Chapter 197

Lin Wenxuan nodded.

After a while, he couldn't help but think of another matter and asked, "Then, should we deal with the scandal about Miss Wei now?"

Gu Junyan chewed for a while, and the peppermint fragrance that filled his mouth immediately wrapped around the atrium from the tip of his tongue along the esophagus, making people feel refreshed.

He smiled lowly, recalled what was written in the information, and replied: "Wait a little longer, now is not the right time."

Waiting for things to really ignite to the peak, it should be the time for Xiao Maoer to buy the bottom and make a fortune.

Although Wei Kongqing is not human, it has always been Gu Junyan's heart disease.

In my heart, I even care a little bit about Kitty Mao'er's appearance of waiting for the red line to be broken, and there will be no relationship between the two, but...

If the kitten doesn't become an adult first, so what if he keeps it strong?

A hundred years later, those who should be turned into dust will still be turned into dust, and everyone will go into the coffin, except for one person.

After Wei Kongqing finished playing, he took Li Baidou and others to say goodbye to the crew with a smile.

While driving the car, Li Baidou said, "Little ancestor, the Internet is becoming more and more noisy now, do you think you want Director Yu to send someone to suppress public opinion?"

Wei Kongqing sat in the back row, leisurely connecting four identical little monsters together.

She yawned lazily: "No, I'm afraid I won't be able to quarrel."

After all, the hotter the fire is, the more things she will gain when she comes back.

I really fell asleep, and someone just handed me a pillow.

With such a Buddhist answer, Li Baidou and others are naturally helpless.

Qi Tianle couldn't help but let out a long breath.

And this kind of aggrieved feeling that heroes are useless, I am afraid no one in the same industry can empathize with them.

The car slowly turned to the left and stopped at the entrance of Laozhaizi Hutong.

Because I don't know why there are so many vehicles tonight.

Roughly count, at least five or six.

You know, because there are not many residents on this street on weekdays, there are even fewer people and vehicles coming and going, and you can almost count them with one hand.

I saw that the lights were brightly lit at the beginning of the day, and the seemingly peaceful night scene seemed to be concealing some unusually fierce quarrel.

Ji Lize, who was still playing the little game of happy jumping with his Jiaojiao girl, couldn't help but pause.

As soon as his ears moved, he frowned and said: "Something is wrong."

"Go down and have a look." Wei Kongqing also noticed something strange, and the arc of the corner of his mouth suddenly disappeared.

Li Baidou nodded with a calm expression.

He stretched out his hand to unbuckle his seat belt, and stepped out first to knock on the door of the old lady of the Shen family: "Is the old lady there? My little ancestor is back. Today I would like to invite you to taste the high-quality tribute tea."

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

The sound of orderly knocking on the door resounded in everyone's ears, but no one answered for a long time, and this was very different from the usual positive attitude of Mrs. Shen...

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

Standing behind Li Baidou, Wei Kongqing couldn't help frowning as he watched him knock on the door three times in a row, but still no one came to answer the door.

Li Baidou was a little worried.

He turned his head: "Little ancestor, should we kick the door?" It must not be that the old lady is in poor health and fell alone at home again, right?
Obviously, Li Baidou was not the only one who had this idea, even Yao Shaoyi, who had just finished the phone call and told Xiao Li to eat and sleep obediently, frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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