Chapter 104 A Feast of Food
Ye Qianxing couldn't help laughing while watching the video.

But I also warn everyone very seriously.

"If you want to cook delicious food, you must find the same ingredients as the ones in my hand and make them."

"Because some plants are indeed very poisonous. Everyone should cherish your life. Don't lose your life just because you eat it in one bite."

The grilled golden-yellow grilled fish is brushed with cumin and slightly spicy, and it is also brushed with layers of honey water, which makes the grilled fish look much more shiny.

The tangy fragrance immediately hits my face, making my mouth water.

[Anchor, anchor, hurry up, give us a virtual tasting first. 】

[Anchor, I really want to eat. 】

【Please, anchor, my friend...】

Ye Qianxing quickly looked squarely at the pop-up screen: "Brother, I suspect that you have made friends out of nothing, and I want to report you."

【No... no, anchor, I mean my friend is also watching eagerly. 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 】

【LOL. 】

I picked up some grilled fish, took out half of the spicy fish head, and put it on a large plate.

A bowl of fish soup, milky white milky soup, without any fishy smell, is delicious.

"Okay, it's time to serve." Some of them gave everyone virtual tastings, and some of them sat up in a circle.

Nan Nan's eyes were shining, and she looked at the plate eagerly.

"Xing Xing, it really smells so good."

"Try it quickly."

Haifeng was the first to turn red with his ears, and he couldn't wait to pick up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. The tenderness, fragrance, and lubricating feeling in his mouth are unforgettable.

You can feel the sudden deliciousness in an instant, which is intoxicating.

Taste carefully, the chewy fish, with the sweet and sour taste, seems to be a fusion of all the flavors in the world, very wonderful.

Haifeng felt that he would seem to be so beautiful that he was no longer in the world.

"I seem to be floating."

After Nan Nan described it like this, her face was blushing.

If everyone didn't know that she ate fish, they almost thought she drank wine.

After the first bite, everyone left regardless of their image.

Big mouth to eat meat, big mouth to drink soup.

Delicious food can almost dispel all bad moods, cold and hunger.

[666! ! 】

[Anchor, I have always wanted to ask you a very serious question. May I ask the anchor, do you accept apprentices? 】

[If you don't accept it, do you lack a boyfriend? 】

[If the anchor doesn't like me, his son is fine too. The kind of son who grew up on his own doesn't need to be served. 】

Big Brother of Snake Steak: [I have also been busy in the kitchen for a long time, why is there such a big gap? 】

[There is nothing that a bowl of rice can't solve. If there is, it's because you don't eat enough. 】

[This is a feast of food, taste buds, sight, and smell are fully satisfied. 】

【Anchor, call you crazy! ! 】

【Hua Xizi sent out nutrient solution X100.】


The rave reviews, Ye Qianxing brand of rice, no one has eaten it and said it is good.

[Anchor, is there a lottery draw today? 】

[Anchor, although you cannot send interstellar express during the live broadcast, you can draw first, we will help you remember, and send it to us after your competition is over. 】

[Okay, host, are you drawing one hundred or two hundred today? 】

Before Ye Qianxing had time to speak, he was arranged clearly.

[Little lunatic.Little lunatic, go ask if you can give your fans some benefits as well. 】

[Little lunatic, I suddenly feel that it is useless to follow you. 】

 Sister Xing: "Huzi, I suddenly feel that you are quite useless."

  Brother Hu has a serious face: "Who is useless?"

  "Who is useless?"

  "I'll tell you again, not only can I grill, but I can also make soy milk!"

(End of this chapter)

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