The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 501 The host is Bluebeard

Chapter 501 The host is Bluebeard (22)

"Be obedient, you must have breakfast."

"No, I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat!"

Daniela refuses.

When she was at home, she slept until noon and ate lunch directly.

She doesn't want breakfast!

Heidi saw that she started to play petty temper the next day after she got married again, and directly reprimanded her:
"Daniela, hurry up and have breakfast!"

Feila, who was being supported by her, also looked at her with some displeasure, but even she couldn't tell whether it was because of Daniela's willfulness, or because she was jealous of the man being so gentle to her.

"It's okay, since you are also down, let's have breakfast together."

Su also said, and asked the servant to bring two more copies over earlier.

Then, he looked at Daniela with a half-smile:
"Really don't eat?"

"Hmph, don't eat!"

Daniela refused very decisively, her voice fell to the ground, and she turned her head away arrogantly, with a posture that was completely non-negotiable.

When Fira saw this, she was about to reprimand her, but she heard a voice like a spring breeze:
"Be obedient, come here, I'll feed you~"

As soon as her ears burned, Daniela was taken away by the pleasant voice, and turned back involuntarily, looking at the soft smile in the eyes of the man beside her, she fell completely.

Then, she opened her mouth, and the person beside her fed the torn bread of just the right size into her mouth.

Then, afraid of being too dry, he thoughtfully held the milk cup and fed her milk.

That cautious look completely spoiled her as a daughter who couldn't take care of herself.

Even Heidi on the opposite side saw her teeth sore:
"Blue Beard...Mr. Blue Beard, don't spoil her all the time. This girl is self-willed. If she continues to be used to it like this, she will become lawless."

The man who peeled the egg smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, if she marries me, she has the right to be willful to the point of lawlessness."

Besides, her waywardness was not something they were used to from childhood.

Heidi: "..."

It was so sour that her teeth were so soft that she couldn't even bite into the bread.

Fira was drinking milk, and the cup covered half of her face, and also covered her complex and deep eyes.

Finally, in an atmosphere of citric acid, a breakfast is over.

Heidi originally planned to take Feila back, but Su Ye couldn't stand Su Ye's persuasion, so she could only stay for two more days and leave the day after tomorrow.

Daniela excitedly asked Su to open the warehouse, and she took Heidi and Fira to the warehouse:
"Mom, do you see that this place is full of gold, Bluebeard has already promised me, these are all mine, mom, look at what you like, pick whatever you want, and sister, whatever you want, take whatever you want!"

Although Heidi was shocked by the gold in the warehouse, she didn't like her attitude of treating other people's things as her own. Even a couple should know how to measure:

"Danny, don't do this, this is Mr. Bluebeard's, close the warehouse!"

Fira also echoed:
"That's right, Daniela, did you marry Mr. Su Ye for these gold and silver jewels?"

Su Ye, who was holding the key, glanced at her with a half-smile. Fira, who noticed his eyes, bit her lower lip guilty, and avoided his gaze.

But Daniela didn't understand what she meant, and proudly raised her chin at the person who had been silent all this time:
"Blue Beard, you said to give me all these things, right?"

Someone who was named smiled gently: "Well, it's all yours."

Hearing this, Daniela became even happier: "Did you hear that, Mom, Bluebeard gave it to me by himself, hurry up and pick two, hurry up!"

She began to shake Heidi's arm coquettishly.

Seeing that the owner of the warehouse spoiled her daughter so much, Heidi had no choice but to choose two at random, and hurried to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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