The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 525 The host is the judge

Chapter 525 The host is the judge (16)

They were also panicked and at a loss, not knowing what happened.

Everything is just a blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, they were transformed into caged animals.

The monkeys, tigers, lions, elephants and black bears who were whipped and abused by them occupied their bodies strangely.

They wanted to resist angrily, and wanted to regain their bodies, but what greeted them was one whip after another that was so painful that they twitched.

"Climb up!"

The monkey who had become a beast trainer rubbed his whip with his fingers, looked at the "monkeys" in front of him with a sneer, and gave orders.

The "monkeys" had no choice but to crawl onto the back of the "tiger" fearfully, and tightly clenched the tiger's flesh with their claws.

"Tiger" couldn't help roaring in pain, which made the people in the audience scream.

With the cold whip on his body, the painful "Tiger" didn't dare to make a sound.

Then, following an order from the animal trainer, the tiger carrying five "monkeys" gritted its teeth and leaped towards the ring of fire sullenly.


After all, he used to be a human being, let alone trained, so he straddled halfway and fell on the ring of fire.

The fire ring was made of iron wire, and the "tiger" hissed and roared when it was burned on the spot, and its fur also caught fire.

Soon, someone brought up a large basin of water, and with a bang, the fire went out, and the "tiger" fell to the ground in pain and couldn't get up.

Those "monkeys" were not spared either, especially the "old monkey" sitting in the middle. When the "tiger" fell, the "old monkey" also fell on the burning red wire, and its paws, mouth and eyes were all bruised. I was burned, and almost all the hair on my body was burned off.

The people in the auditorium, seeing that the circus failed to perform, took out their mobile phones to take pictures and send them to Moments:
"Oh, it's so pitiful, the fur on that tiger's body is all burnt, it hurts so much!"

"This little monkey was burnt to the brink of death, it hurts so much!"

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter. The circus performance fails, which happens once in a thousand years!"

"These animals are so pitiful. They are used by the circus for performances. Look at how many people around you are watching animal acrobatics. If everyone doesn't come to see these animals, these animals will not appear in the circus!"

Su also sat on the side, watching the reactions of those around him with great interest.

On the stage, the circus workers whose bodies had been taken over by the animals hurried up to drag the tiger and monkey off, and the curtain slowly closed again.

Colin was a little confused from beginning to end.

Isn't the woman next to her a member of the Animal Association? Why is she so indifferent when she sees the animals being injured on stage?

However, Colin was a smart man and still didn't ask.

After the show ended, Su also went to the backstage of the circus again, and Colin followed, but she didn't stop her.

"Although the circus is yours now, don't forget what you promised me. From now on, you are my favorite..."

Glancing at Colin beside him from the corner of the eye, Su also changed her mouth quickly:

"You are my people, and you will be responsible for the affairs of the protection association in country T from now on, but if you let me know that you have broken your promise..."

Su also paused, showing a gentle smile:

"Trust me, I can send you back again!"

The old monkey nodded quickly:
"Don't worry, benefactor, we will never break our promise!"

[Host, do you really believe them? 】

Zhu Zi was a little skeptical.

(End of this chapter)

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