The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 815 The host is the villain's young master

Chapter 815 The host is the villain's young master (7)

Looking at the small bottle, Zhao Qianyu's gloomy face calmed down, took the bottle, looked at it carefully, raised his eyes, his eyes were the same as his complexion, quiet like a rippling lake:
"Then he won't be able to practice in this life?"

Hearing this, Li Feng was even more proud:
"Yes, he will be a waste for the rest of his life. No matter how rich his family is, no matter how powerful the medicine can be bought and the most powerful pharmacist, he will not be able to practice!"

He was very confident in the medicine that the old man asked him to make. If it wasn't because he couldn't get close to Su Ye, he really wanted to put the medicine into the glass of that damned rich young master himself.

These rich people should know the despair of losing their strength.

Zhao Qianyu had a smile on his face, raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his wrist, and pinched the medicine bottle lightly with his fingers:

"Then you are very powerful, and you can get this kind of thing."

A little potion the size of a thumb can destroy a person's cultivation, it's really scary.

Li Feng's elation:
"That's when..."

He didn't finish talking, the medicine bottle in Zhao Qianyu's hand had already shattered into glass shards on the ground, and the colorless medicine splashed all over the floor:
"You think this young master is just like you, a mouse in the gutter?"

With a sneer, he loosened his school uniform tie, Zhao Qianyu glanced at Li Feng, turned and left.

He hates Su and doesn't like Su Ye, that's between him and Su Ye, he is the young master of the Zhao family, if he doesn't like a person, he will frankly dislike him, instead of playing such a villainous trick.

What's more, Su and he are in the same school and class, no matter how deep the conflict between them is, it's not for others to take the opportunity to intervene.

Pausing in his footsteps, Zhao Qianyu clutched the loose tie in his hands, his eyes were clear and disdainful:
"I don't care who you are, young master, but if you dare to touch anyone around me, I have plenty of ways to kill you!"

No matter how good-for-nothing Su is, he can only be bullied by him. Even a mouse dares to put his hand on that little good-for-nothing, courting death!
Li Feng didn't expect that Zhao Qianyu would refuse so thoroughly, and even refused in a way that trampled on his dignity. Looking at Zhao Qianyu's leaving back, Li Fengchen gritted his teeth.

The old man wandered beside Li Feng:

"Hey, the morals of the world have really changed. Give him a chance to take revenge, but he doesn't even cherish it, alas~"

In his era, no one would refuse such a good opportunity for revenge.

"Okay, stop talking, what to do next, you said let me follow Su Ye, but he doesn't go out very much, it's a waste of time!"

Li Feng interrupted the old man angrily.

"Isn't someone willing to invest in you? You can just go to him."

The old man suggested.

Li Feng was silent. Although Song Qiang sponsored him, he actually didn't want to deal with such rich people. After thinking about it, he decided to find another opportunity.

Zhao Qianyu, who was leaving, sat in the private car, crossed his legs, looked at the word Su Ye on the phone, hesitated for a while, and decided to send a text message:
"Little trash, someone is going to kill you."

At that time, Su Ye was visiting the night market with Luo Yu, when he heard the phone ringing, he took it out, it was a text message, after seeing the content of the text message, his eyes fixed on the word "little waste", and his brows frowned.

What's the matter with this inexplicable doting tone?

His sexual orientation is normal!

On the other hand, after Zhao Qianyu sent a text message, he didn't expect Su to reply to the message, but after waiting for a long time, he really didn't wait for the message, and became a little irritable again.

He, Young Master Zhao, kindly reminded him that this little trash didn't dare to say thank you, he was really getting more and more arrogant.

So, the more Zhao Qianyu thought about it, the more he felt suffocated, and made a phone call.

The phone rang, and as soon as Su Ye connected, Zhao Qianyu's distraught roar came out:
"Trash, I sent you a message, but you dare not reply!"

He was so pissed off!

Just as Su Ye was about to answer, Zhao Qianyu asked angrily:

"What are you doing now, why don't you answer my text messages?"

Su Ye: "?"

Why do I have the illusion that my girlfriend is chasing me for no reason?

But he still answered truthfully:

"Go to the night market with A-ray."


Zhao Qianyu of maternal solo:


Damn, he's such a cheap man, why does he have to eat dog food by himself!


Night market
There will be a competition among practitioners tonight, and No.1 can get a Qixing Pill made from Qixing Grass.

A single Seven Star Pill can raise a cultivator by five ranks, but the Seven Star Grass is very rare, and the success rate of training a Seven Star Pill is also very low.

