The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 703 The host is the ghost king

Chapter 703 The host is the ghost king (9)

The theme of the haunted house is an abandoned house, where there are the ghosts of the concubine who died unjustly, and the lady who has turned into a ghost in red, and the explorer needs to find a red dowry inside.

Lifting the heavy curtain, the light is dim, and the inside and outside of the scene are like two worlds.

One is the world.

One is hell.

Huang Wei'an originally wanted to let Bai Niannian follow him, but as soon as Bai Niannian entered, he grabbed Wen Xinran's arm, and he could only glance at Bai Niannian, telling everyone not to fall behind.

The first scene is a small wooden bridge, which is very dilapidated. It seems that if you step on it lightly, the small wooden bridge will collapse.

"According to the guide, this small bridge has traps. Those who walk in front should pay attention to their feet and don't step on the traps."

Huang Wei'an said.

In online forums, it is said that if you step on the mechanism of a small and medium bridge, many "ghost hands" will be stretched out under the bridge.

And there were seven of them in a group, as well as a couple of strangers, and the woman's best friend.

The strange couple walked in front, and when they heard Huang Wei'an's words, they didn't care much, and stepped directly onto the bridge.

I don't know if it was their luck, or the haunted house changed its mechanism, and the bridge deck was fine.

Seeing this, everyone in the back felt a little more at ease.

After crossing the bridge, there is a gazebo. The gazebo is made of pure wood, and the light is dim, but a plate of pastries can be seen in the pavilion. Seeing this, the couple grabbed a piece of pastry and stuffed it into their mouths without thinking. Huang Wei'an had no time to stop, and then, a cold voice came from all directions:
"Hehehe... After eating the cakes from the slave family, the young master is a member of the slave family."

Huang Wei'an and a group of people stared at the surroundings vigilantly, and the lovers looked fearless
"Fuck, don't pretend to be a ghost! If you have the ability, let me out!"

"Young master wants the slave family so much, the slave family will come out now."

The charming but cold and terrifying voice giggled twice, and everyone could only hear the rustling of clothes.

The couple waited for a few seconds. Seeing that there was no movement in the haunted house, he snorted disdainfully and was about to lift his feet to leave. The next moment, the blood flowed backwards all over his body, and his whole face was completely pale.

On the pavilion, a woman hangs upside down. There are no eyeballs in her eyes, and her eyes are white and scary. The lips on her mouth seem to be bitten off by something, and only a mouthful of black teeth can be seen in bloody flesh:
"My lord, the servant has already arrived."

Without opening and closing her lips, the woman smiled coquettishly.

The lover woman jumped into the embrace of the lover man in fright, but the lover man who was still extremely rampant pushed him away and fled towards the deep house screaming.

The "female ghost" didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. On her scary face, there was a hint of helplessness. She glanced at the girl who was pushed to the ground, pressed the switch, and retreated silently.

Seeing her being pushed to the ground, the girl's best friend smiled embarrassedly at Huang Wei'an and the group, and walked over to help the girl up:

"I'll take you to Haidilao in a while."

The girl who was sobbing softly on the ground wiped her tears and looked at her friend aggrievedly, nodding while sniffing her nose.

Wen Xinran stared at the two, the girl's best friend noticed her eyes, looked up, saw the person hanging on her arm, smiled meaningfully at Wen Xinran, helped the girl up, and the group continued to set off up.

After passing the small pavilion, it is the depths of the haunted mansion.

The door has been pushed open, but there is no sign of the lover inside.

(End of this chapter)

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