I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 109 Little, I Found You Useful

Chapter 109 Little, I Found You Useful

There was chaos in the live broadcast room, and some people just vomited it out.

Someone drank water.

Interstellar people have never tasted bitterness.

This is the first time Nan Nan drank this kind of strong taste, she only felt bitter from the tip of her tongue to the root of her tongue, and she didn't say anything.

Even the stomach cramped up.

Nan Nan covered her stomach, drank it in one gulp, and quickly drank the warm water handed by Ye Qianxing: "Xing Xing..."


"I started to feel sorry for my ancestors again, and it was too difficult."

Ye Qianxing patted Nan Nan's back: "Actually, it's because you are exposed to bitterness for the first time, and your stomach needs to adapt. Drink it twice more."

Nan Nan was petrified.

"How much?? Drink twice?"

"That's right, this medicine needs to be taken for two days, how can one meal be enough?"

Nan Nan wished she could faint on the spot.

There was mist in her big eyes, and she wanted to swear, but she was always shy, so she didn't know how to swear.

Blushing blushed abruptly: "Can I not drink?"


Nan Nan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Well, as long as you don't want the wound to heal, you can drink it or not."

Nan Nan covered her mouth and squatted aside aggrieved: "I feel sorry for our ancestors again."

"It's just so hard for them."

"The lives of people in ancient times were really pitiful."

Haifeng nodded after drinking, which is really pitiful.

"It's getting late, Chen Xing, let's go to the cave, I just found a cave over there, it's just right to spend the night tonight."

Ye Qianxing picked up his backpack: "Then let's go there quickly and pick up firewood along the way."

"Go and clean up the cave, it will be night."

Gaifeng, Nan Nan, and Ye Qianxing set out on the road, collecting firewood all the way to the cave, which was very large and dry.

More than enough for three people.

Ye Qianxing lit the fire, and he was full at noon, and he ate late, so everyone was not very hungry at night.

Ye Qianxing went out for a run, looked at the non-toxic fruits, picked a few, and finished the dinner.

After a long day of running, everyone fell asleep quickly at night.

The live broadcast room is closed at night, after all, the anchor also needs a little privacy.

But until late at night, Ye Qianxing moved in the white tiger's huge soft fur, turned over, and opened his eyes.

Looking at Gaifeng and Nannan who were sleeping soundly on the other side, Ye Qianxing's small face rubbed against the white tiger's soft fur.

You don’t need to bring a bed when you go out, you only need to bring a pet. The fur should not be too soft, and it is also great as a bed.

It can also be made bigger or smaller.

Ye Qianxing didn't quite think about it, so he yawned, flicked his fingertips, a wisp of cigarette floated out, and Blast Wind's snoring became louder.

Ye Qianxing got up after confirming that the two of them had slept more soundly. His body, which was originally surrounded by long hair, was instantly surrounded by cold wind, and Ye Qianxing shivered.

Ye Xiaoxiao immediately stood up shaking her hair, her tall body blocked the cold wind outside, and her huge tiger head gently rubbed against Ye Qianxing's face.


Boy, why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?

Ye Qianxing covered her lips with her index finger: "Shh..."

"Let's go out, let's go."

The clothes kept the temperature constant and kept warm, but the hands and neck were still leaking out. The temperature at night was very cold, so Ye Qianxing breathed a sigh of relief on his hands.

Suddenly, Ye Xiaoxiao rolled up her long tail, directly rolled up Ye Qianxing, and put it on her back.

A steady stream of heat was transmitted from Ye Xiaoxiao's body to Ye Qianxing's hands.


Where to go?

Ye Qianxing simply turned over, lay on Ye Xiaoxiao's back, and whispered, "Xiaoxiao, I found that you are useful."

"Get out and go to the left."

 Thank you Yunyang little gentleman~ 500000 book coins for rewarding
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  200 book coins reward~
  Thank you Xiyu baby, 100 book coins reward,

  Thanks 119***005, baby, 100 book coins for reward~
  Seeing the world news, Bobo was stunned! !

  I even wanted to drive a car to calm down, but luckily reason stopped me, hehe

  Thank you very much for your love, each of your votes and comments are my motivation!

  There are also many readers who have followed the old books, thank you, really! ! !
  The author will definitely work hard, hee hee, just Jiang Zi, the meeting is over! !

  (Oh~ I almost forgot, tomorrow 6 update, hehe, I won’t forget~)

(End of this chapter)

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