Chapter 198 Kick the Door
Wei Kongqing couldn't help pondering this.

It wasn't until Xiao Jinchan, who flew in first to investigate the situation, came back in a hurry, that the little ancestor's eyes darkened, and he nodded and replied, "Yes."

But who should kick this door is another big problem, after all, it is a wealthy family, not a humble cottage.

The real wooden door, most people really can't kick it.

So the strong man among the five - Ji Lize immediately fell into deep thought for a second.

High paraplegia, or hanging in salt water for a whole year?

Choosing to kick the door is the previous option, and choosing to slip away is the choice to be beaten by Gu Sanye later.

But before Young Master Ji finished thinking, he heard a bang, and everyone inside and outside the door were instantly dumbfounded.

Ji Lize looked over in a daze: "Jiao... Jiaojiao sister?"

Could this be the miracle of the legendary force?Could it be that the girls nowadays...have already become so tough?
The little ancestor smiled obediently, while retracting his slender and powerful legs.

She turned her head and asked casually, "Is Brother Ji okay?"

"No, it's fine." Ji Lize swallowed subconsciously.

How dare there be nothing wrong with this?But I have to say...

Sure enough, the little ancestor still has to live the King of Hades to accept him, otherwise, with the heaven-defying force value of Jiaojiao, the marriage will be worrying~
"What are you doing?!" A startled male voice couldn't help but sounded in front of everyone.

Because the layout of the Shen family's house is completely different from that of the Li family's old house, everyone saw a man in a suit and leather shoes at a glance.

The man was a little fatter, and even if he managed to pull himself together, his eyes were obviously black and blue.

With an unconcealable haggard look on his face, he said angrily, "Believe it or not, I will sue you for trespassing and destroying other people's property?!"

Hearing this, Wei Kongqing dazzled his eyes slightly, then raised the corners of his mouth, feeling warm and slightly cool.

She smiled and said, "Do you believe it or not, and I sue you for deliberately kidnapping and blackmailing the old lady?"

After all, the old lady is alone in her life now, she has no children, no brothers, no sisters, so... there is still a question mark as to who this man is.

The man in the suit scolded angrily: "This is my home, who are you calling the kidnapper?"

It's a pity that just a few seconds after the words fell, another voice full of anger rang out.

"Where is your home?" It is rare to see the gloomy old lady Shen coming out of the living room and retorted: "I will not sell this house. After a hundred years, I will donate it to the country directly, so as to save you people People who are greedy think about it every day."

The man was startled.

He hurried forward, trying to please Old Madam Shen flatteringly: "Auntie, don't do this! My dad is really waiting for money for medical treatment!"

According to the customs of the Chinese people, the child in the side room must be called the main room as the aunt.

But it was precisely that sentence, aunt and my father, that completely annoyed Mrs. Shen.

"Fuck him?!" Old Mrs. Shen hated that man so much that her teeth itch.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Get out, it's not up to you to dictate my house, and as long as Xiaowei wants, I can let her kick it again anytime to find the feeling."

The man was a little overwhelmed.

But before he finished his defense, he was suddenly thrown away by the grumpy old lady Shen with a broom.

"Take your broken fruit, immediately! Immediately! Get out of here! I don't welcome anyone from your Yu family to come in, understand?!"

(End of this chapter)

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