The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 814 The host is the villain's young master

Chapter 814 The host is the villain's young master (6)

Li Feng's eyes were not friendly, and he was extremely aggressive:
"How can I not like you, Luo Yu, I have liked you since the first time I saw you, can you be my girlfriend?"

Luo Yu was so drunk that his vision was dizzy:
"Who are you? I don't know you, I'm going to find Xiao Ye!"

The drunk Luo Yu was not as elegant as usual, but like a little milk cat playing with his temper, which became more and more likable.

And when Li Feng heard the names of other boys from Luo Yu's mouth, his face became cloudy in an instant, and he raised his hand, and his big hand pinched Luo Yu's chin.

Even though it was him in front of her, she actually mentioned other men's names. This kind of flirtatious woman is really despicable!
Unexpectedly, he didn't pinch his hand, but was burned by a small group of flames. With a scream, Li Feng withdrew his hand in pain, and hurriedly extinguished the fire on his finger, but the finger that was burned by the flame, Still gray.

At the entrance of the bar, the boy was sitting in a wheelchair, approaching bit by bit, and the other people in the bar disappeared without knowing when.

Holding the burnt wound of his severed finger, Li Feng gritted his teeth and looked at the boy who suddenly appeared and ruined his good deed, his eyes were bloodshot:
"you again!"

Glancing at Luo Yu, who was lying on the table after being drunk, he squinted at Li Feng, with a calm expression:

He was obviously sitting in a wheelchair, but his whole body was full of contempt.


Li Feng was furious, flames were already dancing between his fingers, but the old man stopped him abruptly:
"You are not his opponent yet!"

The old man didn't want him to have an accident, because his body was his best host.

Wandering in the form of a soul in the world for a hundred years, no one can see him, and no one can hear his voice. He is already afraid of the kind of loneliness that is ignored by the whole world.

The old man appeared, and Su also looked at him meaningfully:
"Suzaku, are you sure you don't want to kill him?"

Suzaku lives on the red mole on the tail of his eyebrows, with the old man's cultivation level, he can't feel the existence of Suzaku at all:
"I can't wait to kill him right now, but he should be more afraid of the loneliness of falling into the prosperity than death."

She wants to give him hope, give him a body, and then drive him bit by bit into the abyss of despair, so that he will wander alone in this world forever and ever.

So, like an angry mouse that could only cower in fear, Li Feng ran away in embarrassment amidst the faint smile of the young man.

"Master, I will send someone to send Miss Luo back now."

Seeing Li Feng leaving, the tattoo behind him took a step forward, ready to help carry Luo Yu into the car, but unexpectedly, a wall of fire blocked his eyes.

Dazed for a moment, the tattoo immediately reacted:

"I'm sorry Jiu Ye, I'm the one who's being overbearing!"

How could he touch Miss Luo!
Manipulating the wheelchair, he stopped beside the drunk Luo Yu. No one saw what happened, but the girl on the high chair suddenly fell into the boy's arms. It's easy.

The wheelchair was moving forward, the night outside was dark, the night wind was gusty, and the person was a bit chilled, the tattoo following behind was about to ask someone to find a blanket for the boy, but saw a fire around the boy, so he swallowed his words gone back.

Then, the tattoo was sprinkled with dog food again, and because he felt the coolness, Luo Yu got drunk and slipped into the boy's arms.

Tsk, bullying him to be single, wait a minute—why did Master Jiu take back the fire again, didn't you see that Miss Luo was cold?

"I do not understand?"

Beside the tattoo, a man who looked like a fool put his arm on his shoulder and smiled strangely.

Tattoo only talked about one relationship, but it ended without a problem because he gave a wooden coffin on Valentine's Day.

Speaking of this matter, until now, the tattoo has not understood why the other party broke up. He sent the coffin just to be buried in the same coffin with her forever. Look at how romantic it is, but in the end he was slapped and broke up .

Alas, a woman's heart is a needle in the sea, I don't understand!

Also, when a woman hits someone, it hurts too.

Seeing the tattoo shaking his head, Liu An laughed even more weirdly. He glanced at the young man holding Luo Yu in front of him and manipulating the wheelchair, and whispered while lying on the tattoo's shoulder:
"Do you think Miss Luo is warm enough to get into Master Jiu's arms?"

"No, what's wrong?"

For tattoos, things like love are very difficult to understand. He couldn't figure out the twists and turns inside.

Seeing that he still didn't understand what he said so bluntly, Liu An sighed helplessly, finally able to understand the feelings of the girl who was sent to the coffin.

The girl just slapped him and broke up. She was already very gentle.

