Chapter 175 Confession
"It won't be necessary after that." Li Shengsheng continued to look at the person in the computer with downcast eyes and said calmly: "The takeaway is very good now, and it can be there in 15 minutes with just a phone call."

He didn't care whether Song Jinse's words would hurt Song Jinse, because...

It would be good if they could be made to retreat in the face of difficulties, because fear is nothing but fear, some people are obsessed with obsession, and they will become resentful in the end if they persevere.

Song Jinse bit her lower lip tightly.

After fluttering her long eyelashes, she tremblingly said, "Do you like her?"

But it's just this voice that you like it, it's three points desolate, and the rest is all gambling.

Li Shengsheng immediately withdrew his gaze from looking at his highness, and frowned slightly.

He turned the chair, faced Song Jinse and said, "I can't give you what you want, and I said it three years ago, between us..."

"I don't believe it!" A tear from the corner of Song Jinse's eye rolled down her face, and she interrupted abruptly, "My mother also waited for my father for five years. I don't believe it. I don't believe it. I won't heat you up!"

After all, how can you say that you have liked it since you were young?
Li Xianxian frowned slightly, looking at the girl who seemed a little decisive today.

He suddenly thought of the little girl who looked at him with a distant look for several years.

For a long time, no one in the room spoke again.

But Song Jinse couldn't help comprehending something from the silence, and burst into tears.

But what she cried was not the feelings that had disappeared before it even started, but...

The man Li Shengsheng is still in his mind, which cannot be erased from the apex of his heart.

The man finally sighed.

A trace of helplessness quickly crossed his usually cold face, and then a handkerchief exuding the fragrance of cologne was handed over.

Song Jinse took it with shaking fingers, and said with a wry smile, "Xiansheng, I really like you... What should I do?"

What should I do in an effort to quit a drug called delusion?What should I do, stop being so humble and happy to be the eldest lady of the Song family?

Li Xiansheng lowered his eyes, and there was no reflection of Song Jinse in his deep eyes: "Then why do you like me?"

"Then why did you save me again!?" Song Jinse smiled bleakly: "If you hadn't saved me from the kidnappers, then...all this would not have happened now."

Li Shengsheng frowned: "But it was your father who gave me [-] million US dollars to save you."

So there is no life-saving grace at all, it's just a transaction between you and me.

Song Jinse heard the words and quietly grabbed the things in her hands.

She wiped away her tears, her simple and elegant face was full of stubbornness: "You think I don't know?"

"Let go." Li Shengsheng stretched out his hand.

After finishing speaking, he turned his white palm lightly and said, "That's my handkerchief."

Song Jinse was silent for two seconds, put the food box away, and quickly took three steps back.

She returned to her previous indifferent appearance: "It's fine if you don't like me, but you can't stop me from liking you, this handkerchief..."

From now on, it's mine.

A voice with a soft tone could not help but come from the air.

This caused Li Xiansheng to watch Song Jinse leave with complicated eyes, but then turned around, and the target was no longer his highness.

"There is a phoenix returning to the forest, the soul rests in peace, sacrifices the dead with blood, and crosses reincarnation with oneself."

Your Highness...

Back then, were you like that little girl Song Jinse who didn't bump into the south wall and didn't look back?
(End of this chapter)

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