Chapter 172

What this said, it is true that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, but... so what?
Immediately after Sima Nanyi left, Lin Wan'er kicked over the small tea table in front of her.

Gu Jiajia couldn't help being shocked.

She said blankly, "Mom, what are you doing?"

Lin Wan'er changed her usual gentle image and rolled her eyes a few times, and smiled a few times with a creepy low voice: "You're kicking a bitch, how dare you be arrogant with me?"

The last one who did this was already lying in the coffin!Anyway, sooner or later, the entire Gu family will soon be theirs.

After finishing speaking, Gu Jiajia, who was stunned, could not react.

Then she saw her mother took out her mobile phone and called her father, crying, "Chengyi, what did we not do well? Why did Jun Yan want to be like that? Look at Jiahe..."

In the office of the chairman of Gu's Group.

Gu Chengyi had a sullen look on his face: "Okay, I know it all, but that little bastard Gu Junyan got the remaining shares, and the two shares are superimposed, and I can't do anything about him now!"

Lin Wan'er's aggrieved appearance suddenly changed.

She was surprised: "The old man's will was found? What should we do then? "

"So all of you give me peace of mind recently, and I will naturally find a way to recruit Jiahe into the company again later." Gu Chengyi snorted coldly.

He raised his eyes and closed the cooperation contract with the Meng family in front of him: "If I find out that I provoke Gu Junyan without authorization again, I don't think it's a problem to let the bastard inherit it."

Lin Wan'er clenched her palm tightly in hatred.

The damn old man, who didn't make people safe when he was alive, even after so many years of death, he still came to play with her.

She said in a low voice: "Yes, husband, I will definitely take care of Jiahe and the others."

Not to mention, with such a graceful appearance, Gu Chengyi really likes it. After all, he is his first love.

His angry voice softened: "It's okay, I was too hot-tempered just now, I will definitely explain this matter, if your card is suspended, just use mine, you know?"

Lin Wan'er's eyes flashed a trace of complacency and viciousness.

She lowered her eyes: "Okay, husband, you should be busy. Come back at night, and I will make you your favorite braised lion's head."

Gu Chengyi "hmm" for a moment.

But what he didn't expect was...

When Gu Junyan wanted to completely reorganize the Gu Group, in just a few hours, one-tenth of the thousands of people in the entire company were fired.

As for those who were expelled, if someone is careful, they will find out...

They were almost all the people who Gu Chengyi had placed in various levels and the people who were vassals of Gu Jiahe back then.

Da da da……

Eight thirteen in the evening.

A thin man stepped on silent steps and appeared behind Gu Junyan, who was looking at the computer screen with an enigmatic expression.

Lin Wenxuan bowed respectfully and said, "Third Lord, shouldn't it be time for us to go?"

Gu Junyan remained silent about this.

Lin Wenxuan raised his head in bewilderment: "Master, it's already [-]:[-]..."

If you don't leave this time, you will be late, and those stubborn old Ji family members don't know how to embarrass others.

This time, Gu Junyan's body finally moved, but it doesn't matter if he moves. After he turned around, he casually said something to Lin Wenxuan - "Do you know that you are very annoying?"

Lin Wenxuan was shocked.

But he didn't know where he was wrong at all, so he could only bite the bullet and apologize: "Yes, I'm sorry third master, this subordinate knows his mistake."

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(End of this chapter)

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