Chapter 158

"Then you grew up drinking air for more than twenty years?!" Ji Ziming almost died of myocardial infarction by his unfilial son: "You are so fucking used to not going to the house for three days! "

If you want to be capable but not capable, if you want to be self-motivated, you are not self-motivated. Last time, you said that you should get into the army to exercise, but this bastard turned his head and ran away after that kid from Jun Yan.

Hearing this, Ji Lize cast a glance at the old man.

He muttered: "My mother is always spoiling me, don't you always spoil my mother? If my mother is not here, today's prestige will be your turn?"

A deadly flying chopsticks struck.

Ji Ziming was furious: "Get the hell out of me! Looking at you is annoying, look how capable and promising Xiao Wu is? How much contribution did you make to your company when you participated in a program last time!?"

Every day, there are a group of nominal daughter-in-laws, which instantly increase the stock value by several points.

Wu Weixue buried himself in the food: "..."

"Cut." Ji Lize pushed the rice bowl away, got up with his hands in his pockets, and said foolishly: "Get out, get out, I won't die of hunger even if I go out."

"Adjutant Feng! You stopped all the credit cards and bank accounts of this bastard!" Ji Ziming growled with blue veins on his forehead.

What on earth did he want to see, this unfilial son could survive for a few days in style without his credit card and bank card!His Lao Tzu is his Lao Tzu after all, just like Sun Wukong can never escape Tathagata Buddha Wuzhi Mountain!
Adjutant Feng looked at his own crown prince, and at Wu Weixue who was innocently looking at him: "..."

How did this thing stop?If Madam came back, wouldn't General Ji have to kneel on the washboard?
Ji Lize shrugged indifferently.

He said: "Stop as long as you stop, just like someone who can't eat without a card, old man, you can play with the flour by yourself, I'm going to find my Jiaojiao girl to make a living."

It just so happens that I can help Uncle Gu keep an eye on his future wife.

Jiaojiao girl?

Ji Ziming's face turned livid.

He couldn't help turning his eyes away from the two guys who ran away without a trace, and turned to his Adjutant Feng: "Then what kind of demonic little elf?"

"..." The middle-aged Adjutant Qingliu Feng, who is active in fishing on the Internet, evaded his eyes slightly: "Just, she is a very good girl, not what you think, Chief, Master Biao and Xiao Wu Xiaohan, they all know her and recognize her Be a sister."

But this godmother looks really good-looking like a goblin, not to mention that Young Master Ji and the others are just like the ancestors, but the third master Gu is about to praise Wei Kongqing to the sky by himself.

Wu Weixue sighed while driving the car: "Ji Shao, why are you fighting with General Ji again?"

With a lollipop in his mouth, Ji Lize sent a message to Li Baidou: "What are you afraid of? If we don't fight for a day, we will be idle and flustered. I will give the old man three days of kung fu. If he doesn't ask me to go back, my future son Just call him Grandpa."

What he said at first glance seemed to be a disadvantage to Young Master Ji, but after Wu Weixue thought about it carefully, he couldn't help falling into silence for a while.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

Half an hour later, there was an unavoidably sudden knock on the door from the gate of the mansion.

What a shock, Xiao Jinchan, who was still messing around, hurriedly hid from outside the courtyard into the courtyard.

Seeing this, Wei Kongqing smiled playfully.

She propped her chin lazily, and looked up: "Xiao Lizi, we have visitors."

 It's gone today~ If you still like it, please comment and vote to love you

(End of this chapter)

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