Chapter 592 She Woke Up (2)

The abdomen is flat and large, the tentacles are thick and short, the long bristles on the body are distinct, and the blood-sucking mouthparts, because of its unusually large body shape, can be seen very clearly.

Harrison was so interested in the flea that he even fed it for breakfast himself.

Pick up a fed fat mouse with long clips, and then throw it into the cage. The sharp mouthparts of the fleas plunge into the mouse's body. Su can also see that after the blood is drawn out of the mouse, the flea Suck into its mouth with translucent mouthparts.

The blood-sucked mouse quickly shriveled up like a mouse mummy.

Su also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, seeing this kind of scene while eating early in the morning, the original owner's father is really perverted!
But Harrison enjoyed this feeling very much. After feeding the fleas and washing his hands, he sat down again and looked at Su Ye amiably:

"Beretta, how's the tambourine school going?"

Su also resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and replied with a smile:
"Going back to my father, I'm still not proficient."

"Then follow the teacher to study hard after eating, and when the father raises this flea, he will use its skin to make you a unique tambourine!"

Harrison tore a mouthful of bread and chewed it in his mouth.

Su also nodded obediently, but he was filled with a hundred thousand idiots in his heart.

Fleas are such a thing, if there is one on her body, it can kill people, and she was made to dance with a tambourine made of such a big flea——

Come on, the widow really wants to usurp the throne!

But even though his heart is muddled, Su Ye's face is still obedient:

"Yes, Father."

After eating, Su also left, and the servant took her to find a teacher to learn how to encourage her.

Su also learned to be perfunctory, but the teacher taught very seriously. Seeing her foolishness, he got angry:

"Princess, if you don't want to learn, you can tell the king, but since you have learned, you should study hard, otherwise you will fail the king's painstaking efforts!"


A look of sarcasm flashed across Su Ye's eyes, he said nothing, bowed his head softly and apologized, and continued to study.

Then, not long after learning, a figure appeared at the door. The teacher took a look and went out. When he came back, he looked at Su Ye with a smile on his face:

"Princess, hand drums are still very tiring. I have learned for a while today. Princess can take a rest."

"Thank you, teacher."

After thanking, Su also ran out with her skirt in hand.

Outside, a teenager was holding a pastry and standing in the sun, looking at her warmly like the wind.

Su also ran over directly, and threw himself into the boy's arms excitedly:
"Brother, why didn't someone tell me in advance when you came back today?"

The boy is the original owner's older brother Cassiso.

Gently stroking the girl's soft long hair, Caxiso's eyebrows and eyes looked like the bright and warm sun in the sky:

"I wanted to surprise Beretta, so no one told you."

"Did brother bring a present this time?"

Leaving Caxiso's embrace, Su also asked with a smile on his eyes.

Opening his arms, Cassiso smiled narrowly:


"Hmph, brother must be lying!"

Su also didn't believe it. In the plot, Caxiso would bring gifts to the original owner every time he returned from going out.

With a pouted mouth, Su also started to circle around Caxiso:

"My brother must have brought a gift!"

Caassio smiled without saying a word, letting the little hands of the girl beside him search his body.

Suddenly, Su also touched a bulging area on Caxiso's chest, a smug look appeared in his eyes, Caxiso's face suddenly changed, and before it was too late to stop, the girl's little hand had already brushed over his clothes and touched him. His chest was hot and his eyes suddenly became dark.

(End of this chapter)

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