I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 103 It's Poverty That Stumbles My Hands and Feet

Chapter 103 It's Poverty That Stumbles My Hands and Feet
"No." Ye Qianxing said two words without love.

Hahaha laughed out loud.

The live broadcast room was also stunned for a moment, full of hahaha laughter.

【Sister Xing: Poverty is holding me back. 】

【Hahahaha, just imagine, the snot coming out of my nose when I was crying last second, and I can’t help laughing this second, my mother is going to beat me. 】

[My husband called me crazy. 】

【Hahaha. 】

Staff: Please open the live broadcast room of Chenxing host and fulfill the contract, otherwise you will be punished according to the breach of contract.

Ye Qianxing: ...

[Sister Xing, Sister Xing, please open it, we begged you. 】

[You just finish this live broadcast as a farewell to us, and when this show is over, you don't live broadcast again, okay? 】

[In this way, Sister Xing is not a breach of contract, nor is it a breach of what she just said. 】

【Sister Xing, please. 】

Ye Qianxing restarted the live broadcast.

He took the lead in saying: "Even I didn't expect that one day I would be so poor."

[Sister Xing, Sister Xing is not your fault, it's all because of poverty. 】

[Yes, yes, sister Xing is always right. 】

【Sister Star...】

Everyone was afraid that Ye Qianxing would quit when she got angry. I really thank Mantian Gods and Buddhas for making Sister Xing so poor.

Otherwise, they really are, and they won't be able to see Sister Xing soon.

"Today is another day of being forced to open."

Ye Qianxing waved his small fist angrily: "Poor people have no human rights."

"Hahaha, hahaha."

Haifeng couldn't stop laughing, he had never seen someone slap him in the face so fast.

Nan Nan covered her lips and coughed lightly twice, trying to hold back a smile: "Xing Xing, it seems that the fish in my hand has been roasted."

There was such a big commotion just now, after a fierce battle of gunpowder and smoke, and "angry farewell".

Everyone was emotionally exhausted like a roller coaster, only the grilled fish did not move like a mountain, turning from white to burnt yellow.

When Ye Qianxing saw the fish, he couldn't care less about anything else, and immediately wailed.

"Hey, my fish."

"I haven't brushed the ingredients yet, so I won't be able to taste it later."

Forget about everything just now, only the food in front of you is the most important.

As Ye Qianxing approached, the familiar scent rushed into everyone's nostrils again.

[Aww, nothing is bigger than food. 】

[When will you be able to eat these foods casually? 】

[I'm really hungry, so I don't have a boss, let's see Sister Xing's cooking skills, learn a bit, and cook it myself? 】

【I... I have, I made snake ribs last time...】

[I made French fries, but I didn't find the potatoes used by the anchor, I used a similar one instead. 】

【The results of it?The results of it?Two big brothers, can you do it? 】

【If possible, we will do it ourselves. 】

【emmm, I blew up the kitchen twice, and my neighbors complained that I was gassing, and almost took me to the Interstellar Bureau of Investigation. 】

[Finally, it was finally done, and the stench was hard to eat. 】

Everyone was stunned.

As a last hope, I asked the brother of the French fries.

【brother? 】

[Did you succeed? 】

【I entered the Interstellar Hospital and stayed in the convalescent warehouse for a full week. 】

[The doctor said that the food I ate was poisonous and very poisonous. 】

【Let me not eat randomly. 】

[Cherish life, stay away from retro food. 】

[What a miserable man. 】

Ye Qianxing almost burst out laughing when he saw the screen popping up.

[Hahahaha, I laughed, really. 】

[Laughing, I have bronchitis, hahaha, haha. 】

[One enters the investigation bureau, the other enters the hospital, just eat something, why is it so difficult. 】

 Gentle slogan: Cherish life, please do not cook casually.

  Fierce slogan: Those darlings who know that their own cooking is dark cooking, can you let me crawl?
  I have eaten my husband's cooking.

  That time I ate it, but the dog refused to eat it and ran away.

  The second time, I had diarrhea for a day.

  After that my husband never cooked again.

  [But I think speaking of this, I seem to have discovered some big secret? 】

(End of this chapter)

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