Chapter 160 Hymerz disease
"Xingxing, do you know? Without Qin Jue, there would be no me."

So whether it's love or kindness, Nan Nan can't leave Qin Jue behind.

Because Qin Jue only has Nan Nan.

Nan Nan only has Qin Jue.It is each other's fetters, but also each other's salvation.

"Hammer's disease, do the stars know about it?" Nan Nan suddenly asked a question.

Ye Qianxing shook his head.

I don't know if it was suppressed for too long, Nan Nan wanted to find someone to talk to.

"Hammerz disease is a genetic disease second only to gene collapse disease, ranking No. 2 under gene collapse disease."

"It's just Haimerz's disease. It's a little better than gene collapse disease. Although it is difficult to treat, it can be cured."

"I've had Hymerz's since I was born."

"My original family left me in the wild and wanted me to fend for myself."

"It was Qin Jue who picked me up."

"Cure me."

"The most difficult thing to treat for Haimerz's disease is the lack of a recovery energy stone."

"Qin Jue was not Qingzhou's right-hand man at that time, he suffered from genetic collapse and was trampled and attacked by many people, but because of that kind of energy stone, he made a mistake at work once and was taught by the leader of Qingzhou himself. "

Seemingly thinking of the scene that made Nan Nan terrified, she covered her face, her voice trembling slightly: "When he came back that day, he didn't even have a piece of good flesh on his body."

"Blood and blood, even the bones are broken a lot."

"The co-owner doesn't allow him to use the repair fluid. He has been in a coma for half a month. The high fever persists. The wounds on his body are almost rotting. I can only give him some basic medical methods."

"But you know he is in a coma, what is he still talking about?"

"He said:……"

"Don't be afraid, Nannan, you will definitely get better."

Nan Nan twitched her nose, and tears rolled down her cheeks to her chin: "Although Haimerz's disease can be cured, this disease will occur once a week."

"Every time, it's extremely painful, but he will come back to accompany me no matter what the reason is. Every time I bite him, there are tooth marks all over his body."

"He also endured it. The most terrifying time was that I couldn't take it anymore. I picked up the prepared blade and almost committed suicide. The knife cut my hand and cut him many wounds."

"That time, our blood was fused together, and we couldn't tell the difference."

"Xing Xing, you said, when I was in pain, darkness, and wandering on the edge of life and death, he accompanied me. Now that he is like this, how can I leave him alone."

Ye Qianxing listened quietly, until Nan Nan stopped talking, Ye Qianxing said to Nan Nan: "He needs treatment."

"He became like this because of a huge mental stimulation."

"Plus genetic collapse disease, and the ablation of mental power."

"I also thought about taking him to see a doctor, but others can't do anything about genetic collapse, and we are even less good at mental illness."

Ye Qianxing sighed: "You take him to the ancient earth, I can cure his gene collapse disease first."

After all, Ye Qianxing was slapped in the face again, and now he regrets what he just said.

Not for Qin Jue.

It's just for Nan Nan, Qin Jue is worth every penny.

Nan Nan can also suffer less.

Nan Nan suddenly raised her head: "Xing Xing, what did you say?"

"I said, I can treat his..."

Nan Nan waved her hands violently, with anxious eyes: "Stars, stars!! Stop talking!"


 Thanks: Hitomi baby, 400 book coins as a reward~
  Thanks to 384 kittens, 200 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you Wangjian baby, 400 book coins reward,

  Thank you, baby taro ball, for rewarding 588 book coins.

  Thank you, Tong Tong, for a reward of 200 book coins.

  Thank you, Shanshuiyunjian, for a reward of 200 book coins.

  Thank you Qicheng for being a baby with milk, 100 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you very much, babies~~

(End of this chapter)

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