The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 805 You Are My Everyone

Chapter 805 You Are My Everyone (4)


Ah Chou didn't know when the monk left. He was lying on a dry bed covered with a warm quilt, his mind was dizzy, as if he was in a dream.

Raising his hand, he unconsciously touched his neck, feeling that the feeling of light feathers falling was still there, it was gentle and gentle, especially when he was close, the scent of Buddha smelled even better...


Thinking about it, Ah Chou covered himself in the quilt shyly and yelled in a low voice.

How shameful, how could she think about those things! ! !

On the other side, Su Ye was called away by the abbot just as soon as he returned to the temple.

Song Qiaoniang has a big mouth, especially for those who have offended her. As long as she is not a powerful person, she will try her best to get revenge, and she can't wait to pile up all the bad words on the other party.

"Yun Shui, where did you go during the day?"

Twirling the beads and looking at the Buddhist scriptures, the abbot spoke calmly.

"The disciple went down the mountain to find Ah Chou."

Su didn't hide anything, and answered honestly.

Even if the secular world can't accept him protecting Ah Chou, what is the secular world to him?
"Hey, Yun Shui, if you continue to be so obsessed, you will not only hurt yourself, but also the ugly girl!"

The abbot persuaded earnestly.

Su also looked flat and didn't reply.

Seeing this, the abbot sighed again, waved his hand, and let him go down.

Watching his leaving back, the abbot no longer looked at the Buddhist book in front of him.

The next day, just after the morning class in the temple, Su was also arranged to go to the Sutra Pavilion to sort out the scriptures.

Su was not stupid, he naturally knew what the abbot's intentions were, but he obediently went to the Sutra Pavilion.

There are many scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion, and it is very boring to sort them out. In addition, people come to return or borrow scriptures from time to time, so Su has not been idle all morning.

Near noon, the crowd gradually decreased, and a young monk appeared furtively:
"Uncle Yunshui, Uncle Yunshui..."

The little monk covered his mouth and saw no one around, so he suppressed his voice and shouted.

Su, who was arranging scriptures, also heard the sound and looked over:
"what happened?"

"Uncle Yunshui, something happened to Miss Ah Chou!"


Su also quickly rushed down the mountain. Many people surrounded Ah Chou's house, headed by Song Qiaoniang, most of them were women, and Ah Chou was blocked at the door alone.

When Su Ye arrived, Song Qiaoniang was fanning the flames among the crowd:

"It's really immoral. I said why this little hoof refuses to marry the young master of the Zhang family. It's because he hooked up with the monk!"

In the past two days, rumors of Ah Chou and Su Ye have been everywhere in the town, and the rumors are vivid and vivid, and they have not reached the last step.

Standing outside the crowd, twisting the beads, the monk sighed silently.

Alas, it is only a rumor:


With a whisper, the excited crowd was disturbed, and everyone looked at Su Ye in astonishment, feeling guilty for a while:
"Uh, Master Yunshui, why did you go down the mountain?"

"If the poor monk doesn't go down the mountain again, won't Ah Chou be forced to die?"

Taking a step forward, stepping into the crowd, facing his half-smile face, everyone unconsciously walked out of the way.

Song Qiaoniang saw that everyone was scared, she gave a strange laugh, and shouted in a high-pitched voice:

"Master Yunshui, are you going to protect that ugly monster?"

With a slow smile, Su also shook his head:

"The poor monk will not protect the ugly girl."

Song Qiaoniang's complexion improved a lot, even if this monk is still acquainted:
"Since that's the case, then this matter has nothing to do with you, Master Yunshui. It's better for Master Yunshui not to get involved!"

Su Ye's smile became more and more beautiful:
"The poor monk does not protect, the poor monk-only protects."

When he said this, his smiling eyes passed over the crowd and fell on the little man.

Ah Chou felt that those disturbed people had disappeared, and only the tall and tall man in the monk's robe was left in his eyes.


Song Qiaoniang's complexion turned ugly when she just got better, and everyone around her began to murmur because of his words:
"It looks like it's probably true, the eminent monk of Longhua Temple actually broke the precepts for a woman, it's immoral!"

"I didn't believe it yesterday, but now I see it's true. That ugly monster doesn't know what tricks to use, even Master Yunshui can seduce him!"

Hearing this, a local ruffian and hooligan laughed twice, his eyes full of disgusting desire:
"I didn't think it before, but now this ugly monster has a pretty good figure and fair skin..."

"Yes, when the candles are blown at night, who cares what she looks like!"

