Chapter 160 The Humble Ji Shao
Immediately, Ji Lize, who had never paid much attention to Li Baidou, was taken aback, and thought to himself... I'm so good, so the Jiaojiao girls are surrounded by crouching tigers, hidden dragons?
Far away, leisurely lying on the rocking chair basking in the sunset, the little ancestor eating watermelon suddenly jumped into the eyes of the two of them.

Wei Kongqing put down the melon in his hand, and half got up: "Have you had dinner, Brother Ji?"

"Eat." Ji Lize didn't think he was an outsider at all, and sat down on a stone stool next to his little ancestor.

He laughed and said: "My father has been too angry recently, so I have to ask my sister to take care of my brother during this time. Although I can't do laundry and cooking, I can still sweep the floor and fight."

With such a brazen person, Ji Lize really deserves to be able to grow up with our third master Gu.

The corners of Wei Kongqing's eyes slanted slightly.

She said with a half smile: "It's fine to sweep the floor, I'm afraid Brother Ji will spend the rest of your life after sweeping."

After all, how big is Li's old house?It can accommodate hundreds of people to live together.

Li Baidou stepped forward and handed something to his little ancestor: "The chestnut cake given by the old lady Shen opposite is specially made for you."

The color is bright, and it is made of chestnut mud with gold cake slices and Chengsha filling. The cake body is divided into five layers, and it tastes very soft and delicate.

Dim sum in old Kyoto, let alone Wei Kongqing likes to eat it, even Ji Lize, who grew up playing snacks, couldn't help swallowing.

He licked his face and said greedily: "Sister Jiaojiao, can I have a piece?"

Wei Kongqing gave a "hmm", pushed the pastry forward, and joked: "Brother Ji, do you know what you look like at this moment?"

Ji Lize pretended to be stupid: "What do you look like? Does it look like your long-lost brother?"

Li Baidou couldn't help standing beside him silently.

No, Young Master Ji, you look like a starving ghost who hasn't eaten for 800 years.

And the sweet and delicious cake dregs instantly melted in the mouth with the saliva, this taste...

Ji Lize couldn't help sighing: "Since my grandma passed away, Uncle Gu and I haven't eaten chestnut cake with this taste for a long time."

But this is not to say how good Mrs. Shen's craftsmanship is, but that those pastries are full of heart.

Wei Kongqing heard the words, lowered his cup of tea with downcast eyes and smiled casually: "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Ji Lize quickly disposed of a large piece of chestnut cake, and asked vaguely curiously: "But who is that old lady Shen?"

Looking at the clothes, he seems to be from a rich family, but he doesn't know why he is so familiar with Jiaojiao and the others.

Wei Kongqing smiled.

She raised her hand and snapped her fingers: "It's just a poor person, a friend who just met two days ago."

I just don't know how to judge who is older and who is younger.

Li Baidou immediately handed over a tissue: "Little ancestor, do you want to go to rest now?"

Wei Kongqing nodded, she smiled and said: "You guys continue to play, just now Brother Ji came and scared little Jinchan to death, I'd better go to the room to comfort him."

Ji Lize, who had a strange smell all over his body: "..." Have I fallen to the point where cats hate dogs?

Li Baidou sighed softly, and after Wei Kongqing left, he couldn't help saying to Ji Lize: "Young Master Ji, next time you should make less Liushen toilet water, Xiao Jinchan hates this the most."

Ji Lize raised his legs depressedly, and put his feet on another stone stool: "Not much, I just poured a bottle cap and wiped it on my body."

(End of this chapter)

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