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Chapter 197 Are You Pretending To Be Me?

Chapter 197 Are You Pretending To Be Me?

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at Jiujiu with murderous intent and evil spirit in his eyes. The most direct way now is to kill Jiujiu, then this secret will be buried forever.

But just now Ye Qianxing's smile appeared in front of her eyes again, she said with a smile: "We are a family, don't bully Jiujiu~"

Ye Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, and the whole tiger body suddenly turned into a human shape.

The slender figure, the cold and hard face, and the cold cat eyes looked at Jiujiu, leaving Jiujiu dumbfounded! !
"You!! You... You can change form, and you are still by the master's side?"


Jiujiu instantly became vigilant, this tiger has a plan! !

Jiujiu flapped his wings twice, wanting to report back to his master, but Ye Xiaoxiao stepped on his wings again.

"You!! Let me go!" Xiao Jiujiu blushed angrily.

"You stinky tiger! You are shameless! Steal my master!"

Speaking of which, Xiao Jiujiu also hates Ye Xiaoxiao to death, obviously it is the one who came from the fairyland with the master, and it is the one who wants to be intimate with the master.

In the end, such a stinky tiger came from nowhere, and it was fine to rob him of his master every day, and the master liked him quite a bit.

The last time I left the planet, I didn't bring myself with me, but I brought this stinky tiger with me.

Jiujiu felt that he had to sue the master!
Have you found the wrong person!
What Ji Hanxiao hates most now is the word my master!
Can't help snorting coldly.


Jiujiu didn't dare to make a sound for a moment, only dared to stare at Ji Hanxiao with big watery eyes.

"You... What exactly do you want?" Jiujiu felt aggrieved.

"Negotiate a condition with you."

"What? What?" Jiujiu stammered and looked at Xiaoxiao, then pouted: "Can you let go of my wings first? You promise not to hit me, I promise not to run, you stepped on me a bit pain."

Ji Hanxiao let go of Jiujiu's wings: "I won't hit you, I just want to make a deal with you."

Jiujiu didn't dare to run, if he couldn't fight, he would be chased back even if he flew. This stinky tiger's wings were bigger than his own.

In case this would kill him, who would he ask for reasoning?
"You...you tell me."

Jiujiu rolled his eyes, he wanted to play tricks on this stinky tiger, in case he really wanted to harm his master, he would pretend to agree first, and then secretly report to the master.

Jiujiu covered his mouth hehehe.

Ji Hanxiao saw through Jiujiu's plan at a glance, but he didn't worry, he twisted his head off and kicked it like a ball.

After organizing his words, Ji Hanxiao said in a deep voice; "Before you didn't show up, Ye Qianxing thought I was sent by the immortal."

"Don't expose this matter. If you have any requirements, you can ask them."

Jiujiu didn't react when he heard the news at first?

What does it mean that the master thought he was sent by an immortal?

The one sent by the immortal was obviously himself.

But the next moment! ! !Jiujiu stood up blushing suddenly.

He looked at Ji Hanxiao in disbelief.

"You!!! You are shameless! Are you pretending to be me?"

"You pretended to be me?"

Jiujiu gritted his teeth in resentment, it understood why the master was so kind to him.

"No! You're dreaming! I'm going to expose you now! All you enjoy is the master's love for me!"

"You stinky tiger, you are shameless!"

Jiujiu's fingertips trembled, he had never seen such a brazen person before.

It's fine to pretend to be yourself, and let yourself be the right owner, don't expose him?What a dream!

"I must show the master the true face of you, a stinky tiger!"

"You are fake! You are a counterfeit!"

(End of this chapter)

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