The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 590 The Host Is God's Broker

Chapter 590 The Host Is God's Broker (24)

So, even if they disappear in the end, the Christmas and peace that has already set foot on this land will become a new New Year's Eve cold clothes——

The Eastern God of Solar Terms will never disappear, because the boat carrying the cultural heritage of thousands of years will never fall down!
All the storms are just a tempering, it will become more and more tenacious!
Christmas is in the clouds and fog, but Ping An is silent.

He and Christmas will invade the eastern country, in fact, they want to occupy this country with western culture, but if they become the "blood" in the body of these Chinese people in the end——

He is afraid!

His purpose is to invade, not to be assimilated, to be fused!
In the end, Ping An left with Christmas.

As for the group of solar term gods like 520 and 521, Ping An was not as important to them from the beginning.

Therefore, after Christmas left, this group of festival gods who ate inside and outside quickly disappeared.

The solar term TV series also had a huge impact, and people began to reflect on themselves gradually.

In fact, the taste of the festival has become weaker, not because of the changes of the times, but because people's mentality has changed. Because the pace of life is too fast, they always subconsciously ignore many unnecessary things.

However, when the culture passed down from the ancestors is really ignored and forgotten, then——

How did you come into this world?

Su also completed the mission on this plane very smoothly. When people gradually remembered those solar term gods that had long been blurred in time, it meant that the Huaxia people were already awakening.

Therefore, Su also became the hands-off shopkeeper, handed over the management of the studio to Jiang He and others, and traveled around the country with Gu Qingji himself.

At the airport, there are people in Tang suits and Hanfu everywhere, and everyone has a confident smile on their faces.

Because of the gods of solar terms, Chinese civilization is recovering, and many ancient cultures that used to be confined to self-growth are becoming more and more popular. For example, when walking on the street in exquisite Tang suits and Hanfu, no one will ridicule Chinese people in a strange way. What kimono to wear.

In this plane, Gu Qingji and Su also died in one step, due to cancer.

After that, Su also lived alone in this world.

Standing in front of the tombstone, under the drizzle, Gu Qingji had a young and beautiful face on the tombstone, while Su, who was already gray-haired and short, looked at the tombstone in front of him, and suddenly felt lonely.

She had never experienced this feeling before, and it was not because she loved Gu Qingji very much and missed Gu Qingji, but a sudden emotional outburst.

In the real world, many people have said they love her, and they are willing to risk their lives to love her, but for some reason, she always feels that she is the only one in the vast world.

To her, those people were like raindrops falling from the sky on her head, she couldn't catch them, and neither could they.

Su didn't know what she wanted either, she felt like a lonely traveler walking around the world.

From where, she didn't know!

Where to go, she does not know!

His head hurt a little, and Su couldn't help shaking his head to drive away this uncomfortable feeling, and then sat down leaning against the tombstone.

The rain stopped, a rainbow bridge hung in the sky, flowers bloomed at the feet, and Su died.

—— cat——

Well, this plane is over, and those who grab the flash kill have 24 hours to watch for free.

(Suddenly I feel like I’m a dick, I’m even more excited than you guys to be able to grab a free article to read, obviously I’m the author!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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