"Forget it, it's not without reason that you will die alone."

Patting the tattooed shoulder, Liu An sighed.


Su didn't send Luo Yu home either, but brought him back to the Su family.

Su's father and Su's mother saw that it was rare for him to bring Luo Yu home, but he still held Luo Yu by himself, and was very pleased:
"Son, you have to take good care of a girl like A Ray!"

Su also glanced at the two of them, and seeing Luo Yu carry him into the room, he asked the servant to make hangover soup.

In the room, Su's mother was working beside the bed with a concerned face. Just as she was about to reach out to touch Luo Yu's forehead, Su Ye took a step ahead. Without thinking much, she stretched out her hand and asked:
"How did you take A-ray to drink like this?"

Su Ye: "?"

He is a cripple who takes a normal person to get drunk?

is it possible?
"Not next time."

But Su didn't explain, and dealt with it lightly.

"Do you want to inform the Luo family?"

Although the two of them are already a fiancé couple, they are still unmarried after all, and if it spreads, it will affect the girl's reputation.

After thinking for a while, Su also tucked in the quilt and replied:
"Then say Yeliang, and send her back tomorrow."

Mother Su didn't think much about it, and she was glad that he finally got the hang of it, and finally cared about her future daughter-in-law:

"Okay, then I'll call now, you take care of Ray."


So, as soon as Su's mother left, Su also turned from the wheelchair to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Luo Yu's clean and beautiful fingers, with a strange blood in his eyes.

Luo Yu's fingers are beautiful, milky white, but the nails are slightly pink, gently holding them in his hands, the young man groped on the beautiful ring finger with his own nails.

I want to engrave a ring on it, a blood ring, and a brand that is exclusive to him.

[Hold the grass, host, are you really sick and delicate? 】

Zhu Zi noticed Su Ye's thoughts and was taken aback, then suddenly froze.

It can read the host's brain without hindrance?
But it seems like it was able to read it a long time ago.

Obviously, the host and the system are just a cooperative relationship. No host has ever been so frank with his system, but its host——

[Host, I love you! 】

Zhuzi couldn't help confessing that he was afraid that he would not have a chance in the future.

Su was also shocked by its sudden confession, his nails couldn't control it, and actually drew a long blood ring on Luo Yu's hand.

Su Ye: "..."


Luo Yu also groaned in pain, but because of the high concentration of alcohol, he was still asleep.

That being the case, so be it.

With a long sigh, Su also raised his hand, the flames on his fingertips rose, the temperature was scorching hot, and the next moment he burrowed into Luo Yu's bleeding wound.

Sleeping Luo Yu was in pain, and her face showed obvious pain, but she was a person who would not cry out no matter how much pain she suffered, but she still woke up with her teeth gritted.

Opening her eyes, Luo Yu saw a circle of scorching flames on her finger. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but the young man held it tightly.

Looking up, the boy had a gloomy and morbid smile on his face:
"Aray, this is my exclusive brand for you, so even if you escape to the ends of the earth, as long as my brand is still there, you will always be mine, and no one can take you away!"

The flames had already burned traces of the diamond ring on Luo Yu's wound, and the fiery red mandala was particularly conspicuous on the pure white finger.

Withdrawing his hand, Su Ye used his nails to slowly cut on his ring finger, and then burned out a soul-stirring red mandala with flames.

Looking at Su Ye's actions, Luo Yu was in a complicated mood:

"Are you real?"

The young man remained silent, but leaned forward and hugged her into his arms, his scorching breath dyed a faint pink on her neck.

Luo Yu didn't move, letting him hold her.

After a while, she heard the boy's voice:

"Even if you have to fight hard, I won't let you go!"

Unless he dies, Huangquan Biluo, even if there is blood all the way, he will not let go.

[Hey, host, do you want someone else? 】

Zhu Zi jumped out to be jealous.

Wronged, it is obviously the official partner of the host, crying and chirping.

So, love goes away, right?


For the young man's almost pathological possessiveness, Luo Yu didn't find it scary, and even found it sweet.

In the past, she had fantasized that only her would be the only one in the boy's eyes, but now, it finally came true.

Pushing the boy into the classroom, the bright red blood ring on her finger was particularly eye-catching:

"Wow, Luo Yu, your ring is so beautiful, where did you buy it?"

Luo Yu blushed and touched his finger before answering:
"Su also sent it."

"Ahhhhh, let me see, I also want to————"

The girl stretched out her hand to touch it while speaking, but unexpectedly, she didn't touch the ring, and she cried out in surprise:
"What's the matter? Tattoo? It doesn't look like..."

"Aray, it's time for class."