"Hey, that ugly monster even wants a monk, how many of us brothers will try it if we have a chance?"

"Ah... ah... it hurts..."

The little hooligans spoke excitedly and flusteredly, their mouths were hit hard by a string of Buddhist beads, their lips suddenly became red and swollen, and there was a burning pain, and the little hooligans almost cried out from the pain.

Not paying attention to them, Su also walked over to Ah Chou, with a tall body, blocking her in the yard, isolating those ugly and sinister people outside, raised his hand, and gently stroked her head:

"It made you feel wronged."

Ah Chou didn't expect that he would dare to flirt with her so much in front of so many people:
"You... If you do this, let the abbot know, you will..."

"I do not care."

If she wants to protect someone, she should do so openly and aboveboard. She doesn't like those male protagonists whose CEO Wenli clearly loves the heroine, but for some reason deliberately alienates or even hurts the heroine.

If you haven't been able to accompany and protect your lover in an upright manner, then don't get involved in the other's life.

Therefore, Su seldom reads CP texts in the real world. She likes sadistic texts, but she kind of hates this kind of sadistic texts for the sake of abuse.

"Master Yunshui, do you know what you are doing now?"

Song Qiaoniang looked at Su Ye coldly and mocked.

Ah Chou also tugged at the corner of his clothes, nervous and worried:
"Yun Shui, you don't have to do this for me, it's not worth it!"

But the person in front of him ignored him, but turned around and blocked her behind, facing everyone's disgusting and contemptuous eyes alone:
"Don't do anything, just talk about love!"

He said it with a smile, but it caused an uproar:
"My God, it's an insult to the holy land of Buddhism and the reputation of Longhua Temple!"

"As an eminent monk of Longhua Temple and the chief disciple of the abbot, how could he have the face to say such shameless words?"

"The world is getting worse, the world is getting worse, it's shameless for a monk to have an affair with a woman!"


Every word from everyone, and every word from me, seemed to drown Su Ye with saliva.

But Su was also always calm, treating their cynicism, disgust and abuse as if they didn't exist.

A Chou, who was protected by him, raised his head unconsciously, and looked at the tall man in front of her who she wanted to raise his neck to look up at. He looked very thin, but she felt very safe, as if standing Behind him, even if thousands of troops are rushing, she will not be afraid.

He stretched out his soft hand and gently put it in the palm of his hand hanging by his side. It was really warm, warmer than the scorching sun.

The monk who was twisting the prayer beads was not wary of a small hand getting into his palm. After reacting, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, his fingers closed, and he tightly clenched that small hand.

Song Qiaoniang and the others only saw the calm-looking person with a sudden smile on his face. In an instant, it was as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom, and like thousands of suns shining down, it was so gentle that people felt that the years had stopped flowing.

There were also many young girls in the crowd who joined in the fun, and they were so amazed that they forgot to breathe.


In the end, the incident alarmed the abbot, who sent someone to take Su back.

Before leaving, Su also asked Ah Chou if he wanted to go up the mountain together, but the latter refused, so Su had no choice but to tell her to be careful at home alone.

Back at the temple, Abbot Su Ye had a rare rage on his face:
"Yun Shui, do you know what kind of crisis your selfish desires have brought Longhua Temple into?"

The monks of Longhua Temple are very famous in this area for hundreds of miles, but because of Su Ye's breaking the precept, Longhua Temple fell into the vortex of public opinion.

"If the master feels that the disciple is wrong, he can expel the disciple from the master."

Su didn't want to argue with him either, he just knelt on the ground, lowered his head slightly, and said in a calm tone.

In the plot, the original master achieved a positive result, destroyed the ghost that A Chou turned into, and saved the common people. The common people praised the original owner for his immeasurable merits, but no one felt sorry for the injured A Chou who was covered in bruises.

People's prejudice is a mountain. When people hurt Ah Chou unscrupulously, they just think that she is weak and can be bullied, so anyone can bully her.

But once she became a ghost and took revenge, they became innocent victims again, crying pitifully, feeling that A Chou was inhuman.

The abbot didn't expect Su to be so decisive, and he was speechless for a while:
"Yun Shui, do you know what you're talking about?"

With a trembling body, the abbot asked in disbelief.

"Master, the disciple broke the precept, please expel the disciple from the master."

Knocking his head on the ground, Su Ye's voice was firm.

The abbot was silent, he looked at the disciple kneeling in front of him silently, his lips trembled slightly, his whole body seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, and after a while, he spoke heavily:
"Have you made up your mind?"

