I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 124 If you love her, cook him a meal, right?

Chapter 124 If you love her, cook him a meal, right?
At this time, an Aite suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, Xiao Caicai: [@Husband?Husband, if you love me so much, you must be willing to cook me a meal, right? 】

[As long as you cook me a meal, I will marry you immediately. 】

Everyone immediately booed: [vomit! ! 】

[No bride price, no star coins, just a meal!Brother, what are you waiting for? 】

[Hurry up, big brother. 】

I'm Caicai's husband: [Baby, last time your mother said, is the bride price 50 star coins?I promised to buy you a private small spaceship. 】

In fact, the girl was originally joking, but now she is dumbfounded. What does this mean?Don't want to?

The girl suddenly became serious.

Little Caicai: [I don't want it!I want you to cook me a meal!I don't want 50 star coins, and I don't want a private small spaceship! 】

[You said you love me, don't you love me even if you don't want to cook me a meal? 】

I'm Caicai's husband: [I don't want to. 】

[I can earn more when the star coins are gone, but I really don't have time for farming. 】

Little Caicai: 【You always say you don't have time!Do not have time!No time for anything!Then what do you love me for? 】

The man seemed to be a little annoyed.

I'm Caicai's husband: [From now on, I don't love anymore. 】

【goodbye. 】

As he spoke, the man's head turned black.

The woman was really dumbfounded.

It soon became dark, and it is estimated that he went offline to find someone.

For just a few seconds, everyone was stunned.

In a life-and-death drama, everyone never imagined that cooking a meal can ruin a couple.

[I think this buddy is quite right. This kind of land and cooking are really laborious, so it's better to buy something. 】

[The one who hears this is a man. In fact, a woman doesn't care whether you know it or not. She just needs you to have the heart. 】

【I bet, if this man really agrees, he might not have time to grow it. It's so troublesome that the woman would give up by herself. 】

[It's mainly because of my heart. I don't care about cooking, I just feel that this man is dispensable to a woman, and this girl also has no sense of security. 】

[I guess after today, there will be a saying among the stars: Do you love me?If you love me, cook me a meal, right? 】

Ye Qianxing laughed out loud, how many men or women in the fairy world and the mortal world have washed their hands and made soup, such a simple thing has become so important and unattainable in Interstellar.

【Anchor, will you let your other half cook for you in the future? 】

Xiao Xiao hurriedly pricked up his ears to listen, concentrating on it.

"Of course I will. I don't take nutrient solution, and I have to eat three meals a day. In fact, if I really like someone, cooking for her is a very happy thing."

As long as Ye Qianxing mentions the person he likes, he will smile shyly.

[I can hardly look directly at the anchor, really, the light in those eyes will stab me blind. 】

[I really like the magnanimity of the anchor, the anchor likes a person, so bold, so passionate, so unabashed. 】

[I have secretly liked someone for a long time, but I have never dared to confess. Even if I look at him more, I feel embarrassed. 】

Ye Qianxing looked at everyone: "So what? Have you all given up farming?"

"Maybe you can get a daughter-in-law by farming, or not?"

【cough cough cough...】

[Ahem, it's a good day today, aha. 】

The fans just pretended they couldn't hear, and quickly changed the subject:
[Hey, anchor, there is a star beast in front of you! 】

【Anchor!Lunch! 】

[Anchor, it is important for the anchor to eat. 】

 In fact, every time Sister Xing talks about the person she likes, she is not a nympho, nor does she become weak.

  Not even brainless love.

  It's just that no matter how tough a person is, he is his softest weakness.

  When you think of him, you will be involuntarily happy, happy, and even healed.

  Facing others, and facing the most important person, everyone has two sides.

  Sister Xing is still Sister Xing, everyone is Sister Xing.

  Brother Hu's dealing with other people is also different from facing sister Xing.

  The most comfortable relationship is that two people go hand in hand, are considerate of each other, and work hard towards each other.

  May you all find love.

(End of this chapter)

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