Chapter 174 Questioning
This is no different than anything else, if it is accidentally bumped into, a priceless treasure will be lost.

After all, many things in the Qianqiu period have already been dated in history, and most of what can be learned today is recorded in historical classics.

This was also one of the reasons why Chen Siyi and the others were so excited at the beginning.

As a light came on, the only thing left in the silence of the audience was a whirling and ethereal voice rippling in the studio.

Suddenly, the elegant music suddenly changed, like the sound of golden leather, piercing into people's ears with murderous intent, captivating people's hearts and souls.

[Fuck, I was so frightened that my heart skipped a beat, my hands trembled, and I actually wet my pants. Is that playing the piano? 】

【That is, people who don't know think that some daring villain wants to assassinate me. 】

[Golden Ge and Iron Horse, full of vigor like a rainbow, passed by the sixth level of music and praised that the young lady is very good, but what does this have to do with Qianqiu? 】

[The coordinates of the Kyoto History Department have a lot to do with it!Because according to unofficial rumors in the market, Emperor Shun, who had forced the death of Bai Junyan, the crown prince of Yu Kingdom, was assassinated by Princess Haiyue who held a grudge!And he was killed at his enthronement ceremony! 】

[Familiar ID, familiar landmark, please tell me about the illiterate me, woo woo woo It seems that these days, I don’t dare to chase stars without any historical knowledge. 】

[Add one to the front, why is Princess Haiyue and the others getting involved, the fruit on the tree, you and me under the tree, is it true that what you said is too biased? 】

Not to mention the ignorance of netizens, even the history students sitting in the classrooms of major schools can't help but stare blankly.

But the history teacher next to him yelled, "Why are you just standing there? Get your notebook and pen ready to take notes. Do you really think this is an entertainment class?!"

When the students heard the words, they subconsciously wanted to raise their hands to copy after being reprimanded. After they recovered...

Some people were unconvinced at first, but when they saw another barrage, they couldn't help but keep silent.

[You Feng is back!There is a phoenix returning to the forest!look at me!A fan of Princess Haiyue of the folk music department!Because of this piece of music, the entire Qianqiu historiography was ruined!My Princess Haiyue! 】

It's hard to get over it, it's really hard to get over it!

Such a dazzling sea moon finally died in the tomb of the emperor's concubine at the age of peach and plum.

Zhao Simeng hugged his twin sister with tears in his eyes and cried, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ! my sister you cry with me! you can just follow the stars, why did you bring me into the pit!"

Master Zhao with a blank face: "..."

Wait, isn't this you pushing yourself over to see my fabled roommate?

And the other side.

A pale light could not help but illuminate the entire office of the president of the Li Shi Group that was plunged into darkness.

Song Jinse knocked lightly on the door, but before waiting for the person inside to answer, she turned the doorknob.

She pressed the switch and said softly, "Derived, I brought you something, do you want to try it?"

Regarding this, Li Xiansheng looked up indifferently while sitting at the computer desk.

He ruthlessly refused: "How do you know I'm in the company?"

A chill gradually enveloped the throbbing heart.

Song Jinse, who was filled with joy, disappeared in an instant.

"What my uncle said today, I, I just thought that you must be dishonest, so..." She struggled to pull out a little smile, but she couldn't help but look at the computer that was playing something from the corner of her eye.

 See you tomorrow~ Vote more and try to be free longer ヾ()~
(End of this chapter)

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