The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 589 The Host Is God's Broker

Chapter 589 The Host Is God's Broker (23)

After the completion of solar terms, Su Ye and Gu Qingji had a rare leisure time, so they went to the coffee shop for a date.


Looking at the yellow head sitting across from him, Su also took a deep breath before resisting the urge to beat him up.

"Heh, I thought how high the ratings would be because of your mysterious filming for so long, but the result is not the same as ours!"

Christmas sarcasm.

It is true that Solar Energy God started filming before them, and finished filming a month later, but the ratings of the two dramas are the same. Although both are extremely high, in terms of time, Ping An is better.

His voice fell, and Ping An also appeared. He frowned when he heard Christmas's provocative words, but he didn't say anything, and sat down beside Christmas in silence.

Su Ye picked up the coffee that Gu Qingji had mixed, took a sip, and looked at the two of them with a half-smile through the mist of the coffee.

In fact, in the real world, she has always had a problem that she can't figure out.

That is, the western countries are obviously strong enough, and many small countries are willing to submit to them, but why do they always covet this eastern land.

Now, looking at Ping An and Christmas, she suddenly understood.

Because, they are afraid!
This land of Eastern Huaxia has a history of thousands of years. It has been invaded in the long river of time, but it is like a dilapidated boat, which has always stood firm despite the storm.

As someone once said, this is a sleeping lion.

Therefore, the whole world is afraid that the lion will wake up, so they will try to conquer this Chinese land by all means.

But they forgot that a lion will always be a lion, the king of all beasts, how can a mob of hyenas conquer it!
"What's your look like?"

Christmas was inexplicably irritable when she looked at her with a smile that was not a smile.

Her eyes were like looking at ants - no, she didn't see him at all!
"You know, in fact, from the beginning to the end, in my plan, I didn't consider the influence you will bring."

Su didn't provoke him either, she was telling the truth.

Christmas was furious, ready to strike, Ping An pressed him, looked at Su Ye, and said in a deep voice:
"Before you appeared, many of your solar term gods had died, which proves that we have already affected you."

"Have you heard a word?"

His words didn't stir up even the slightest ripple in Su Ye's heart. Instead, she became more and more calm, as calm as that small boat that has stood upright for thousands of years.


Ping An frowned.

Su also smiled slightly:

"The sea is tolerant to all rivers, and it is great if it is tolerant; if you stand on a wall, you can be strong without desire."

The history of China is too long, so long that it can accommodate all things, and every Chinese person bred by it actually has a great righteousness that is so big that it can't tolerate anything.

But Ping An obviously didn't understand what Su Ye meant, and he still looked at Su Ye with a frown.

Picking up the coffee with a smile, Su took a sip and swallowed it slowly:
"Just like this sip of coffee, it will be absorbed into my blood, and when it turns into blood and circulates in my body, can you still call it coffee?"

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.

When she first arrived in this plane, she still felt that Western culture was rampant in this eastern land, but now she has changed her view.

This is not rampant, it is like Taiji gossip, using softness to overcome rigidity, no matter how violent it is, it will eventually be assimilated into a civilization that only belongs to the Chinese people.

 It’s instakill, hurry up and grab it, you can watch it for free 24 hours a day if you grab it, you must grab it! ! !Then there will be more explosions tomorrow, love you guys, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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