The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 690 The Triassic Period

Chapter 690 The Triassic Period (23)

The antidote pills were quickly exchanged, and Bai Qing handed them over to Meng Beast, asking her to distribute them to everyone.

Then Bai Qing came to the tiger rack that hadn't been thrown yet:
"System, are you sure this is the source of the plague?"

[Well, sure. 】

Seeing that the system has been confirmed, Bai Qing pointed to the tiger stand, and looked at the beast patriarch beside him:

"This saber-toothed tiger is from our tribe?"

The beast patriarch quickly shook his head:

"It's a sacrifice from the Shanshi tribe."

Hearing this, Bai Qing nodded:
"The disaster spread from the saber-toothed tiger's corpse. Now burn the tiger frame immediately, and bring the chief of the Shanshi tribe here."

When the beast patriarch heard the disaster brought by the Shanshi tribe, he was furious immediately, and quickly ordered people to bring the Dashi patriarch.

Dashi didn't think too much about it, and even wondered if the leader of the beast would promise him some benefits, but when he saw the leader of the beast and saw the gloomy anger on her face, his heart skipped a beat, with a bad premonition:
"The Beast... Patriarch of the Beast, you came to me, what's the matter?"

Her voice trembled and stammered a bit.

The beast patriarch's face was inherently fierce, especially at this moment, it made one's scalp tingle.

But Bai Qing was standing beside her, she could only glared at Dashi angrily, then looked at Bai Qing respectfully:

"Mr. Wizard, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

The task sent by the system was to kill the four tribal chiefs, so Bai Qing naturally didn't intend to show mercy:
"She brought the disaster, and only by killing her can the disaster be expelled!"

Dashi panicked when he heard this:
"Leader of the beast, I didn't bring the disaster, it has nothing to do with me!"

The beast patriarch stared angrily, and his face was full of anger, which was very scary:
"Mr. Wizard has confirmed that the disaster was caused by the saber-toothed tiger hunted by your tribe. How do you explain it?"

"Saber-toothed tiger?"

Dashi was stunned:
"Leader of the beast, do you mean that there is a disaster on the saber-toothed tiger?"

"Yes, it's that saber-toothed tiger!"

Knowing that the disaster was caused by the saber-toothed tiger, Dashi knelt on the ground with a thud, and hurriedly kowtowed for mercy:
"The saber-toothed tiger was not sent by our tribe, but by the pterosaur tribe, and they gave it to us!"

At this time, Dashi didn't dare to hide and deceive anymore, and quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter:
"The Beast Tribe, that's how things are, so the disaster really wasn't brought by us, it was brought by the Pterosaur Tribe!"

"Didn't you still tell me how your tribe hunted and killed saber-toothed tigers yesterday? You think I'm easy to deceive?"

The beast patriarch sneered, not believing her words.

Dashi choked, speechless, and could only kowtow and beg for mercy:
"Leader of the beast, that saber-toothed tiger really wasn't killed by our tribe, please..."


Before she could finish her begging, a sharp stone instrument was inserted into her chest.

She stared at the stone implement on her chest with wide eyes in astonishment, and raised her head with difficulty, but the person in front of her had withdrawn her hand impatiently.

The sudden scene made the beast patriarch unable to react:
"Mr. Wizard... this... you..."

"If you don't kill her, you can't expel the disaster and burn her body."

Bai Qing narrowed his eyes and slowly wiped away the blood splashed on his hands:

"Bring the patriarch of the pterodactyl tribe, since that saber-toothed tiger has something to do with them, then kill her too!"

Hearing the words, the leader of the beast clan recovered from his astonishment, looked at the lifeless boulder, and went to find Ah Hu.

The people of the pterodactyl tribe had already taken the antidote, and it didn't cause any serious problems, but Su also added two more herbal medicines, which didn't hurt their bodies, but they would also have symptoms of fever and vomiting.

(End of this chapter)

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