Chapter 161

The Star Network is not absolutely safe. The high-level executives of the Star Network know everyone who uses the Star Network.

Like these keywords, if they are passed on, it is afraid that Ye Qianxing will be killed.

Ye Qianxing closed his mouth: "What I said is true, you can bring him here when you have time."

Nan Nan wanted to ask something, but she also knew that now was not the time to speak: "Okay."

The two said a few more words and hung up the video.

Ye Qianxing sighed, looking at the barbecue on the rack, he lost his appetite to eat it.

Seeing Ye Qianxing sighing, Xiaoxiao felt a little unhappy, so she scratched Ye Qianxing's waist with her tail.

Ye Qianxing turned her head to Xiao Xiao: "Xiao Xiao, don't make trouble."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a small yellow flower pinned to his ear on the small and huge head.

The original cold tiger face, the majestic little, instantly had a feeling of turning into a silly dog.

Xiao Xiao blinked twice at Ye Qianxing, Ye Qianxing's expression froze for a moment, and the next moment he collapsed to the ground laughing suddenly.

"a ha ha ha!!!"


Ye Qianxing laughed till he hit the ground.



"You killed me laughing."

The tiger winked, imagine what kind of amorous feelings that is.

The picture was so beautiful that Ye Qianxing couldn't breathe from laughing.

Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly touched the ground with one foot and turned around in circles.

Ye Qianxing was about to burst out laughing, the cold beast suddenly turned into a country little yellow flower, and even danced ballet, with a clumsy and slightly muscular body, it looked unusually funny.

Ye Qianxing clutched his throbbing stomach, tears almost came out of laughter.

Ye Xiaoxiao saw that the haze between Ye Qianxing's eyebrows was no longer there, and finally stopped, raised her paws to press Ye Qianxing's limbs, and washed her face again.

The huge head took a good sniff at Ye Qianxing's neck.

Ye Qianxing plucked the yellow flowers from the little ears, and finally stopped smiling, but her heart was still very warm.

Knowing that Xiaoxiao is making himself happy.

And in my heart, I am even more convinced that Xiaoxiao is a child.

After all, can adults do this?

Ye Qianxing rubbed her belly, hugged Xiaoxiao in her arms, smoothed her hair twice, and smacked Xiaoxiao's head twice: "Xiaoxiao, I like you so much, how can you be so cute."

"I really like you."

"There is no such a well-behaved baby as Xiaoxiao."

Ye Xiaoxiao stared at Ye Qianxing with wide eyes, what did this woman say?
Like yourself?

Still calling you baby?
Ye Xiaoxiao felt that his limbs became hot instantly, as if a volcano erupted in his heart, and the temperature of the magma almost burned him up.

Ye Xiaoxiao's head was so hot that he was dizzy.

His heart beat fast, and he knew that the cub liked him.

Coveting his strong figure, he is always fascinated by it.

And she also protects herself, this woman actually likes herself a long time ago, for the sake of her sincerity, I let her chase me.

Ye Xiaoxiao happily tossed and turned in Ye Qianxing's arms, exposing her belly, took Ye Qianxing's hand, and stroked her belly.

This is a sign that the beast trusts you, and Ye Qianxing will naturally not refuse, and the small abdomen is very soft, and the hair is also particularly thin.

It feels very good.

Ye Qianxing stroked it twice, and gently scratched Ye Xiaoxiao with five fingers. Ye Xiaoxiao fell in love with his eyes comfortably, and wrapped her tail around Ye Qianxing's waist, patting her.

The cub is really thick-skinned, really shameless.

Just call yourself baby.

Ye Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed.

 [We have a fan group, let’s talk about the group number again, Q group number: 522928963]

  Sister Xing rubbed her little belly, feeling it, and suddenly something didn't look right.

  Isn't Xiaoxiao a child?
  Why, the size is about the same as an adult tiger?
  Sister Xing wondered: Could it be that the divine beasts are gifted?

  (Actually, when Xiaoxiao turned it over, she made Sister Xing see him all, hahaha.)
  A lot of fans asked Brother Hu's age. Brother Hu is more than 300 years old. For the 500 lifespan of Interstellar, Brother Hu is old, but for the beast, Brother Hu is just an adult.

  I didn't explain Sister Xing's age in detail, but she is 108 years old.

  The Immortal Venerable is even bigger!

  Heck, let's talk about age.

(End of this chapter)

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