Chapter 171
Therefore, a figure hiding in the dark clicked immediately, then quickly took back the things in his hands and evacuated from the "crime" scene.

But I just don’t know if the title of #贵门兄弟竞争,The second young master of the Gu family was actually swept out of the house# can attract people’s attention.

[Qiagua in the front row, the editor is amazing, this headline dares to explode, but which god did the second young master who was thrown out offend? 】

[Yeah, that's the second son of Gu's Group, my God, I often saw him on the list of financial upstarts a while ago, heck, is it that the Gu's Group is going bankrupt? 】

[Broken hair, upstairs, according to people familiar with my side, this is the third son who wanted to usurp the crown prince, but the crown prince did not sit firmly, and was thrown out by the crown prince when he turned around. 】

[Hey, I saw people in the know again, but this really is a wealthy family. The prince can even throw his own brother out of the house for this melon. The old man double-clicked 666. 】

[Six farts, people are stupid if they watch too many small videos?Some people really think that he can turn into a phoenix by putting on some bird feathers?Laughing to death, hot chicken mistress, hot chicken scumbag. 】

Spicy Chicken Little San...

Bright red and dazzling.

Lin Wan'er was sitting in the living room of the Gu family's old house, her hand holding the phone couldn't help shaking: "What's going on here?"

What she hates the most is that someone scolds her as a mistress, so what's so good about Ji Sizhi?
If it weren't for relying on his family background being better than her, would Gu Chengyi be able to marry her back home?

What's more, to be honest, Ji Sizhi was the mistress back then, okay?Obviously she was the one who first met and fell in love with Gu Chengyi...

Gu Jiajia shook her head with tears in her eyes: "I, I don't know. When I went there, my second brother had already been thrown out, and...and Dad didn't see me at all."

Gu Chengyi didn't see anyone?

Lin Wan'er frowned at this, her complexion was ugly, not to mention the four annoying fonts in her peripheral vision.

Suddenly, the private doctor of the Gu family who had finished diagnosing Gu Jiahe upstairs finally came down.

Lin Wan'er's gloomy expression suddenly tightened.

She got up with sadness on her brows and said, "Doctor Sima, is my Jiahe okay?"

Doctor Sima stopped slightly.

While carrying the medical kit, he said with a perfunctory smile: "It's okay, the second young master's injury just looks a little scary, so as long as you don't let him eat spicy and greasy things and take it according to the medicine, he will be healed in a few days." good."

But what Sima Nanyi didn't say was that those who beat people were indeed ruthless and expert.

After all, the injuries on Gu Jiahe's face and body were not serious.

But almost punching to the flesh, looking for acupuncture points from any angle is very tricky and vicious.

In the end, death cannot kill people, but pain can kill people half to death.

Lin Wan'er smiled, but the hand hanging by her side couldn't help clenching it slowly.

She is not blind, so Sima Nanyi's contempt can naturally be discovered...

Afterwards, Sima Nanyi said: "Then Mrs. Lin, since the second young master is fine, can I go first?"

You must know that it is almost 07:30 in the evening now, if you don't rush back, you will lose sight of the news broadcast that starts on time!
The smile on the corner of Lin Wan'er's mouth froze immediately.

She forced her way: "Yes, yes, Doctor Sima, please go slowly, do you want me to ask someone to take you?"

Sima Nanyi waved his hands nonchalantly: "No, no, no need for you to trouble Mrs. Lin. I was almost familiar with it when I was treating Mrs. Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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