Chapter 178

Hate that I can't do anything, hate that I am weak and need my parents' protection.

And loneliness.

There is even sadness and panic, and she will be a child without a home in the future.

Ye Qianxing felt extremely sad when he heard the crying.

But I don't know how to say comfort. In this place where the parents' corpses are scattered all over the floor, all verbal comfort seems to be pale.

When the crying stopped, Ye Qianxing waved his hand, and two crystal coffins appeared beside him.

"Let's put your parents here first, return to the ancient earth and then burrow into the soil, shall we?" Ye Qianxing's voice was rare and gentle.

With trembling hands, they propped up their weak legs. On the way to stand up, they almost fell down a few times.

It was Ye Qianxing who quickly supported him.

"I'll do it myself, you don't have to do it."

Ye Qianxing stood aside obediently.

Shuangshuang didn't want her parents' bones to be touched by others, so she wouldn't touch them. She just stood beside Shuangshuang, watching her silently, helping her from time to time to prevent her from falling.

In the not-so-wide mine tunnel, dazzling scarlet is everywhere.


For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely heavy, Shuangshuang stopped crying and said nothing, she just quietly picked up every stump of her mother.

Just now, this hand tried desperately to protect himself, and even gently stroked his head.

Feet... once took him to walk through the entire mining area.

Take yourself around the world.


Always looking at myself so tenderly, as if to say, Shuangshuang, you are my baby.

Every time Shuang Shuang picked up one piece, she seemed to tremble a bit.

She kissed her mother's hands, eyes, forehead again and again...

Then set it up little by little.

Ye Qianxing's eyes were red, and she clutched the clothes on her chest slightly, her heart was so oppressed that she couldn't breathe, even the air here seemed to have become sticky.

It took two hours for Shuangshuang to piece together his father and mother.

Ye Qianxing waved again, and placed the two crystal coffins in the space, and then looked at the imprisoned executioners.

There is deep-seated, crazy hatred in Shuangshuang's eyes.

Ye Qianxing held the sword in his hand: "Actually, I don't want your hands to be stained with blood. I can take revenge for you."

"Your hatred cannot be dissolved, but it should not be only hatred in your life."

Shuangshuang didn't answer, but stretched out her hand to Ye Qianxing.

Ask for the sword in her hand.

Those red eye sockets just looked at Ye Qianxing firmly.

Ye Qianxing finally sighed, and handed the sword to Shuang Shuang.

"They just want to ruin you. If you really do what they want, you will disappoint your parents."

"They worked their ass off to make you happy."

"Hate is to be reported, but don't be blinded."

These people can also be killed by Shuangshuang, but after the killing, Shuangshuang must let go, and cannot live with these burdens for a lifetime.

Otherwise it will be too tiring.

It is not the original intention of both parents.

Ye Qianxing didn't expect Shuangshuang to answer him, but just patted the little man on the shoulder: "I'll wait for you outside."

It's just that Ye Qianxing just turned around and took two steps, when he suddenly heard a pair of hoarse voices coming from behind.

"Am I trash?"

Ye Qianxing turned his head, looked into both eyes seriously, and said firmly, "No!"

Shuangshuang asked again: "Then will I become a strong man in the future?"

Ye Qianxing nodded: "Yes!"

"Is it stronger than them all?"

Ask both.


Ye Qianxing was not comforting Shuang Shuang, but the truth!

(End of this chapter)

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