I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 214 Enriching Ancient Earth Species

Chapter 214 Enriching Ancient Earth Species

In the future, the ancient earth will serve as the base camp for Ye Qianxing and humans in the ancient country, so Ye Qianxing naturally needs to enrich the food of the ancient earth.

Get ready to make some "pseudo" wild plants.

It is all kinds of crops, rice, whole grains, peanuts and corn, as well as various vegetables, and fruit seeds.

Ye Qianxing wants to enrich the ancient earth with species, and this matter is imminent.

"Jiujiu, you take Shuangshuang to the south, mix these seeds, a small amount and many times, and sprinkle in multiple places."

"Find some places with soft soil to plant."

"And cover it with a thin layer of soil."

"it is good."

Jiujiu and Shuangshuang took the task and left: "Xiao Xiao, let's go, let's go to the north."

After closing the door, everyone started to move. Ye Qianxing sat on his back and looked down at this large expanse of green from a high place. .

Why is such a beautiful planet called a garbage planet?
Ye Qianxing didn't understand. In terms of being suitable for survival, the ancient earth had mountains, water, and food, but it wasn't too unsuitable for survival.

Ye Qianxing thought of this question inadvertently at first, but now that he couldn't find the answer, he suddenly sat up on Xiao Xiao's back.

Is there an inside story here?
This is a good planet, and it can't be turned into a garbage planet, let alone the mother planet?

and also……

Rubbish ancient countryman?
The human bloodlines with mediocre aptitude are not only the bloodlines of the ancient country, as far as Ye Qianxing knows, there are several bloodlines with mediocre aptitudes, and everyone is far from exaggerating the people of the ancient country.

Why only target ancient Chinese?

Just for the ancient earth?
Ye Qianxing always felt that there was something in it that he had overlooked?
But she couldn't catch her thoughts.


Ye Xiaoxiao licked Ye Qianxing's finger to bring her back to her senses.

What are you thinking, boy?Stop farming?
Ye Qianxing picked up the seeds and put down her thoughts. She believed that as long as it was a conspiracy, it would surface sooner or later.

She just needs to wait quietly.

Ye Qianxing doesn't need tools for farming. Looking at the fat black soil in front of her, she made a decision: "Turn dragon turn over!"

A piece of square land on the ground suddenly rolled over by itself, and the new soil below was turned up, and then gradually became soft.

Ye Qianxing randomly grabbed a handful of seeds, threw them on the ground, and spread them evenly.

Then with a wave of the hand, a thin layer of soil is covered on top to bury the seeds.

The efficiency of this kind of land is super high, and a large piece of land can be planted with a wave of hands.

But with this rough planting method, some seeds must not come out, but there is no way to have tens of thousands of seeds, as long as a part of them will come out, so that it looks like wild.

Ye Qianxing was carried by Xiao Xiao just like that, and the two of them quickly walked nearly half of the north.

Seeds were sprinkled a lot too.

But on the way back, Ye Qianxing looked down and suddenly saw a place.

Eyes narrowed slightly, Ye Qianxing's face became serious: "Little?"

"You stop."

"Go down from here."

Ye Qianxing discovered a rather strange place, it seems to be a secret place.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked down and knew where it was, Shennongjia.

Ye Qianxing carefully looked at the entire mountain area, it was covered in black mist, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

But Ye Qianxing keenly discovered that the terrain of this place is different!
It has been carefully arranged, especially when looking down from the top, it is easy to see that there is a dragon head mountain here.

(End of this chapter)

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