Chapter 159

Li Baidou, who was sweeping the yard, nodded helplessly, then threw away the broom in his hand, patted the ashes and walked towards the gate.

Outside the door, Ji Lize squatted beside the stone lion with a bored face, throwing away the small glue stick in his mouth.

One package for one person, all the belongings are three clothes, and the [-] cash that Wu Weixue left behind when he left just now.

"Hey, boy, Lu Dong's grandma Duomi (what are you doing?)" the grey-haired grandmother of the opposite door was full of foxy questions.

This doll is not very old, but he looks very hostile, and he looks like a fool, and he doesn't look like a good person.

Ji Lize, who was blamed for his innocence: "..." Grandmother, who is Nong?It's not Kyoto dialect, I don't understand Mandarin!
Just listen and crunch.

Li Baidou's rough voice sounded from behind: "Grandma Shen, why did you come out?"

"It's Xiao Li, I'm going out for a stroll." The old lady known as Mrs. Shen said with a smile, "But just as I went out, I saw that little boy sitting here with his arms and legs spread out. Do you know him?"

Li Baidou nodded, and hurried forward to support the old lady Shen who was at the age of Zhang Chaozhi: "I know you, my cousin, please slow down, why don't you go in and sit down, so that you can just chat with my little ancestor?"

And next to him, Ji Lize who was promoted to be the young master of the Wei family: "..." Is my sense of existence so low now?

He grabbed his suitcase, scratched his head and quietly looked at the two of them inquiringly.

The old lady Shen shook her head, smiled very kindly and declined: "Another day, my old lady has nothing to do every day, but Jiaojiao is tired all day, the little girl needs more rest."

Li Baidou gave a respectful "Yes".

Immediately afterwards, Old Madam Shen suddenly took out something from her cuff and stuffed it into his hand: "For that girl Jiaojiao, I don't do much today. I will do it for you alone in the future. I will go back first."

After finishing speaking, the old lady turned around and walked back with a steady gait, but before she left, she cheerfully said something to Ji Lize——

"The young man is handsome, but it's a's too easy to be misunderstood. In the future, he will definitely do good business in debt collection."

For a while, the air couldn't help being a little quiet.

Ji Lize blankly watched Mrs. Shen step into the threshold, he turned his head: "Huh?"

What does this mean?

Li Baidou suppressed his own smile, and coughed solemnly: "No, she praised you for being handsome and imposing."

"Really?" Ji Lize glanced suspiciously at Li Baidou's facial expression, and felt strange no matter how he thought about it: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask you again, but why are you here so slowly?"

From sending the message to opening the door, Ji Lize squatted for at least ten minutes.

Li Baidou just smiled at this.

He bent down and made a gesture of invitation, and led the people who were about to hug their thighs into the mansion that had long been restored to the former prosperity of the Li family.

"Damn it, the nine gates photograph each other?"

As soon as Ji Lize entered, he couldn't help being surprised and said, "Where did you get it?"

No wonder Li Baidou was slow to open the door, the journey would take 10 minutes anyway, right?
Not to mention the old houses with nine doors facing each other, no one is selling them, even the big yard with five entrances and five exits, now few people sell it, okay?
Li Bai Douqian said kindly: "The old house at home used to have no money to maintain it. It was not until the little ancestor came here and wanted to move here that we asked someone to repair it and decorate it."

(End of this chapter)

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