I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 125 5 Fragrant Spicy, Less Coriander

Chapter 125 Five-spice spicy, less coriander

Ye Qianxing looked up, and there was indeed a group of herbivores jumping on the ground in front of him.

In fact, the so-called star beasts are all mutated animals, but some animals Ye Qianxing has seen, and some she has not seen.

For example, Ye Qianxing doesn't know the animal in front of him now. The overall image is a bit like a rabbit, but it doesn't have long ears.

The eyes are not red, but green.

There are also two sharp fangs, which grin when they see a stranger, ready to attack.

The body is as tall as Ye Qianxing's calf, the entire universe is so vast, and each planet has its own unique species.

So there are many star beasts that you don't know.

[I still think this kind of star beast is a little cute. 】

[Those green eyes are like emeralds. 】

[It's cute and cute, but it doesn't have a head. 】

[Does the anchor want to eat them?The anchor is somewhat cruel. 】

[However, anchor, the poor monk doesn't want spicy food, one cumin and one five spice. 】

[It's quite cute, anchor! !Anchor!Use less cilantro. 】

[Anchor, such a cute star beast, when you kill it, can you not let me see it, but the anchor, I like to eat roasted, spicy. 】

Ye Qianxing: ...

All of them are gods, while talking about how cute rabbits are, how can you eat them, and at the same time saying, I want spiced and spicy.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to ask so much. If you can't eat, Xiaoxiao can pay for it all, right?"

Ye Xiaoxiao nodded twice with his huge tiger head: "Roar!"

Eating the food made by my son, and so many other things.

[Anchor?love gone? 】

[Anchor?Love transferred? 】

[Anchor, are you floating? 】

[Anchor, you don't love us anymore? 】

[If you love us, make a variety of flavors, how delicious you are, how much you love us. (Look at your actions~ baby.)]

[Anchor, move yourself, (hands.) Eat well. 】

[Is the anchor still missing Xiaoxiao?I can. 】

[Xiao Xiao: Roar! ! ! (roll!)】

Ye Qianxing was so teased by this group of Pippi shrimps that he almost died of laughter, and jumped off Xiaoxiao's back by himself: "Xiaoxiao, go catch some and bring them back for lunch."

As soon as Ye Xiaoxiao exerted force on his hind legs, he ran far away, and the group of star beasts dispersed in a rush. The star beasts let out a strange scream and ran away.

But how could they run at such a small speed, almost effortlessly, several of them were killed with a single paw.

[Anchor, you can eat minced meat at noon, the kind with fur. 】

[Anchor who can also make meatloaf. 】

【hh~Xiao Xiao is too hard, it will be mushy, if you don't go, the host, you will run away. 】

[Anchor, at least catch seven or eight or ten, otherwise there won't be enough to eat. 】

Xiaoxiao was still having fun, but Ye Qianxing looked at the star beast that was trampled into meatloaf by Xiaoxiao, and covered his face speechlessly.

"If you really can't do whatever you want, cooking No.1."

Seeing that these star beasts were about to run away, Ye Qianxing sighed, and casually pulled up a long vine on the nearby tree.

With a strong flick, the vine was tied to the tree at one end, very firmly.

Then Ye Qianxing turned around and stood in front of the star beasts with her hair curving gracefully in the air. The herd of beasts was startled and ran back quickly.

This stretched and relaxed, and between a pause, more than a dozen star beasts ran into a horizontal line.

The vine in Ye Qianxing's hand suddenly seemed to be given life, stretched forward, and instantly passed under the belly of all the star beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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