After buying the tickets and entering the arena, Luo Yu pushed Su Ye into the private room.

The walls of the private room have undergone special treatment, and a layer of defensive magic has been reinforced by the defender. The arena below also has corresponding defensive measures, so the people watching the game above will not be hurt, even in the plot, even the original owner. Even powerful people failed to break through the defense of the arena.

The wheelchair stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the private room, and Su Ye's gaze fell lightly. Without any surprise, he saw Li Feng's figure.

In the plot, both the original owner and Li Feng came to the arena. The original owner is a serious villain, but acts openly, so in the arena, the original owner competed with Li Feng openly, but Li Feng played tricks. The original owner moved his hands and feet on the wheelchair, and after the wheelchair lost control, the original owner failed to attack Li Feng in time, and was blinded by the water flow he controlled.

"Aray, why did you appear in the bar with Li Feng that day?"

Looking at Li Feng who was gearing up and dreaming of being a reckless counterattack, Su also asked.

Luo Yu didn't know what happened in the bar when she got drunk that day, so she said:
"Li Feng said that he wanted to set up a stray animal rescue center and wanted me to contribute a little money. I thought it would be good, so I went."

"Discussing this kind of thing in a bar?"

Su Ye's voice became a little deeper, and his tone became more and more calm.

The mice in the gutter really annoyed him more and more.

"Well, although it's a bit strange, I've never been to a bar before. I was a little curious that day, so I agreed."

After finishing speaking, afraid that Su might misunderstand, he blushed and added:
"I wouldn't like him."

From the beginning to the end, she only liked this person in front of her.

She and he were born in the same hospital on the same day, and the two families are family friends, and his legs were also born with problems, but her mother still made her an in-law.

But when she started to have memories, he existed in her world.

In the fairy tale, the prince will save the princess through all obstacles.

In reality, she wants to be the princess who overcomes all obstacles for the prince.

It's just that, at some point, he no longer needs her. Even if she desperately followed behind his wheelchair, she could only watch him disappear bit by bit until——

One day, he suddenly turned around and announced his possession to the world.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Luo Yu blushed and said firmly:

"I like you, if there is a cage, I am willing to imprison you for life!"

His love is too domineering and strong, even a little sick, but she is willing to be a bird in his cage, and only accompany him for the rest of her life.

[Host, I suddenly feel that you are a good match. 】

Zhu Zi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

One is sickly, and the other is a masochist in love.

A match made in heaven.

However, no one deserves it.


Li Feng came to the arena for the Seven Star Grass. The gap between him and Su Ye was too great. He desperately wanted to gain great power, and he wanted to quickly counterattack like the male protagonists in those novels.

He was surrounded by other contestants, and many of them had higher cultivation levels than him, but the old man scanned around, and most of them were within the range they could handle, but——

"Did you see that redhead? His cultivation is the highest among them."

The old man reminded Li Feng by pointing to a red-haired man with enchanting eyebrows and eyes.

Li Feng looked up, even though he was a man, he was amazed.

How can there be a man who is more enchanting than a woman?
Immediately, there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

A big man is more charming than a woman, what a disgrace to a man!
Liu An noticed Li Feng's gaze, lifted her long eyelashes lazily, and glanced over, tsk, I didn't see clearly that day, I thought it was a good-looking man coveting his boss's fiancee, but it turned out to be so wretched The idiot looks like a dick.

Tilting the corner of her lower lip, Liu An withdrew her gaze, not paying much attention.

The competition in the gladiatorial arena soon began. The first round was a brawl, signing the certificate of life and death, and entering the ring, life and death had nothing to do with others.

Li Feng looked like a dick, but in fact he was vicious. As soon as he stepped into the ring, he condensed a ball of extremely lethal flames in his palm, and he couldn't help but throw it at other people.

Flame is the most powerful existence among all attributes. For a while, many people were set on fire by the flame, or fell off the stage screaming, or frantically put out the fire.

So, just after the game started, most of the people were eliminated.

Li Feng subconsciously looked to the other side of the duel ring, and he could not help but clenched his fingers tightly.

The enchanting man who looked like a male fox lay lazily on the edge of the dueling platform with his arms propped up. Many people wanted to take the opportunity to get him off, but they didn't get close, as if they had hit a spring. He screamed and fell out of the duel ring.

Damn it, it's obvious that he has worked so hard to eliminate so many people, but he is sitting back and enjoying it, with a ferocious look on his face, and with a squeak, a ball of ice that is colder than before erupts from his palm, It smashed towards Liu An.


