The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 742 The host is Mary Sue

Chapter 742 The host is Mary Sue (2)

[Host, you forgot, this is the plane of Mary Su. It is conceivable that Tiandao is also a Mary Su lover. In the original plot, the original owner was killed by someone, which is equivalent to ruining the Mary Su script arranged by Tiandao , So when you intervene, in order to let Mary Sue live until the end of her life, Tiandao naturally arranges a knight to guard her. 】

Zhuzi is most familiar with the Heavenly Dao in the most plane world, so after a little guessing, he guessed the Heavenly Dao's plan.

"God doesn't believe in my ability?"

Su Ye asked the question from a tricky angle.

[Ah, it can be understood in this way. 】

Zhu Zi was silent for a moment and admitted.

"That's good, you can make a salted fish."

But unexpectedly, Su Ye was not angry, but heaved a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

Zhu Zi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to his senses.

If Tiandao intervenes, even if Su makes trouble, as long as it is within the controllable range, Tiandao will take the initiative to help solve the trouble.

In a sense, this plane is the real plane of rest.

Sheng Minxi did not expect that the first time he took the initiative to confess his love, he would be rejected by the other party. Regarding Su Ye, he had a desire to conquer, so Bi Dong's hand on the wall directly wrapped around Su Ye's waist, The eyes are more domineering:
"Oh, woman, you have my attention."

Su also:

"...I'm really sorry, I'll try to keep a low profile."

She really can't stand this earthy and domineering CEO Fan Er!
"I've already set my sights on you, that's your honor, there's only one thing you have to do, and that's to respond to my love for you with the most enthusiasm!"

Sheng Minxi's eyes were very hot, as if trying to melt Su Ye.

Su is also a little bit broken. Is Tiandao going to help her or hurt her?

And the other girls around, seeing that as a school girl who always ignores girls, Master Minxi actually confessed his love to Su, all of them started howling:
"Why, Master Minxi, you actually like her!"

"My heart is broken. Master Minxi actually likes Marilyn Su, Lingshang, Yingyulei, Binglanli, Qianyue Feixueai, Mo Lisa, Luo Fengyou, Ye!"

"I'm broken in love, Master Minxi, can you comfort me?"

At that time, Su Ye felt his scalp numb from embarrassment.

Mary Sue is Mary Sue, exaggerating she is almost embarrassing to death:
"I'm sorry, I'm a piece of ice, no one can melt my heart frozen on the top of the snow mountain!"

Even so, Su quickly got into the mood, and sorted out such a sentence that made her feel sick.

When Sheng Minxi heard this, he evoked a wicked smile, and raised Su Ye's chin with one hand:

"Even if your heart is frozen, sooner or later, you will take the initiative to melt for me. At that time, your heart will be a piece of hot magma, and you will be obsessed with me, hot for me, and crazy for me!"

While vomiting in his heart, Su also responded indifferently with a blank face:
"Sorry, my heart is dead."

"It will come back to life for me!"

Sheng Minxi responded confidently. After finishing speaking, he no longer gave Su Ye a chance to continue talking, let go of her, and stuffed his mobile phone into her palm domineeringly:
"This is the first gift I give you. There are only two copies in the world. As long as you take it with you, I can find you no matter where you are!"

After speaking, Sung Min Hee left.

Su didn't refuse his mobile phone either. Once he refused, he would definitely have more to say, and she was afraid of being disgusted.

I don't know how the original owner lived Mary Su's life for so many years.

As soon as Sheng Minxi left, the girls who had some self-control looked at Su Ye, who was so beautiful that she didn't seem to be in the world, and all of them turned red with jealousy:

"Hmph, it's just that you look better. Master Minxi will abandon you sooner or later!"

Probably because she was overwhelmed by Fan Er, the domineering president of the earthy taste. Looking at those girls who were jealous of her, Su also suddenly felt that this was a normal script.

Shrugging, Su didn't comment either:
"Yeah, I just look better, what do you think?"

Her face was given by her parents, so it can only be said that she has good genes.


The girl who was bullied blushed and had a thick neck, and had nothing to say, so she could only stare at Su Ye angrily, as if she wanted to kill her with her eyes.

"If you have a little money, you think you are superior to others."

Seeing that someone is defeated, naturally someone hastened to appear on the stage

"I don't know if I'm tall or not, but it's really cool to have money!"

Su also responded with a smile, and was so angry that someone was defeated.

Not far away, someone was looking at her with a half-smile:
"Oh, interesting."

When the voice fell, the man came out from the hiding place. His yellow hair looked very conspicuous. If Sheng Minxi was a knight, then the boy in front of him was a prince.

With blond hair and slightly narrowed eyes, he exudes a dignified royal aura, and his identity is definitely not simple.

And when he appeared, all the people around ran away without a trace, as if a devil was chasing him from behind.

Seeing another Tom Su appear, Su was also afraid that the other party would say some earthy and domineering president's words, so he turned around and ran away.

Fortunately, at this time, the class bell rang, and Su also heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and ran back to the classroom without looking at the little yellow hair.

It was a math class. As soon as the math teacher came in, he first gave Su Ye a wave of invincible whirlwind praise, and then started to talk about the topic.

Su, who has attracted countless firepower for no reason, is also very melancholy. This world of Mary Su simply makes her feel inexplicable.

After finally getting through the morning, the bell rang after school at noon, and Su Ye was about to go to the cafeteria for dinner. Suddenly, a group of men in black rushed out, quickly cleared away the idle people around, and then put out all the cooking utensils. Several people with different skin colors The chef is in place:
"Miss, what do you want for lunch today? Western food? Indian food? Chinese food?"

This also works? ! !

Su was also completely speechless, no wonder the original owner of the plot was Mary Su Bensu, who was supposed to die happily, but was murdered to death.

Such a blatant special treatment, can you not make people jealous?
Even so, Su still enjoyed it comfortably.

While eating, a cute little girl with a round face suddenly ran out of breath. Seeing that Su Ye was still eating slowly, she cried out anxiously:

"Su Marilyn, Lingshang, Yingyulei, Binglanli, Qianyue Feixueai, Mo Lisa, Luo Fengyou, classmate Ye, why are you still eating? Go to the playground and have a look, Master Minxi was arrested The prince is looking for it!"

"What the hell?"

Su was also blinded.

What is the young prince's, who is who!
"Oh, don't worry about it so much, come with me to the playground, if you don't go, Master Minxi will be beaten to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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