The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 519 The host is the judge

Chapter 519 The host is the judge (10)


The people in the private room ate with gusto, and even commented on these cruel dishes one by one.

After finding an excuse, Su also slipped out and stood in the corridor, looking at the private rooms. She didn't know the people in those private rooms and what they were eating, and she didn't want to know, but she just had A feeling of being in a magic cave.

Suddenly, I want to smoke.

He casually stopped a passing girl, and Su asked for a cigarette too.

She can't smoke, but when the nicotine chokes her throat dry and slightly spicy, she relaxes:

"Pillar, how many points do I have?"

[4150 points, host, do you want to exchange items? 】

Zhuzi asked excitedly and happily.

"If I want everyone to see the viciousness of this clubhouse, how many points do I need?"

"Night Dream" has been able to exist in Jiancheng for more than ten years without falling down. The network of relationships behind it is absolutely like a huge spider web, and no one can figure it out.

Since you can't figure it out, just cut it with a knife.

Zhuzi probably guessed what Su was going to do, and glanced at the products in the system, all of them were quite expensive.

It was silent for a while, sighed silently, and then shouted in a very happy tone [Host, only a hundred points, do you want it? 】

Alas, for the sake of the host, it has to pay out of its own pocket again.

However, clubs like "Night Dream" should have been punished.

As primates, those two-legged beasts dared to eat monkey brains raw. When they ate them, didn't they have a sense of fear that they were eating their own kind?

As a system, Zhuzi doesn't understand much, it only knows that this kind of behavior is cruel.

After redeeming the props, the system thoughtfully and automatically scattered all the invisible cameras in every corner of "Night Dream", so careful that you can even see how many cockroaches, mice, and flies are hidden in "Night Dream".

Then, the system invaded all the electronic products of this plane by itself, mobile phones and computers and even some old black and white TVs in poor areas, and not only people in country H, but even people in other countries were forced to watch a "human tragedy" A gluttonous feast".

What is even more infuriating is what those powerful people talked about at the dinner table:
I killed someone, but my family has money, so I settled it.

The quality of that project is terrible, but people gave me more than 1000 million yuan, so a fool would not approve it!

The current female students are really timid. If I threaten them afterwards, they will not dare to say anything!


What is a person?
Who defines man?
Are people called people because they walk on two legs?

But when their limbs lie on the ground, do they also become beasts?

Su didn't care about the follow-up development anymore, but since "Night Dream" was directly exposed to the world, all the major news media, magazines and newspapers were scrambling to follow up and report.

Flipping through the newspaper in his hand, Su also saw that the "Yemeng" clubhouse was closed, and the number of dignitaries under investigation had already exceeded a thousand.

The newspaper in his hand was taken away, and the man beside him threw the newspaper aside:
"Is the newspaper better than me?"

Colin's third uncle has also been investigated. If nothing else, he will definitely go to jail.

But his third aunt is also a ruthless character. After the incident broke out, he divided the property and divorced quickly, trying not to be affected at all.

From this point of view, Su also admired that woman.

Seeing Su ignoring himself, Colin didn't care. He wrapped his arms around him, and pulled him into his arms domineeringly:
"Sleep, it takes five or six hours to reach Country T."

 I like this earth, I like every plant and tree on this earth, I am most afraid of snakes, but I will not hate the existence of snakes, because everything has life (don’t ask me if I like mosquitoes and maggots?)

  When I was writing this, I looked up information on the Internet and included pictures, which was really scary.

  Therefore, it is better to be kind when you are born as a human being.

  Let us live in peace and friendship with all things in the world, um, love you.

  I uninstalled the assistant, because in the next half a month, I will work hard to code words, save manuscripts, and try to explode again! ! !
  Finally, thank you for the lovely people who gave the rewards, because I don’t have an assistant, so I can only see the rewards, but I can’t see who gave the rewards, love you love you love you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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