, and then stared at Harry meaningfully, lowering his voice so that no one around could hear:

"Mi Ye is not only a pharmacist, but also proficient in poison making"

As soon as these words came out, Harry felt his body tremble, and looked at Anas in astonishment, and understood what Anas meant almost instantly.

He was silent, glanced at the young pharmacist, and accepted Anas' arrangement.

Three days later, Harry and his party returned to Dixos.

 "I, He Long, have dedicated everything to the party, including my life and property. Only the beauty in Tsing Yi, Xue Ming, belongs to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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