The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 806 You Are My Everyone

Chapter 806 You Are My Everyone (5)

A Buddhist bead pierced the landlord's wife's ankle, and she threw herself on the ground screaming fiercely:

But even if she was screaming hysterically, no one would care, enduring the pain, she looked up at the man not far away, obviously he should be the compassionate Buddha on the temple, but at this moment, he became a stalker. The devil of life:
"Let me go, let me go, Master Yunshui, I know I was wrong, please don't kill me!"

The landlord's wife lay on the ground begging, her tears and snot mixed with the dust on the ground, she was so embarrassed that she didn't have the majesty of the moment before.

The landlord's wife is still well maintained and looks good, but Su ignored it and didn't feel distressed:


He slid a dagger out of his sleeve and handed it to the person behind him.

A Chou was stunned, he didn't expect that he would let himself make a choice, and even let himself kill someone!
But looking at the corpses all over the yard, after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ah Chou suddenly became unafraid.

For her, Yun Shui killed someone, how could she maintain a state of innocence with peace of mind!
If you will fall into hell because of this after death, let's fall together!

Taking the dagger, Ah Chou walked towards the landlord's wife whose ankle was pierced by the Buddhist beads step by step, until he stopped in front of the landlord's wife.

Looking up and looking at Ah Chou who was holding a dagger in front of her, the landlord's wife was trembling uncontrollably with fear:
"Ah... Ah Chou, I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go, don't kill me..."


The dagger stabbed down, pierced through the neck, and plunged into the soil, and the blood spattered Ah Chou's face.

The landlord's wife is dead.

The blood on his face was warm and smelled sweet, Ah Chou was stunned suddenly when he saw the glaring redness on his hands.

Looking at Ah Chou who was stunned, Su also took a step forward, pulled her up, wiped off the blood on her face with his fingertips, and smiled lightly:

The scent of Buddha came into his breath, and Ah Chou came back to his senses:
"Knowing that Yunshui is behind me, I don't feel afraid anymore."

Laughing again, Su also took back the dagger in her hand, took her hand, and went to the landlord's stupid son's yard.

It was already noon when the last person in the landlord's house was killed.

People from the town rushed over after hearing the news. They looked at the man whose monk's robe was stained red with blood, and their faces were full of panic:
"You... you... the demon monk, the demon monk!"

"The monk killed, the monk killed!"

The landlord's house was brutally wiped out, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood, and everyone fled in terror.

And Song Qiaoniang was also there, she looked at Su Ye who seemed to come from hell in disbelief, and her scalp felt numb.

Su also turned a blind eye to people's panic. His eyes passed through the crowd and fell directly on Song Qiaoniang, with a bit of a smile:

"Ah Chou, do you hate her?"

Ah Chou stood beside him, didn't look into his eyes, but knew who he was talking about:


She hated Song Qiaoniang for telling stories, hating Song Qiaoniang for being cold-blooded and cruel.

Today, if Yun Shui didn't come to rescue her, she would really be forced to have a bridal chamber with a fool.

Song Qiaoniang was stared at with a smile and shivered, like a prey stared at by a wild beast, her heart was beating wildly:

"No, it's not me, it has nothing to do with me!"

No matter how powerful she is, she has never seen a murder, let alone killed anyone.

But the monk who walked out of the landlord's mansion looked like a vengeful ghost climbing up from purgatory, goose bumps appeared on the back of the horrified man:

"A Chou, A Chou, it has nothing to do with me, let alone you are fine, don't come here, A Chou!"

"If I really have something to do, you should have received the money from the matchmaker and plan to change into new clothes at night and drink my wedding wine, right?"

Ah Chou, who had killed someone, seemed to have changed into a different person, exuding a ghostly danger all over his body.

For the first time, Song Qiaoniang was afraid of the ugly and famous girl in front of her. She was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but her legs were weak, and she staggered and fell to the ground:

"No, no, I was also forced by them, you have to believe me, Chou, I actually don't want to marry you to that foolish young master!"

A Chou looked down at Song Qiaoniang, who was pleading sophistry on the ground, with mocking eyes, and then a cold light flashed in his hands, killing Song Qiaoniang with a knife like killing the landlord's wife.

She has long been fed up with being bullied and bullied by people at will, but in the past, she had an unsulliable god in her heart. For that god, she struggled between light and darkness, trying her best not to let herself be swallowed by darkness.

