The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 588 The Host Is God's Broker

Chapter 588 The Host Is God's Broker (22)

Therefore, even if the attributes of this card are not very high, the battle rate is extremely high.

During the battle, as long as you swipe the viewing angle, you can see the mangled Lixia looking at the protagonist's back affectionately. That kind of feeling of "I only have my brother in my eyes" makes a group of rough guys want to tear open their phone screens to fight against them!
And on Lixia Day in the three-dimensional world, rough guys rushed to the cake shop to order cakes to celebrate Lixia's birthday.

The studio took the opportunity to launch the Lixia card peripherals, and live broadcast "Lixia" on the Two-dimensional website on the day of Lixia.

Ping'an was caught off guard by Su Ye's blow.

It's because he didn't think carefully, he only thought about film and television dramas, but he didn't expect that there would be a huge group of "homeboys and homegirls".

But it's too late to think about this now, he can only finish the filming and release of the TV series in Su Ye's studio before it is released.

Another three months later, Ping An and Christmas were completed before Su Ye.

In the past few months, Ping An has been very active on the Internet. He and Christmas deliberately sell rot, which has attracted a lot of attention and created a lot of topics. In addition, the script he selected is a Western magic with a strong readership. Novel, this kind of big IP adaptation, as long as the acting and special effects are good, it will definitely become popular!
Just as Pingan thought, the TV series he and Christmas did shoot was indeed a dark horse of the year, and once it was released, the ratings were extremely high.

In the play, Ping An is a vampire hunter, and Christmas is a vampire who has lived for thousands of years. As a result, Ping An accidentally discovered the conspiracy of the Vampire Hunter Association, but when confronted with the president of the association, he was killed by the president.

It happened that when Christmas was out for a stroll, he thought Ping An was dead, so he drank his blood. Unexpectedly, Ping An was a fake death, so by accident, a vampire and a vampire hunter lived together.

The main theme of the whole play is very gay, but no conclusive evidence can be found to prove that they are a pair of gay.

In short, it is still holding the pipa and half covering the face.

But it is precisely this kind of feeling of wanting to refuse but also welcoming, that makes people feel itchy.

Seeing the rising ratings, Ping An feels relieved.

Now, he and Christmas have successfully ranked first with this drama. Everyone knows him and Christmas, and the ratings they created have been hailed as "a ten-year miracle" by industry insiders.

Now he wants to see if Su Ye can break this miracle.

A month later, Shuang Jiang and the others finished the project.

The next week, the TV series adapted from the manga "Jingqi Shen" was officially released on the Two-dimensional website and Didu TV.

The first shot that appeared on the screen was the dazzling sunlight and the flying petals, and then a warm voice sounded:
"Human beings I once loved, I was born in your beliefs, and I will die in your beliefs."

That is Huachao, the dead Huachao, the Huachao god who died deep in human memory.

The first unit is very sad, the whole story does not show the appearance of Hua Zhao, what people see is only a transparent and gray back, he appears in the season of blooming flowers, disappears when human memory fades away, the story begins in a sentence , naturally also ends in one sentence:
Do you remember that god, when he smiles, a hundred flowers bloom.

The people in front of the TV were silent, when did they forget the gods that belonged to their China.

"Spring Rain Surprises Spring and Clear Valley Sky"

"Xia Manmang and summer heat are connected"

"Autumn Dew, Autumn Cold and Frost"

"Winter snow snow winter small big cold"


Distant memories are awakened, and immature child voices are singing long-forgotten songs in my ears.

(End of this chapter)

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