The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 688 The Triassic Period

Chapter 688 The Triassic Period (21)

Back at the thatched hut, Ah Hu couldn't bear it anymore, and lost his temper at Su in a rare way.

The giant cat and the others were taken aback by her, because Ahu respected Su Ye very much on weekdays, but after hearing what happened, a group of people complained to Su Ye:
"Su Ye Warrior, this matter is your fault. How could you say so many good things to the Shanshi tribe in front of the beast patriarch!"

"Yes, yes, the saber-toothed tiger is obviously ours, how could it be theirs!"

Su also smiled without saying a word, with a calm expression all the time.

Ake behind him sighed slightly, feeling very helpless about the IQ of everyone in the pterosaur tribe:

"There must be a reason for the wife's master to do this. Patriarch Ahu, can you still not believe in the ability of my wife's master?"

After following Su Ye for a long time, Ake gradually began to show his sharp little claws.

Only when facing Su Ye, he still looked soft and let the king trample on him.

Lan Tian also snorted, with arrogant and indifferent eyes:

"Even if everyone doesn't believe in the wife-lord, I will believe it!"

Su also hooked the corner of his lower lip, and the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Hearing what the two said, Ahu Giant Cat realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly slapped himself, explaining:
"Don't get me wrong, Su Ye, we're not blaming you, we're just angry that the Shanshi Tribe cheated us of a saber-toothed tiger!"


He responded lightly, but Su didn't care.

Ahu giant cat and the entire pterosaur tribe, she knew that they were just a bunch of straight-hearted people.

Thinking in her heart, she took out a few pills from her arms:
"I made this with herbs earlier. I ate raw meat today. To avoid any health problems, I ate it quickly."

Looking at the dark pill, everyone put it in their mouths and swallowed it without thinking too much.

When she was in the cave, Su would also make this kind of thing. Whenever a tribe member felt unwell, she would feed them a piece of this kind of thing.

Seeing that everyone in the pterodactyl tribe had eaten it, Su Ye squinted his eyes, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and the smile on his lips became more meaningful.

After resting overnight, it was the second day of the sacrificial day.

But the sacrificial day, which should have been lively long ago, fell into a panic-stricken silence.

Since the night fell last night, people have been suffering from fever and vomiting. Until this morning, some people even died.

Dozens of tribes gathered in the beast tribe. For a while, the beast tribe seemed to be descended by the god of death, and there was lifelessness everywhere.

The beast patriarch panicked. If this continues, not to mention other tribes, even she may die.

So, quickly called the patriarchs of the other two major tribes, and got together to discuss how to deal with it.

But after discussing for a whole morning, there was no result. In desperation, the beast patriarch had no choice but to invite the "wizard".

In the thatched hut, a man with short hair was lazily lying on a small broken bed exchanged from the system.

He is a traveler. A year ago, he went back to his hometown to visit his relatives. He played a trumpet in a field of weeds. Unexpectedly, he slipped, fell, and fell into a hut covered by weeds. I don't know if I was smoked to death or drowned. In short, when I opened my eyes again, I arrived in the Triassic, and I was bound to a system.

It's just that after the time travel, he was lazy and didn't want to do many tasks sent by the system.

Therefore, so far, there are not many points in hand.

"Mr. Wizard, a disaster has struck the tribe, and many people can't get up. I really have no choice but to come to you to find a solution!"

Kneeling on the ground, the patriarch of the beast lost his aloofness before, only devout humbleness and respect.

And the name she called Bai Qing was also requested by Bai Qing himself.

(End of this chapter)

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