"The disciple has already thought about it."

Su also answered without hesitation.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, the abbot nodded slowly:

"You have made up your mind, so I won't say anything more. You can leave tomorrow."

On the second day, Su also left the temple.

He didn't have anything in the temple, only a few changes of clothes, carrying a bag, Su also knocked on the door of Ah Chou's house in front of the curious eyes of those people in the town.

But after several knocks, no one opened it.

A passing girl ran over blushing and heart beating, and looked at him shyly:
"Yun...Master Yunshui, are you looking for that ugly monster?"

Although many people in the town hate Su Ye, a monk who broke the precepts, there are also many young girls who control face secretly like him.

"Do you know where A Chou is?"

Su also asked.

"I saw Matchmaker Song knocking on the door last night. Master Yunshui, that ugly monster might really agree to marry the young landlord, so I went to matchmaker Song... Hey Master Yunshui..."

Before the girl finished speaking, she felt a gust of wind blowing in front of her eyes. When she realized it, the monk who was still in front of her eyes had disappeared.

Su also didn't go to Song Qiao's mother's house, but went straight to the landlord's house.

Yesterday was the day when Song Matchmaker stunned A Chou in the plot and gave A Chou to the landlord's young master. He thought that as long as he told A Chou not to open the door and Song Qiaoniang was not allowed to enter the house, nothing would happen. Unexpected——

After climbing over the high courtyard wall, Su Ye found the woodshed with ease.

There are two servants guarding the door of the firewood room:

"Hey, do you think our idiot young master will have a bridal chamber?"

"Have you forgotten how those maidservants died?"

"Hey, yes, I really didn't expect that, although this idiot is stupid, he is really self-taught in some things!"

Su also hid in a tree and eavesdropped, his face was gloomy and cloudy.

The landlord's young master has a violent personality, especially when those things happen, no one can bear it, so several maidservants died in the mansion.

And in the plot, Ah Chou was barely lucky, he was not tortured to death, and he was passed on to the landlord's family.

The people at the door of the firewood room were still talking, Su Ye twirled the Buddhist beads and jumped down, the two servants only felt a gust of fragrance, they couldn't see anything clearly, they were stunned by the Buddhist beads.

He kicked open the door of the firewood room. In the firewood room, Ah Chou was tied up with five flowers, half of his face with scars, red and slightly swollen, obviously slapped.

Seeing a person in a monk's robe appearing against the light, she who was still terrified and desperate suddenly burst into tears of joy:
"Cloud water..."

Su also had a sullen face, striding over to untie the hemp rope on her body, and when she saw obvious marks on her wrists, her already gloomy face became even more frightening.

There were noisy footsteps behind him, and soon, a woman's majestic voice sounded:

"Master Yunshui, if you don't want to cause trouble, you can leave alone. I will pretend that what happened today never happened."

Pulling Ah Chou behind him with one hand, Su also looked at the wife outside the firewood room and more than a dozen servants behind her, his eyes were as cold as if covered with a layer of frost:
"Today's incident, I will also act as if it never happened."

The lady frowned, not understanding:
"What do you mean?"

"Kill you!"

Killing and silence, no one knows, it's as if it never happened.

Madam laughed out loud:

"Yun Shui, no matter how powerful you are, how can you kill so many people by yourself?"

Su also ignored her, turned his head slightly, and looked behind him:

"Ah Chou, do you want them to die?"

When Ah Chou was alive, it was like living in eighteen levels of hell. If the original owner was the first level, then Song Qiaoniang was the second level, and the landlord was the third level. Each level made her extremely angry and hopeless.

Clenching her fingers tightly, Ah Chou looked at the landlord's wife and those servants. She is not a kind person. In this world, she loves and hates everyone except Yun Shui:
"I want them dead!"

All the people who bullied her, she wanted them to die, to make them die badly!
"it is good."

Su also responded, and the monk's robe moved without wind, and the black eyes lit up with a strange light for an instant. The light was clearly engulfing him, but it seemed to be being swallowed by him, and he was the darkness itself.

The beads in his hand became a weapon to kill people, the rope broke, each bead seemed to have consciousness and life, and flew towards the fatal point of everyone, and then passed through, the beads were stained with blood, Shining brightly in the sun.

The landlord's wife did not expect that this gentle and weak-looking monk would be so weird and terrifying. With just a string of Buddhist beads, he would kill all the servants behind her in the blink of an eye.

She turned pale with fright, turned around trembling and wanted to escape, but suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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