The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 704 The host is the ghost king

Chapter 704 The host is the ghost king (10)

There is a wind blowing, the wind blows, and the sad opera sounds.

Huang Wei'an and his group didn't know much about opera, but they could hear the sorrow and hatred in the opera. They couldn't help but get goosebumps, and even Yao Wei was a little scared.

"Hey, hey, hey... Someone is coming, someone is coming..."

Suddenly, Ma Chong screamed, and everyone's hearts beat faster.

Looking in the direction Ma Chong pointed, there was a woman with long hair in Xiaoting's direction. She was dressed in white and had a delicate but eerie face.

"It's the staff, what are you afraid of?"

Huang Wei'an said.

The staff of the haunted house appeared so aboveboard, which is different from what the forum said.

And the woman in white was walking towards the crowd step by step, but every step she took, the delicate makeup on her face would fade a bit, revealing the terrifying face under the makeup.

When she walked outside the door, her face was as scary as that of the female ghost in the pavilion.

Ma Chong was timid, seeing the woman turned into a female ghost, he yelled and rushed into the side room in a panic.

And his cry scared the people who were still barely calm and started to run around.

Running around in a haunted house is the most taboo. Huang Wei'an and Yao Wei tried to catch everyone, but a group of people fled in all directions, and even Wen Xinran and Bai Niannian were scattered to nowhere.

The light in the haunted house was dim, and the scary music added to the atmosphere of terror. Bai Niannian leaned on the wall, his legs trembling.

She wanted to call her companion by name, but she was afraid of alarming the staff of the haunted house hiding in the dark, so she could only bite her lip with red eyes, and walked forward tremblingly.

After turning a corner, Bai Niannian saw a red-clothed ghost squatting in the corner, took a breath, turned around and ran away in fright, bang, as if she had hit something, she was so nervous, she closed her eyes tightly in fright, The tightly clenched paws were hammering desperately, and they were still yelling hysterically:

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid..."

"Aren't you afraid?"

The voice falling from the top of his head was slightly joking. The frightened Bai Niannian moved his body, opened his eyes cautiously, and looked up:
"Mr. Zombie?"

Su also smiled and nodded.

With real zombies by his side, Bai Niannian is no longer afraid of the fake ghosts in the haunted house:
"Mr. Zombie, why are you here?"

Just as Su was about to answer, his brows suddenly frowned:

"Take you out first."

Bai Niannian didn't notice his strangeness, so she hummed and followed her out of the haunted house.

At the exit, Su also pulled Bai Niannian out. In the lobby of the haunted house for tourists to rest, stood a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit. When he saw Su Ye coming out, he immediately turned serious.

Su Ye glanced at him from the corner of his eye, whispered a word of advice to Bai Niannian, and left.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man glanced at Bai Niannian, and followed Su Ye.

Su was also in front, and the middle-aged man was behind. Soon, the two came to an empty alley.

There was no one around, Zhou Ling took out the copper coin sword, and stared at Su Ye with fiery eyes:

"Great Dan evildoer, in broad daylight, dare to hurt people's lives!"

Zhou Ling is a magician, and today he was planning to buy books in the library, but unexpectedly, he saw a ghostly aura rising to the sky as soon as he arrived at the library.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a ghost king!

"I hurt someone?"

Su also raised his eyebrows, with a half-smile.

Zhou negative snorted coldly:
"Ghost King, it's not easy for you to cultivate, if you are willing to catch me without a fight, I promise you, I will save you!"


Su also asked back.

"If you refuse, then I will act for the heavens!"

Seeing that the other party obviously did not intend to surrender, Zhou Ling passed the copper coin with his fingertips, and the copper coin sword, which was originally dull, suddenly became golden.

(End of this chapter)

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