I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 110 It's been a long time since no one dared to scold me like that

Chapter 110 It's been a long time since no one dared to scold me like that
One person and one beast walked a little farther, and came to a mountain depression, which was the location Ye Qianxing had hoped for when he came.

To avoid the wind, Ye Qianxing patted Ye Xiaoxiao on the back: "Xiaoxiao, let me down."

When Ye Xiaoxiao bent her front paws, her whole body fell down, and Ye Qianxing touched the ground with her long legs.

In the lush forest, it was very cool at night, Ye Xiaoxiao lay down on the ground, curled her tail, and rolled Ye Qianxing into her arms.


Sit here, no wind.

Ye Qianxing moved a few times and chose a suitable sitting position.

The whole area is surrounded by fluffy.

Ye Qianxing's brows and eyes warmed up even more. She grabbed Ye Xiaoxiao's hair: "Xiaoxiao, let me reiterate that you are really useful."


As soon as the sun comes out and your hair is tossed, you feel that labor and capital are useless.

As soon as it got dark, the sun went down, and it was cold, I felt lucky to have a tiger cub.


The thick and long tail rubbed against Ye Qianxing's waist twice: "Hey~"

Come on, what are you going to do?
When Ye Qianxing moved his hand, a white porcelain bottle appeared out of nowhere in his hand.

"Get out!" Ye Qianxing made a casual gesture, and there were wisps of black smoke, which Ye Qianxing pulled out of the bottle.

Ye Xiaoxiao, who was originally absent-minded, suddenly brightened his eyes.

The black mist in between drifted twice, and stood still at Ye Qianxing's fingertips.

The four little black shadows were obviously still a little confused, and the four villains turned around twice in a daze: "Where is this?"

Ye Xiaoxiao sniffed lightly with the tip of her nose, only to feel a foul smell.

These four souls really stink!

The stench is so bad, it can be seen that they are full of evil, they are big treacherous people, the souls of ordinary people are white, and they are so black that they are almost dripping water.


Xiaoxiao sneezed and quickly blocked her sense of smell.

Ye Qianxing's expression was cold, and he touched the four shadows to make them stand still: "You are already dead."


The four of them froze for a moment, and then the endless memories of their lifetime came back.

They were ordered to kill a small anchor, and they died.

Looking up again, isn't that woman standing in front of him?

"You!! What did you do to us?"

"Why are we still conscious after death! You are lying."

"I do not believe!"

"Believe it or not, you are all dead."

"Seeing that your souls have turned black, you must have done evil in normal times."

"Then killing you will not be wronged."

"After all, who asked you to deal with me."

Ye Qianxing himself has never been on Earth before, so where did the enemy come from?

Several people were a little panicked when they heard Ye Qianxing's question, but they still didn't dare to say anything: "We don't know what you are talking about."

"We are star robbers, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

"Kill so much nonsense if you want to kill it."

"Bah! Bastard, labor and capital are not afraid of you, and you will be a good man again in 100 years."

A few people were afraid that Ye Qianxing would have some other means, and now they only wanted to die.

"You bitch who is ridden by thousands of people and rested by thousands of people, fuck you."

"If you have the ability, kill us."

"You kill!"

"Countless, I guess it would be useless to kill a chicken."

Ye Qianxing smiled suddenly, the blackness in his eyes was as deep as a cold pool.

Red lips were bleeding, and a low smile escaped his lips, his voice was low and dangerous: "It's been a long time since no one dared to scold me like that."


  Thank you Qinghua Qianmo Baby, 100 book coins as a reward~
  Thank you, Drunk Wind Baby, 100 Book Coins as a reward.

  Thank you, I met your baby by chance, and I will reward you with 200 book coins.

  Thank you baby, the star is mine, and I will reward you with 100 book coins (ID name, the official does not recognize it.)
  Thank you baby Hongmo, 100 book coins, 100 book coins, 100 book coins,...

  Hmm...a total of, forget it, a bunch, I can't count clearly, let's compare my mind.

  Thank you Momo~ Aha~ 100, 100, 100, 100, like five?Or 6?
  (I feel like I am doing math problems, not thanking you, you are relying on my math.)
  I can’t write any more, thank you for the rest of the treasure tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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