Liu An, who has always been salty, opened his eyes a thin slit, looking at the ball of ice hockey flying towards him, his eyes were filled with light, but there was a trace of idleness.

Tsk, this little rubbish was really hit by his boss, his strength is not very good, but he has a lot of dirty tricks.

There was something dirty in that ball of ice, if he touched it, he might not be able to practice in this life.

Fortunately, he is sinister, and his boss is even more sinister.

Standing on the ground with one hand, Liu An did not fight back, but nimbly sprinted to the side. The ice puck missed his hand, but due to inertia, he rushed out of the duel ring and flew towards the private room outside the duel ring.

The hockey puck flew in the direction that happened to be the private room where Song Qiang was. Seeing the hockey puck flying towards him, Song Qiang didn't panic, because the arena's defense measures were very strong, and no one was there—

Then click!
Song Qiang watched in amazement as the floor-to-ceiling glass in front of him was punctured, and the ice ball shattered into sharp ice cubes, flying towards him.

All this happened so suddenly, even unexpectedly, Song Qiang hurriedly erected an earthen wall to defend, but the ice still scratched his cheek, fortunately, it was only the face——

But before he was completely lucky, he felt that something in his body was being sucked away, and the earth wall in front of him was also getting weaker and weaker, and finally collapsed into clods.

Song Qiang looked at the clods in front of him in surprise, and hurriedly mobilized the strength in his body again.

"How? How?"

Song Qiang panicked, what about his strength, why can't he feel any strength?

what happened!

The people in the arena didn't expect that the defense they were always proud of would be penetrated by a poor boy who seemed to be of average strength. The person in charge hurriedly sent security personnel to control the arena and dismissed the people in other private rooms.

In the duel stage, Li Feng could only see the floor-to-ceiling windows of those private rooms before, but he couldn't see who the people behind the floor-to-ceiling windows were, but when the frozen ice puck in his hand smashed one of the floor-to-ceiling windows, he fell into endless panic middle.

Song Qiang!

How come, didn't it mean that the defense of the arena is very strong?
Suddenly, Li Feng thought of something, turned his head abruptly, and looked at the enchanting red-haired man, who was looking at him with raised eyebrows and a smile.

He's hit!

But it was obviously the first time he met him, so why did he plot against him?How was the defense of the duel platform easily breached?

But Li Feng didn't have time to think about it anymore. Song Qiang's cultivation had been abolished by him indirectly. If he stayed here again, he would definitely be retaliated by Song Qiang.

No, he has to escape from here quickly!
But the arena was already surrounded by security personnel, and he had no chance to escape.

Suddenly, the lights of the arena suddenly went out, and the huge arena fell into darkness.

But Li Feng couldn't help thinking about it, so he escaped under the cover of darkness.


The potion that the old man asked Li Feng to prepare was indeed very powerful. Song Qiang's cultivation base was crippled by Li Feng's ice ball wrapped in the potion, and he would not be able to practice in this life.

Song Qiang hated, hated Li Qiang, and also hated Liu An who avoided on the duel stage.

He can't find Li Feng for now, but he can find Liu An, but——

The young man in the wheelchair caressed the blood ring on his finger, raised the end of his eyes, supported his head with his palms, and tilted his head, like a wild animal playing with its prey. The smile on his lips was extremely vile:
"President Song, what do you want to do to my people?"

Song Qiang did not expect that Liu An was from Su Ye, nor did he expect that Su Ye, who is a genius but sick and disabled, would be the Ninth Master who is afraid of both black and white.

But his cultivation can't just be abolished like this?

"Master Jiu, I...your subordinates have ruined my cultivation, and I will not even be able to practice in the future, I..."

This is a world where the strong are supreme. If he has no cultivation base, he is a waste worse than being unable to walk.

"Then what do you want?"

The young man's tone was indifferent, and he couldn't hear any emotion.

Song Qiang had never dealt with him before, and he couldn't see his mood at the moment. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, bit the bullet, and said the most ruthless words in the most cowardly tone:
"Jiuye, my cultivation has been abolished, and as it should be, your subordinates... should also abolish their cultivation."

 There will be an event in October, and I will be notified on the last day of the end of the month. The prizes are white olive trees and NJ Datu S. Don’t say that I use other people’s books as prizes to rub the heat. If I can publish a book, I will give away my own book, but Publishing a book is difficult, especially since I am not qualified enough to publish a book
(End of this chapter)

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