I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 196 Immortal Venerable Can Destroy 1 Little One

Chapter 196 The Immortal Venerable Can Destroy One Hundred Little Ones
Ye Qianxing was taken aback. In fact, she didn't hear clearly what Jiujiu said just now. Is it Xianzun?

Ye Qianxing's eyes were a little confused?no?

Did you hear me wrong?

Seeing that one person and one beast had disappeared, Ye Qianxing had no choice but to let go of this question first, and turned to look at Shuangshuang: "Are you hungry? Let's cook?"

But Shuangshuang watched Jiujiu being taken away, and was very worried, because she could tell that Xiaoxiao was very fierce, and Jiujiu's force value was not high.

"But, Jiujiu..."

Will Xiaoxiao tear up Jiujiu?
Ye Qianxing shook his head: "No, Xiaoxiao has a sense of proportion, he won't do anything to Jiujiu."

"Little dare not."

"Don't look at him on the surface, but he is actually a coward."

"They will come back later, let them adjust themselves."

Shuang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Ye Qianxing say that.

Xiaoxiao seems to be just a little bit arrogant, but she never really hurt Jiujiu.

Shuang Shuang felt relieved: "Okay, Sister Xing Xing, I will cook for you."

"Sister Xingxing, can you teach me how to cook?"

"Okay, let's go." One big and one small walked into the kitchen, and here, Jiujiu was carried into the depths of the forest by Xiaoxiao, scaring countless monsters flying along the way.

His body is full of small teeth, as long as he exerts his strength, his bones will disappear.

Jiujiu was almost scared out of his wits.

"Woooo~ You! Let go of me!! Little!! If you dare to eat me, Master, I will definitely not let you go, and neither will the Immortal Venerable!"

"Do you know who the Immortal is? The Immortal is very powerful, and the Immortal can kill a hundred of you with one finger."

"If you don't want to die, just let me go."

Jiu Jiu Bai Shengsheng's little face was covered with tears, he was really a little scared.

Xiao Xiao is so fierce.

To tell the truth, Ye Xiaoxiao really wanted to kill Jiujiu, but Ye Xiaoxiao didn't care about the bullshit Immortal Venerable.

But if Ye Qianxing gets angry.

Ye Xiaoxiao let go after all, she couldn't be so aboveboard if she wanted to kill her, otherwise Xing Xing would be angry.

As soon as Jiujiu felt that he was out of the tiger's mouth, he wanted to fly away, but was patted by Ye Xiaoxiao's wings again.

Jiujiu flopped twice, the bird feathers on his body fell off in fright.

"You!! Ye Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?"

Ye Xiaoxiao now feels extremely irritable.

He now somewhat understood that the Immortal Venerable must be someone he did not know, and it was this Immortal Venerable who sent Ye Qianxing and Jiujiu here.

What to ask them to do, Xiaoxiao doesn't quite understand now.

But Ye Qian repeatedly mentioned Xianzun in front of him, because he mistook him for Jiujiu, so he trusted him in every possible way.

Close in every possible way.

Ye Xiaoxiao's complexion was very bad, and his heart was extremely irritable. For the first time, he felt a feeling of being at a loss.

What if Ye Qianxing knew that he was not sent by the Immortal Venerable?
Then would she doubt it?Suspicious?
Or apologize to yourself and drive yourself away?What reason do I have to stay by her side in the future?

Thinking about leaving Ye Qianxing?Ye Xiaoxiao felt that she was about to fall ill again.

His heart constricted for a while, it turned out that everything he had was stolen.

Stealing and tweeting.

Could it be that after Ye Qianxing found out that he had made a mistake, he would even have to return his name?

Is there only Ye Jiujiu in the future?No more Ye Xiaoxiao?
She will never lie on her belly and call herself small again, never trust herself so much, and she still knows that she has space?

Does she feel like a threat?
Thinking of the deprivation of everything she owns now, Ye Xiaoxiao felt her heart hurt so badly that she couldn't breathe.

 Brother Hu: Xing Xing, I am not sent by the immortal, can you still love me?

  Sister Xing: No!
  Brother Hu, woo woo woo~ I don’t want anyone anymore.

  Later, Sister Xing looked at the Immortal Venerable shyly: "I... I have worshiped the Immortal Venerable for a long time... Would the Immortal Venerable mind dating me?? Xiu?"

  Xianzun said coldly: "Didn't you say you can't love me anymore?"

  In the 99th contest, Sister Xing lost completely!
  [In the middle of this month, it's on the shelves, it's on the shelves!Save some of your guaranteed monthly tickets, save some, woo woo woo~]

  [Please, kneel down and cry loudly, woo hoo, I humbly beg online. 】

(End of this chapter)

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