The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 689 The Triassic Period

Chapter 689 The Triassic Period (22)

Getting up from the bed, Bai Qing held a yellow weed in his mouth:

"System, is there a plague?"

[Well, it's the plague. A new mission just appeared. Kill four tribal chiefs to get 5000 points. 】

The system bound to Bai Qing's body escaped from the space-time laboratory 300 billion years later, because the R&D personnel had a data error when creating it, resulting in its various attributes being extremely dark and extreme.

[They are all suffering from the plague now, you just need to sneak in and suffocate them to complete the task. 】

The system sound was cold without any fluctuations.

"Oh, I see."

Bai Qing accepted the task, he was very lazy, but this time the task points are extremely simple, there is no reason to give up.

It's just killing a few people, he doesn't care.

In Bai Qing's eyes, the human beings in this time and space are just a group of apes that have not yet evolved.

That being the case, there is nothing to be afraid of killing a monkey.

"For the plague, do you have antidote pills?"

Bai Qing didn't forget about it.

Since he lives in the beast tribe, no matter how lazy he is, he should do something.

[Yes, I did the math, one thousand points is enough. 】

"Okay, got it."

After confirming the points needed to eliminate the plague, Bai Qing said to the beast patriarch who was still waiting outside:

"I see, I will communicate with the patron saint now, and let her give you the artifact that can drive away disasters!"

"Thank you Mr. Wizard, thank you great Patronus!"

The beast patriarch kowtowed vigorously, but she was about to get up and leave when she heard movement from inside the thatched hut. The next moment, Bai Qing opened the curtain of the thatched hut and came out:
"Now, let me see where the disaster came from."


Su also learned that the sorcerer had appeared, so he didn't go out, but opened a gap in the curtain of the thatched cottage, and through the gap, looked at the person walking in front of the beast in the distance.

Hairless, wearing modern clothes, with a straw in his mouth, he exudes a carefree atmosphere.

"Zhuzi, can you feel the origin of the system on him?"

Su also asked.

Zhu Zi searched hard for a while [I can't feel it, but I noticed a very evil aura in that human being, host, you'd better be careful. 】

The pillar reminds cautiously.

"Oh, I see."

Su also stared at it for a while, then lowered the curtain.

On the other side, Bai Qing led the beast patriarch to watch from one thatched hut to one thatched hut.

After checking the system, he was sure it was the plague:

"System, were there mice in the Triassic period?"

Bai Qing vaguely remembered that the rats did not appear so early, so since there were no rats, where did the plague come from?
[Rats appeared more than 4700 million years ago, but this world has been destroyed by us, so many things can no longer be analyzed according to known history and common sense. 】

The system didn't think much of it, it just thought it was the result of the destruction of the world order.

It doesn't know that in this world, there is another fast traveler who has been quietly eyeing it.

Oh, and hearing what the system said, Bai Qing didn't think much about it: "Have you found the source of the plague?"

"Found it, it's the saber-toothed tiger they ate yesterday."

Hearing this, Bai Qing turned around and said to the beast patriarch behind him:
"I already know the source of the disaster, now go back and ask the patron saint to bestow artifacts to help all tribes expel the disaster."

(End of this chapter)

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