Chapter 591 She Woke Up (1)

Su Ye's current plane made her feel absurd.

When she saw it in the real world, she felt that the author's writing was too fantasy, but when she was in this world in person, she only had a feeling of "the world is so big and full of wonders".

This is a story of a king and a flea.

One day, when the steward was dressing the king, a flea suddenly fell out of the clothes, which made the king feel very novel.

He is a noble king, but now, a flea appeared on the king's body, which is really funny!

So, he came up with the idea of ​​treating it warmly.

Finally, he locked the flea and fed it a lot of food every day. He planned to make a drum out of its skin when it was big enough, and let his daughter Belita dance with her, using the drum as a drum. The person who guesses the riddle correctly can marry Belita.

The steward thought the king was crazy, and decided the princess's marriage with fleas.

But he was just a steward and had no right to influence the king's thoughts, so he could only place the flea named Philip in the cage.

Half a month later, the fleas grew as big as mice.

After two months, it was so long that it could almost catch up with cats and dogs.

Three months later, it was as big as a calf.

Then, the king killed it and made a tambourine out of its skin, so that the princess learned to dance gracefully with the tambourine. The king even made up a poem:

Beretta - dancing - knocking on philip

beretta - philip - now please answer

Can you guess what it is - Philip
But neither the prince nor the duke can guess it, and people generally can only answer sheepskin and goatskin.

After a while, the king got tired of the stereotyped answers, and he really hoped that the princess would get married, so he ordered that the next suitor who guessed wrong should be beheaded immediately!
Princes and dukes dare not go.

Later, a shepherd heard about it and wanted to try it fearlessly.

In the end, the shepherd figured it out, but the princess didn't want to marry a poor and ordinary shepherd, and the king didn't want to marry his daughter to a shepherd who couldn't bring any benefits.

Fortunately, the shepherd has a beloved shepherdess. He only thought that after the king asked for a carriage and a lot of gold, he happily drove the carriage back to the Castilan plateau, married the shepherdess, and lived happily ever after. live together.

This plot seems to be happy for everyone, but in fact, it is absurd and ironic, and the dignity and humbleness of the world are vividly displayed here.

The seemingly noble and proud princess is determined by a tambourine made of flea skin.

A powerful king who takes pleasure in fooling others.

And Su also became Princess Bellita in this plot.

The main mission is simple and straightforward:
Seeking to usurp the throne!

It was morning at this moment, she just got up, was being served by a servant, dressing and washing.

After washing, Su Ye, led by the servant, went to have breakfast with the original owner's father, King Harrison.

In the huge dining room, the tables were full of food, and Su sat down beside him. Harrison was in the seat next to him, and beside him was a cage, in which were fleas that had grown to about the size of mice.

Su Ye originally wanted to eat strawberry jam on bread, but when he saw the ugly fleas, he felt a little nauseous.

She had only seen fleas on the popular science website before, it was a small one, and she didn't feel anything.

But when the flea is about the size of a mouse, the facial features are obviously enlarged.

(End of this chapter)

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