The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 518 The host is the judge

Chapter 518 The host is the judge (9)

Colin was helpless:
"My third aunt is worried that my third uncle is messing around, and I happen to be in Jiancheng, so she ordered me to supervise my third uncle. He is the fattest and ugliest man!"

Su Ye: "..."

Why is there such a down-to-earth depression about this killer!

"We have the same nationality?"

Su also couldn't help asking.

This is not the same as the image of the number one killer in her imagination.

Shouldn't he be cold, bloodthirsty, and murderous?

It was okay when I was in Jianshan, but now...

Su also racked his brains, but couldn't think of a suitable word to describe him.

"Yes, but only you know about this."

Colin is candid.

"You...don't tell me, you really fell in love with me at first sight?"

Raising his eyebrows, the corners of Su Ye's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

She is, from a certain point of view, a bit cheap.

She can chase people and be seductive, but once the other party takes the initiative, she will easily lose the freshness.

"I don't believe in love at first sight."

Colin denies it.

Su also breathed a sigh of relief.

This little killer brother can still flirt.

But in the next second, Colin's words made her feel like she was being played badly:

"Whether it is suitable or not, we will know in the future."


The food came quickly, the first dish was an appetizer, drunken shrimp.

Live prawns are added to the wine, and when the prawns are drunk to death, the freshness of the prawns is mixed with the aroma of the cold wine, so delicious that people can bite their tongues off.

Everyone at the table moved their chopsticks, but Colin and Su did not move, and no one dared to order them.

Although the people in the private room didn't know Colin's identity very well, the person in charge of "Night Dream" was alarmed when Colin appeared earlier.

It's a pity that the person in charge of "Night Dream" is respectful, but he only knows that Colin cannot be offended, and his specific identity is really mysterious.

As for Su Ye, he is obviously already a member of Colin, how dare they order.

After the drunken shrimp, it is a big dish to add to the fun.

A staff member came in, pressed the switch on the square table, and a monkey head stuck out.

"Night Dream" has its own base for raising monkeys. This kind of monkey has a big head with metal hoops on its head.

The people in the private room seemed to be very excited, and all of them were drooling with greed.

Su couldn't help turning her head away, even though she had no feelings, she couldn't bear to watch it.

Seeing this, Colin directly pressed her head into his arms, and covered her ears with two big hands...

With a scream, a gluttonous feast really kicked off.

After everyone had eaten enough, the monkey that died tragically was taken down and disposed of, and the next dish was brought up again.

It's a plate of donkey meat.

Someone looked at the thin slice of donkey meat and sighed:
"It would be great if we could see it live."

This plate of donkey meat is called:

Pour donkey meat.

The chef will first prepare a pot of boiling fresh and fragrant old soup, and then peel off the skin of the donkey selected by the diner on the fixed live donkey to reveal the red meat.

The boiling soup is poured one by one, and when the meat is cooked, it can be served on a plate.

Su also straightened up from Colin's arms, and glanced at the person who spoke.

He is a high-ranking dignitary. Hearing their chat earlier, after eating this meal tonight, he will probably be able to earn another 2000 million.

It's so easy to get money, I don't care whether the quality of the goods is up to standard, it's no different from taking human life away!
And the dishes were served one after another, such as sizzling turtle, three squeaks, roasted duck feet, roasted suckling lamb, and even... Su also saw the placenta soup.

Even though she has a good mental capacity, she is about to vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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