The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 203 The host is a witch

Chapter 203 The host is a witch (19)

She wanted to say that Harry really said he wanted to marry her and would love her forever.

But even though her anxious cheeks were blushing, she couldn't make a sound.

The maids laughed even louder, extremely piercing:
"A dumb person who can't speak, you think Prince Harry will really miss you."

"That's right, I heard that Prince Harry is already engaged to Princess Bertha. No matter how good-looking you are, you are still just like us, just a maid!"


Maids, you talk to each other, those unspeakable jealousies are mixed with vicious ridicule, sharp and mean.

Doris is like a besieged lamb, helpless but angry.

She clenched her hands tightly, her eyes were foggy, and she looked at the chattering maids with red eyes, her teeth bit her lips into deep teeth marks, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably!
No, there is no way Prince Harry is engaged to another woman!

Prince Harry said he would be with her forever!
Liar, you are all liars!

With the scarlet anger in her eyes, she protested against the maids who kept talking, and there was a puff of breath in her chest, which made her almost explode!
"Just made some beauty potions, didn't you?"

A cool but languid and hoarse voice sounded. A pharmacist with tall silver hair and a strange black robe appeared, but with a handsome figure.

Su didn't like the complicated dresses of the West either, so he asked someone to make a few classic oriental long gowns.

She was already well-proportioned and good-looking, and she was dressed in a monochrome long gown, which made her look as if she was startled.

Therefore, within a few days of entering the palace, he has captured the hearts of many ignorant and ignorant girls.

The maids blushed when they saw the enchanting and handsome pharmacist:

"Thank you, Pharmacist Mi Ye!"

They stretched out their hands shyly, and the good-looking pharmacist handed the porcelain-white medicine bottle to the maid. The round and cold nails slid across the palm of the maid intentionally or unintentionally, crisp and numb, obviously scratched on the palm, but the maid had A feeling of being held at the tip of a feather.

Her face became even redder, and she didn't even have the courage to look at the young pharmacist in front of her with carved features.

As if holding the whole world in her hands, she treasured the medicine bottle into her bosom, looked shyly at the pharmacist with cold brows, and ran away hastily with a thumping deer heart.

Finally, the remaining maids ran away with red faces, and Su Ye's indifferent brows and eyes showed a little tiredness.

He squinted, glanced at Doris, and said calmly:
"They didn't lie to you. Harry is engaged to Bertha."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly brushed the tip of his hair:

"By the way, you still don't know who Bertha is, the girl who saved Harry on the shore."

When the words fell to the ground, Su also received a stare from Doris, but she still didn't seem to believe it.

Su also chuckled lightly, but the laughter was extremely mocking.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the main mission that required her to protect Doris, she really didn't want to talk to this love-brained mermaid.

For the sake of a strange man, she had the heart to leave the royal father who loved her the most, and the mermaid clan who loved her the most.

In the plot, even until Doris melted into foam, she was still thinking about Harry.

Su also felt very sad for the Mermaid King, who finally raised a daughter and ran away with him.

[Host, in fact, you can’t blame Doris. Whether it’s a mermaid, a human, or another race, once each individual encounters the predestined existence, it’s like being shot by Cupid’s arrow. No one can resist the arrangement of fate. . 】

Pillars explained.

Su also snorted, and didn't feel that fate was so uncontrollable.

(End of this chapter)

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