In the wheelchair, Su Ye smiled at Luo Yu tenderly, which instantly amazed all the girls.

Why didn't they realize that Su Ye was so good-looking before, especially when he smiled, there seemed to be thousands of bright stars in his eyes.


Luo Yu responded and pushed him onto the seat.

When passing by a boy, the boy mocked in a strange way.

It was the boy who had mocked Su Ye before:

"Luo Yu, why do you have to be so nice to a trash?"

Luo Yu is the dream lover of all the boys in the school, and no matter how good Su is, he is also a waste who can't walk, and he doesn't deserve to be with Luo Yu at all.


Just as Luo Yu was about to fight back, his fingers were pulled. He lowered his head, and the pale boy was signaling her to bend down with his eyes.

Luo Yu was puzzled, but still bent down, and——

Have you ever felt the feeling of peach blossom petals falling on your lips?
With a faint fragrance and the temperature of the warm spring sun, all the coldness of winter will be dispelled at that moment, and the rest of my life will seem to be warmed by it.

Luo Yu stared wide-eyed at the pair of translucent and bright eyes that were so close to him, and finally closed his eyes gradually, letting himself fall into the warm cage that he could not escape and did not want to escape.

If the long and cold waiting in winter is for the peach blossoms in spring, it seems that everything is worth it.

The boy did not expect that Su Ye, who has always been submissive, would dare to be so bold and bold in front of everyone in the classroom, his face turned iron blue with anger:

"Okay, count you ruthless!"

Hearing this, Su also let go of Luo Yu, seeing that Luo Yu's face was blushing like rouge, and he laughed viciously and jokingly:

"Aray, you have to get used to it."

"You... hum, ignore you!"


With blood surging in his eyes, the young man suppressed his voice and laughed twice, but remained silent.

She actually said to ignore him, and really wanted to be a golden cage, so that she could only pretend to be him alone in her eyes and heart.

The girls around saw him smiling gloomyly, with a sickly aura, like the sickly and perverted hero in the book, couldn't help covering their faces and screaming:
"Ah, I can't take it anymore!"

And the boy who mocked Su Ye earlier couldn't help but roll his eyes at the ceiling, what kind of worldly morals, if he doesn't like a sunny, handsome and beautiful boy with sound limbs, he wants to like a waste who can't walk, the morals of the world are deteriorating. !
Soon, the day's class was over, and the boy glanced at Su Ye behind him, let out a sigh, carried his schoolbag and left.

Walking out of the school gate, the boy was stopped by a man in cheap clothes:
"Hi, do you know Su Ye?"

Chewing gum in his mouth, Li Feng looked at the boy arrogantly.

He has already investigated, and it is this boy named Zhao Qianyu who has the biggest conflict with Su Ye.

Zhao Qianyu snorted coldly:
"Know, what's wrong?"

"You hate him?"

Li Feng hit the nail on the head.

Zhao Qianyu was full of disdain:
"I hate him!"

Zhao Qianyu couldn't tell the reason why he hated Su Ye, anyway, he just hated it, he just didn't like it.

Li Feng secretly smiled in his heart, as long as he hates it, an enemy's enemy is a friend, not to mention that according to his investigation, Zhao Qianyu's family background is similar to that of the Su family:

"Then let's talk somewhere else?"

There are too many people coming and going around, Li Feng suggested.

Zhao Qianyu looked at him suspiciously, frowned and agreed.

In the empty alley, Zhao Qianyu stared at the boy named Li Feng in front of him:

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

There was no one around, and Li Feng stopped beating around the bush:

"You hate Su Ye. In fact, I don't like him either. He steals other people's girlfriends and bullies them. This kind of person deserves to be a trash who can't walk!"

In front of Zhao Qianyu, Li Feng unscrupulously vented his dissatisfaction.

He now hates Su so much that he wants to eat his flesh and suck (HE) his (XIE) blood dry.

That day, he managed to find an excuse to ask Luo Yu to go to the bar, seeing that he could cook raw rice, but he messed it up!
Zhao Qianyu frowned even tighter, faintly impatient:

"So who are you and what do you want from me?"

His time is precious.

Li Feng was slightly annoyed by Zhao Qianyu's irritating urging, but he held back:

"An enemy's enemy is a friend. I want to cooperate with you to get rid of Su Ye!"

"Get rid of Su Ye? What do you mean?"

Zhao Qianyu stared at him with squinted eyes, unable to see what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Li Feng smiled sinisterly, and took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms:

"The potion in this bottle can abolish his cultivation, as long as he loses his cultivation, let's see how long he can be rampant!"

(End of this chapter)

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