The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 204 The host is a witch

Chapter 204 The host is a witch (20)

"Have you thought about your father?"

Crossing her legs and tidying up the folds of her clothes, Su also mentioned the mermaid king in the sea who didn't know that his daughter had arrived on land.

Doris' expression changed, a little guilty.

"Your father regards you as the most precious existence and takes care of you, but you grovel in front of another man and lose your dignity as a mermaid princess. If your father finds out, what will happen?"

Su Ye's understatement but the questioning tone was strong, making Doris's face paler, almost without a trace of blood.

But in the end, Doris clenched her skirt tightly, bit her lip, and looked at Su Ye stubbornly. The meaning in her eyes was clearly conveyed to Su Ye.

"You want to say that your father also wants you to be happy, even if he knows, he will bless you, right?"

Su could also understand Doris' thoughts, and she couldn't help but find it ridiculous:
"Then have you thought about making your father happy?"

Doris' stubbornness was easily defeated by Su Ye.

She thought about it for a long time, trying to refute Su Ye, but she couldn't think of anything. The trace of guilt towards the mermaid king was like ripples on the water, getting bigger and bigger, and it was going to crush her love for Harry.

She was a little annoyed, looked at Su Ye's eyes, and even felt a little bit of hatred.

She didn't know why Sue questioned and opposed her love with Harry so much. For Harry, she would not hesitate to endure the pain of walking on a knife with every step, including her most beautiful singing voice.

She sacrificed so much just to be with Harry forever, shouldn't she bless herself?
Looking at Doris, who is seriously in love, Su doesn't want to play the piano to Niu anymore.

However, Su also began to be a little skeptical. She is so in love with Harry and has a perfect filter for Harry. If she sees Harry hugging left and right with her own eyes, she will believe that Harry is forced.


"Prince Harry, the Second Prince and the Third Prince have been wooing nobles recently. If you continue to let things go like this, I'm afraid your crown prince position will really be in danger!"

The people around Harry couldn't help but feel a little worried after analyzing his current situation.

Harry is also very aware of the situation at hand, and he is equally agitated.

After calming down, she felt that she should marry Bertha as soon as possible, so as to use Anas' power to reverse the current situation.

After thinking about it, Harry personally wrote a letter and sent it to Anas in a hurry.

Anas has been paying attention to Dixos' movements, knowing that Harry is in a bad situation.

So, after receiving Harry's letter, I immediately wrote a reply letter.

Harry and Bertha's wedding date is set.

Five days after Doris came to No.40 on land, Bertha went to Dixos and temporarily lived outside the palace. Fifteen days later, she married Harry.

The crown prince's wedding is a big event for the whole country to celebrate. It is naturally grand and grand, and the whole country is full of joy.

The night Bertha arrived, Harry took someone to see her.

Knowing that Harry had actually come, Bertha was delighted and excited, and also a little bit shy.

She hurriedly asked the maid to wash her up, changed her clothes, and then opened the door to welcome Harry in.

Stepping into the room, Harry looked at the shy girl standing in the dim candlelight, and felt that she looked extraordinarily special at the moment:

"Bertha, you are so beautiful today!"

His eyes were too hot, Bertha blushed from being stared at, she clenched her hands nervously, and lowered her head shyly.

The candlelight was flickering, the moon was shining, and the beauty was in front of him. Harry's Adam's apple rolled up and down a few times. If it wasn't for the presence of the maid in the room, he really couldn't help it.

 Today I ate the dog food myself, I want to sleep late! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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