But now, when the god willingly accompanied her into the darkness, she suddenly felt that she was not so yearning for the light.

After killing Song Qiaoniang, Su Ye took Ah Chou home, packed his luggage, and left.

The news of the two brutally exterminating the family and killing Song Qiaoniang soon spread to Longhua Temple.

The abbot was chanting scriptures, and after hearing what his disciple said, he was stunned for a moment, and the beads in his hand clattered and scattered all over the floor.

Looking at those dancing beads, the abbot closed his eyes, and said in a deep voice:


After changing into clean clothes, Su also took Ah Chou to Longhua Mountain not far from Longhua Town.

There is a group of vicious bandits on Longhua Mountain, who often go down the mountain to harass the people of Longhua Town.

Later, the county magistrate of Longhua Town was so annoyed that he asked the imperial court to send troops with a blood letter.

In the end, the imperial court sent troops, but the terrain of Longhua Mountain was complicated, so the army failed to completely wipe out the bandits, but it did deter them.

Therefore, the bandits from Longhua Mountain did not dare to go to the town to harass the people of Longhua Town, but they would usually rob passers-by at the foot of the mountain.

Walking on the uneven mountain road, Ah Chou grabbed his clothes unnaturally.

Su, who was dressed in white, also took a look and rubbed her head:

"What's the matter, don't you like this dress?"

Su didn't know where to buy the clothes. They were light green, light gauze reaching to the floor, and they were very pretty.

A Chou quickly shook his head, his face flushed slightly, and the ghost of the murder was gone:
"No, no, it's just that this dress is so beautiful, I don't think I don't deserve it!"

The clothes are so beautiful, but the people are so ugly that they can scare ghosts to death. Ah Chou feels inferior.

Hearing this, the person beside him stopped in his tracks, lowered his head slightly, and looked at her with dark and beautiful eyes:
"Is that poor monk good-looking?"

Leaving Longhua Temple, A Chou was a little puzzled why the person in front of her liked to call herself a poor monk again, but she ignored it for the time being, and only nodded heavily, and answered firmly:
"Yun Shui is the most beautiful person in the world!"

Like a banished immortal, undefiled!

"That being the case, the poor monk is barely worthy of Ah Chou, so how can Ah Chou not be worthy of this dress, could it be..."

The person in front of him spoke, his eyes suddenly became dangerous, and he bullied her without warning, his dark eyes, like a dense net, caged her in it:

"Could it be that Ah Chou thinks the poor monk is not as good as this dress?"

A Chou was so frightened by his sudden approach that he forgot to think, and quickly stretched out his hand to his chest, dodging shyly:

"You... Just say what you say, don't get so close to me all of a sudden!"

Too close and she won't be able to resist!

Su also hooked his lips, and just about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the ambiguous atmosphere just created:

"Hey, look at what's going on, a monk is actually flirting with a girl!"

"The monks are looking for girls these days, little sister, look at your brother, he must be stronger than that monk!"

A few bandits jumped out of nowhere, all carrying machetes, burly and scary.

Su also pulled A Chou behind him and hid him almost the moment they jumped out.

"Oh, I didn't expect this monk to be quite a man, but I don't care about these things. Today, you can either keep the little beauty, or keep your life and the little beauty!"

A man with a scar rested his machete on his shoulder, and stared at Su Ye—A Chou behind him.

A Chou, who was hidden behind Su Ye, clenched his fingers and clenched his teeth, bleeding from his lips.

Suddenly, her hand was held in a warm palm, and the warmth spread all over her body. She froze for a moment and let go of her teeth.

She is not afraid!
Noticing that Ah Chou's mood had stabilized, Su Ye raised his eyes to look at the scarred face, and there was a dangerous light hidden in his smiling eyes:
"It seems that you don't remember me."

He had been to Longhua Mountain, and Ah Chou's tragic life began here.

Hearing the words, Scarface frowned, stared at him and scrutinized him vigorously. After a while, he suddenly realized:

"It's you! What's the matter, you were robbed last time, this time you want to come to give me a gift?"

Even if he remembered it, Scarface didn't take it seriously.

In the plot, the original owner Zeng and the A Chou family who passed by Longhua Mountain were kidnapped by bandits.

They were tied up for a whole month, and when they learned that the magistrate had no intention of letting the servants take risks for the three of them, the original owner secretly made a plan, and then the four escaped.

But the escape failed, and the four were arrested and returned.

