The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 500 The host is Bluebeard

Chapter 500 The host is Bluebeard (20)

The wedding was over, and that night, many people stayed in the castle.

Daniela drank a lot of wine and was already unconscious. He hugged Daniela in his arms, and Su was about to send her back to the room, but Heidi walked over with Feila, who was not looking well.

"What's going on here?"

Su also looked at the two of them and asked with concern.

Fira's dress was stained with a lot of grass clippings, her hair was messy, and her face was terribly red.

"Drunk too much and fell down."

Heidi struggled to support her, and when she spoke, there was a loud gasp in her voice.

Seeing this, Su quickly recruited two servants to help bring Feila back to the room.

Heidi looked at the unconscious Daniela in his arms, and sighed helplessly:

"Okay, Daniela is also drunk, you should send her back to her room."

"Well, if you need help, you can come to me at any time."

Su also replied, and walked upstairs with Daniela in his arms.

Putting Daniela on the bed, Su also got hot water and wiped her whole body clean, then washed her tiredly, and then fell asleep.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, Su Ye keenly heard a sudden muffled noise outside. She woke up suddenly, and quickly turned her head to look around. Daniela was still sleeping soundly and was not awakened.

With a sigh of relief, he opened the door and went out in only his pajamas.

In the corridor, a black fuzzy figure crawled on the ground with difficulty, humming and chirping from time to time.

Su also frowned, walked over, and it turned out to be Feila.

Before she woke up from the wine, she saw a person in front of her. She raised her eyes and saw that it was the face she was thinking about, a face, and immediately burst into a smile:
"Su... Mr. Su Ye!"

Her voice was sweet and greasy, she got up from the ground as she shouted, and rushed towards the man in front of her.

Unexpectedly, the man dodged and dodged, she flew into the air and fell to the ground, her palm was bruised and hurt very much.

Drunk, she lost her usual delicacy and elegance, lying on the ground like a child, raised her head and looked at the man tearfully, sobbing aggrievedly:
"Mr. Su Ye, I hurt, I hurt~"

The man sighed helplessly, and seemed to be a little soft-hearted.

But, for a long time, he didn't intend to help the girl:
"Sorry, I'll find someone to help you up."

He said, turning around to find someone.

"Why, didn't Mr. Su Ye say he liked me?"

Fira's originally drunken voice became sober at this moment.

She didn't understand, it was only a month before and after, how could he change his mind just by saying that he changed his mind.

The man didn't turn his voice, but the voice he spoke had become a bit cold:
"Miss Fira, please respect yourself, I am now Daniela's husband."

"I... I'm sorry, I may have drank too much wine and lost my composure. Just pretend that I didn't say anything just now. Good night, Mr. Su Ye."

Feila had a lot of things to say to him and a lot of questions to ask him, but his voice was so cold that it made her think about it for a long time, and it turned into these few calm words.

She smiled bitterly, got up from the ground, and walked towards her room with a somewhat vain pace.

When she passed by a man, she had a slight expectation that he would extend his hand to keep her. Even if he didn't extend his hand, a word or even an expression would be fine, but...

On the man's indifferent face, there was no tenderness that belonged to her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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