The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 524 The host is the judge

Chapter 524 The host is the judge (15)

Taking his hands away from its head, Su also got up, and looked down at it condescendingly:

"Of course, you can also refuse, and continue to perform boring acrobatics here day after day!"

The monkey was silent.

Can it refuse?
It took a look at the other animals, who had been silent since the beginning, and they were all covered with scars.

The elephant was the worst. It was born in this circus. Not long after it was born, the old elephant died miserably because of the injuries on its body that could not be treated in time.

That tiger was mighty when it came here, with a mouth full of fangs, majestic, but now?
The teeth were pried, not to mention majestic, the whole body was skinny, thrown on the prairie, even a single hyena dared to bark at it twice.

And those few black bears are not much better. When they came, in order for them to learn to stand, human beings put iron chains around their necks, and the other end was locked on the wall.

They are fine when they are standing, but once they want to bend over, get down, and land on all fours like they are in the jungle, the iron chain will tighten their necks, and the painful suffocation forces them to only stand.

In fact, many animals with all fours on the ground cannot stand for a long time, otherwise they are prone to joint inflammation, and even worse, femoral head necrosis and lifelong disability.

These black bears are just right and disabled.

In fact, the earth's environment is getting worse day by day, and there are very few places suitable for animals to live in. It is not impossible for them to live together with humans.

They can live in zoos or aquariums opened by humans. It is understandable that humans want to use them to make money. After all, the daily expenditure of zoos and aquariums is a huge amount.

But the shame is that the earth's environment is destroyed by humans, and the places they live in are also plundered by humans. They have already lived in zoos and aquariums without complaint, but humans turn around while talking about protecting them. Taming them with the most cruel and cold-blooded means, even killing them.

In human terms, is this a double standard?

"Okay, I promise your terms!"

After the deal was concluded, Su Ye exchanged [-] points for items from the system without blinking.

Then, left the circus.

When Su also returned to the auditorium, Colin was already ready to find her.

Seeing her come back, there was still a shallow and nasty smile on the corner of her mouth. Colin, who was already familiar with her temperament, knew that she had settled the matter without asking.

He was smart enough not to ask her what happened in the box, but the little bird cuddled up to her and looked at the stage leisurely.

The curtain on the stage was opened, and the animals that had ended up were pulled up again by the rope.

The five monkeys came to the stage first. They were docile and well-behaved before, but they didn't know what happened. They kept squeaking and screaming, as if they were panicked and frightened, and their paws kept scratching their heads.

There was a crisp sound of the whip, and there was a burning pain on the back. The slightly larger monkey in the lead screamed, shrank and trembled.

The animal trainer holding the whip winked at the dark corner of the stage, and immediately someone pushed the fire hoop up, and the monkeys were so frightened that they almost fainted.

But it wasn't over yet, soon someone came up behind the curtain with a tiger, the animal trainer followed suit, and the monkeys shook their heads quickly, shrinking back in fear...

As a result, another whip was thrown on the back, which was very painful, very painful.

(End of this chapter)

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