As a warning to others, the bandit leader killed Ah Chou's parents, and burned half of A Chou's face with hot red wire. As for the original owner, he was not injured, because A Chou took all the punishment.

Fortunately, the original owner's second plan succeeded, and he escaped with Ah Chou.

A Chou who lost his family is very dependent on the original owner. At first, the original owner took good care of A Chou because of guilt and gratitude.

But when he realized A Chou's affection for him, A Chou became a burden to him, which made him gradually bored.

As a result, he began to alienate Ah Chou, and often avoided seeing A Chou by taking advantage of temple affairs.

"Just remember, Ah Chou, look at these people who killed your parents, how do you want them to die?"

Pulling out Ah Chou behind him, the dagger in Su Ye's sleeve slipped into the palm of his hand.

Ah Chou's eyes were already scarlet and frightening. As soon as she was pulled out, Scarface was startled, and immediately laughed and mocked indifferently:

"I thought it was a little beauty before, but I didn't expect to see the face, and I was scared to death by this ugly monster!"

Hearing the words, the younger brother next to him hurriedly flattered him without losing the opportunity:
"Brother is right, this ugly monster is really scary!"

Scarface slapped the little brother on the head:

"Who the hell are you calling scary? I made it myself. How dare you call it ugly?"

Little brother: "...not ugly."

"Brother, this monk actually returned his weapon, haha, maybe he thinks he can..."

Before I finished speaking, it got stuck in my throat, and I would never be able to speak.

Because after a muffled sound, a Buddhist bead shattered his Adam's apple and penetrated into his neck.

Su didn't use the dagger either, he just handed it to Ah Chou for self-defense.

As for the Buddha beads, heh, the Buddha said to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, so let the Buddha save them.

With Ah Chou, Su also smoothly killed all the bandit dens.

in the warehouse.

After killing all the bandits, A Chou stared dumbfounded at the gold, silver and jewels piled up in a warehouse:
"This... so much?"

Being a bandit makes so much money?

"Do you like it?"

A string of intact Buddhist beads appeared in Su Ye's hand more than once.

"Like is like, it's just..."

A Chou looked at the dazzling gold, silver and jewels. Who doesn't love treasures, but after all, they are stolen goods from robbery, and they should be handed over to the government...

"If you like it, keep it."

Su also interrupted her train of thought with a word, Ah Chou looked at him in disbelief, suspecting that she was hallucinating.

Although it is appalling for him to kill someone as a monk, but——

But it is hard to believe that words like embezzling stolen goods came from the mouth of an eminent monk.

Seeing that Ah Chou didn't react, Su reached out and scratched her nose lightly:
"This is what the world owes you."


The bandits were wiped out, Su didn't tell the government about it, but stayed in Longhua Mountain for a while, and didn't leave until his own people came to take over Longhua Mountain.

Going down the mountain, Ah Chou said in a daze:

"Yun Shui, are those all yours?"

She refers to the person who took over Longhua Mountain.

Su didn't hide anything, and nodded.

"Yun Shui, you are amazing!"

Ah Chou praised him generously.

"Do you really think the poor monk is amazing?"

Turning his head, the smile in the corner of Su Ye's eyes became a bit nasty.

Ah Chou still didn't understand the implication:
"Yeah, in my heart, Yunshui is the most powerful!"

When she spoke, her eyes were dark and clear, as if she had never experienced hell on earth.

Seeing this, Su also sighed helplessly, and stopped teasing her.

Anyway, whether it's serious or not, he just needs to know it himself.

Seeing that the person in front stopped talking, Ah Chou struggled for a while and asked:

"Yunshui, can I ask you a question?"

"what is the problem?"

Regarding Ah Chou, Su also knew everything he could say.

"I remember you wouldn't call yourself a poor monk in front of me before. Why are you getting used to calling yourself a poor monk now that you've left Longhua Temple?"

Ah Chou was very curious.

"It's a taste, like this, and a taste..."

As the person in front spoke, he stopped, turned around, and raised his hand. His slightly rough hand gently circled the place on the back of Ah Chou's neck where he had kissed.

The skin on the back of the neck was numb and itchy. How could Ah Chou, who had never experienced human affairs, withstand such teasing? His legs softened and he almost collapsed on Su Ye.

Stretching out his hand, wrapping his arms around the slender waist, looking at the red face that seemed to be dripping with blood, Su also joked with a smirk:

"Now, do you know how powerful the poor monk is?"



(End of this chapter)

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