The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 741 The host is Mary Sue

Chapter 741 The host is Mary Sue (1)

Leaving from the plane, Su also returned to the room constructed with his thoughts, drinking coffee and listening to vinyl records, very leisurely.

But on the other side of the pillar, he was not very comfortable.

Because Su had already stayed in the resting plane for a long time, no matter how gentle and considerate the main god was, he began to be dissatisfied.

But Zhuzi promised to urge Su to enter the mission world, but when Su also entered the rest plane after the rest, it still passed her into the plane without saying anything.

It has a general understanding of the disaster that almost destroyed the entire western mythological world.

After failing to fight against "God", the angels headed by Lucifer fell into the abyss of hell in chaos. This is obviously a war only about the western gods, but its host has borne all the evils for nothing.

Other people's hosts have their own hearts, and their hosts are lonely and helpless, so they can only feel distressed!
[Host, I wish you a happy trip to the plane. 】

Against the pressure from the Lord God, the pillar faced Su Ye, but he acted nonchalantly.

Entering the plane, there was no one around, and Su also began to accept the plot of the plane.

This is a world of Super Mary Sue, the original owner is the daughter of the super powerful and powerful in this world, she was born beautiful, and also gave birth to a pair of heterochromatic eyes, one is colorful like a rainbow, and the other is dreamy pink blue , and hair that constantly changes in color and length as her mood changes, and her figure is also extremely perfect, a rare golden ratio.

As for the name, it also fits her personality of Mary Su:

Su Marilyn·Lingshang·Sakura Tears·Ice Blue Glass·Qianyue Feixueai·Mo Lisa·Luo Fengyou·Ye.

After Su also saw the name, the corners of her mouth twitched violently. Can she remember Mary Su's name?

[Host, no matter whether the original owner can remember it or not, you have to remember this name anyway! 】

Zhu Zi smiled gloatingly.

It also didn't expect to enter such a world of Mary Sue.


Su also supported his forehead and waited for a while before continuing to accept the plot.

In the plot, the perfect original owner is the darling of God, and she is already perfect enough, so she naturally has a somewhat indifferent attitude towards the people and things around her.

As a result, her cold attitude irritated some people, and then the original owner was pushed down from the school teaching building and fell to his death.

The plot is quite simple, but Su can't accept her Mary Su character design.

But there was no meal, because of the identity of the original owner, she could only accept it.

After sitting on the ridiculously big soft bed for a while, Su also flipped and jumped off the bed, and came to the mirror. When she saw the girl's face reflected in the mirror, she was used to beauties and had some experience. .

The skin of the original owner is really beautiful, the skin is like cream, the eyes are like water, the small and exquisite nose, the lip shape is perfect to the extreme, it is the one that originally showed off like a rainbow, but because of her instant amazement, it turned into pale pink The short hair made Su speechless, and as she became speechless, the short pale pink hair turned into gray mid-length hair again.

Su Ye: "..."

Grass, will this really not be arrested for human research?

[Host, Mary Su's world is only for Mary Su, and all unreasonable things on the original host will be regarded as normal. 】

Zhu Zi thoughtfully explained.

In a way, it's also a Mary Sue.

Su also heard the words, and was so speechless that he didn't know how to use his mood to face the next thing.

"Miss, it's time to get up and go to school."

After the butler knocked on the door, he came in on a balance bike.

Only then did Su Ye go to look at the size of the original master bedroom. It was big, very big, and a single bed would have to be calculated in square meters.

Su also hummed, curious about what Mary Su's bathroom looked like, but saw the housekeeper took out a remote control and pressed it, and then the land she was standing on suddenly began to fall steadily, ten seconds later, even with the square meters calculated On the soft bed, Su also fell into the bathroom, and the floor on the soft bed was only less than one meter away from the bathroom.
Su Ye: "..."

The butler carried a small wooden ladder and placed it beside the soft bed:

Su also pressed the twitching eyebrows, and stepped down on the small wooden steps.

The housekeeper pressed the remote control again, and the soft bed went up.

After washing up in the luxurious diamond-encrusted bathroom, Su also went to the changing room, which was almost as big as a villa, to change into his school uniform. After tossing about and falling apart, he finally had breakfast and went to school by helicopter .

The original owner went to the top aristocratic high school on earth. The helicopter parked on the tarmac, and Su also got off the helicopter. Under the helicopter, a red carpet stretched to the end of the line of sight, and the red carpet was sprinkled with delicate petals. The man in valet kneels respectfully on one knee:
"I wish Miss a happy time at school today."

Such a picture of Mary Su, Su has also begun to get used to it.

Stepping on the red carpet, Su also arrived at the class where the original owner was.

The aristocratic school is worthy of being an aristocratic school. The tables, chairs and benches in the classroom are all inlaid with gold and silver, the backs of the chairs are wrapped with soft velvet, and there is a big dark blue gemstone on the handle of the desk drawer. This is not for school, it is clearly for extravagance Enjoyed it.

The bell rang quickly, and the teacher walked into the classroom holding the teaching materials. The first section was to announce the results of yesterday's in-class quiz:
"This time the No.1 is still our classmate Su Marilyn · Lingshang · Yingyulei · Binglanli · Qianyue Feixueai · Mo Lisa · Luo Fengyou · Ye, the rest of you must regard her as the first classmate. Follow the example!"

In the plot, the original owner is not only beautiful, but also has good grades in all subjects, and is deeply loved by the teachers.

But Su didn't care about the grades, she only cared that the teacher could remember the embarrassing names of Mary Su clearly.

As soon as the results of the in-class test came out, Su also obviously felt some malice.

With a flicker from the corner of the eye, the malice disappeared in an instant.

After the in-class results were announced, the formal class began. Su Ye felt drowsy after listening to it. After class, he finally went to the corridor to blow air in the corridor to wake up.

When she was about to go back to the classroom, a Tom Su with short dark blue hair and a cold and domineering aura walked towards her.

Su also frowned, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the other party stepped up, stretched his arms, and went straight to the wall:

"My young master has taken a fancy to you!"

He has been paying attention to her for a long time, with perfect looks and superior family background, only such a woman is worthy of him, and he——

He also thinks he is worthy of her!

Su also refused without thinking.

In the plot, there seems to be no such role.

What kind of trouble is this going to do?

Suddenly want to write an ancient Marysu plane, there is thunder, be careful!
(End of this chapter)

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