I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 179 In the future, I will avenge blood

Chapter 179 In the future, I will avenge blood

Both upper, middle and lower dantians are complete, and they are water-type heavenly roots.

The five elements have complete spiritual roots. Although he is a super genius, the progress of the early stage of cultivation is slow, and the later stage of cultivation is difficult.

It is more difficult to advance each time. Of course, the combat power is naturally one to five.

But the five spirit roots are rare in ten thousand years.

Other than that, he is a genius with a single spiritual root.

They are only sensitive to one element by nature, and they are specific enough, so their natural cultivation speed will increase rapidly.

Shuangshuang didn't speak any more, just picked up the big sword and dragged it in front of a person. A big man looked at a little girl, and was terribly frightened.

"Do not kill me……"

"Do not kill me……"

But Shuang Shuang frowned and said, "My parents also said that."

"However, you don't seem to say that you are merciful."

As soon as Shuang Shuang finished speaking, she raised her sword and directly pierced the opponent's chest.

Every time Shuangshuang walked in front of someone, everyone was terrified, but no one could escape the punishment.

However, Ye Qianxing was a little fortunate that Shuangshuang didn't use excessive means to torture these people for the time being, and just killed them with one blow.

It's not that Ye Qianxing feels sorry for these people, but Shuang Shuang.

The last one is the so-called black brother.

Shuangshuang's parents died at his hands.

Both swords point at each other's hands.

"Which hand grabbed my father just now?"

"this one?"

The icy sword tip touched the skin, almost chilling my heart.

Hei Ge was so scared that his teeth were chattering, but he also knew that he would not survive, and he was not going to beg for mercy.

So there was a stalk in the neck: "If you want to kill, kill it, there is so much nonsense."


"It's too cheap for you."

Shuangshuang approached Brother Hei suddenly, blinked her big eyes twice: "I'll let you go."

Brother Hei's eyes widened in an instant. He didn't know what the hell this girl was trying to do.

But who knew, Shuang Shuang actually picked up the sword and chopped off the vines with three strikes.

"I let you go."

Brother Hei looked at Ye Qianxing at the side, and froze in place, not daring to move.

"Is what you said true?"

Shuangshuang nodded: "Today, she arrested you, not me."

"But I let you go."

"Let you live a little longer."

"In 20 years, I will definitely catch you with my own hands."

"In the future, I will avenge my blood."

"When the time comes, I will definitely pay back the pain my parents suffered a thousand times."

Brother Hei was frightened, but now that he was told to let him go, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

"You really let me go?"

"Did you hear me clearly, she told me to go?" Brother Hei was not afraid of Shuangshuang, but he was very afraid of Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing only hummed lightly.

Brother Hei was ecstatic in an instant, and he didn't know how many times he had scolded Shuangshuang as an idiot. The enemy was right in front of him, but she wanted to let her go.

"I'm leaving?"

Brother Hei asked again.

Shuang Shuang smiled and nodded: "You wait until I find you."

"I will cut you to pieces."

"Bone and ashes!"

Every word Shuang Shuang said seemed to be poisonous.

But Brother Hei doesn't care about those one, two, three, four, five, six now, he just runs away.

But Ye Qianxing understood that Shuangshuang wasn't joking, and now it seemed that this brother Hei was very happy and had saved his life.

But in the days to come, he will live in fear.

For decades.

And the degree of fear and fear will become more and more fearful as Shuangshuang becomes more famous and stronger in the future.

No fixed place to live, trying to escape.

I was afraid that when I woke up one day, the head on the item would no longer be there.

There is no telling when this day will come to an end.

Mental, psychological, physical, multiple tortures will come soon.

 These few pictures, I wrote too depressingly, to be honest, I myself was too depressing.

  Harm... don't scold me, it will be sweet soon.

  Tell a joke, unzip.

  Seeing my aunt putting on makeup, my little niece ran over: "Auntie, I want to put on makeup too."

  "Little girl, what makeup do you wear?"

  "Auntie, there is a boy in our class..."

  "I can't tell, you're only in the first grade, and you have a boyfriend? Do you want to look good and make him like you more?"

  "No, he's too annoying, I want to put on makeup like you and scare him to death!"


(End of this chapter)

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