I became popular all over the world by farming

Chapter 215 Shennongjia Secret Realm?

Chapter 215 Shennongjia Secret Realm?
The so-called Longtou Mountain is a place with spiritual veins and spiritual forms.

The top of the mountain will gradually form the shape of a dragon's head, but this dragon's head feels suppressed, more like a gatekeeper.

Plus a large fog that can't be seen clearly.

Ye Qianxing thought to himself, this must be a secret realm, and never thought that there were secret realms on this ancient earth.

Xiaoxiao looked at Shennongjia, and there was some nostalgic color in her eyes.

He knows what's in it.

He kept thinking about finding a reason to bring Ye Qianxing in, but the boy found out by himself.

When Ye Qianxing landed on the ground, looking at the surrounding terrain, he confirmed even more that this was a secret realm.

And it's a great mystery.

Shenlong guards the gate.


Ye Qianxing thought for a while, left a mark, and then patted Ye Xiaoxiao: "Let's go first."

"Hey~" Ye Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Qianxing suspiciously, won't you go in?
"We'll come back tomorrow, otherwise they won't be able to find us in Shuangshuang, and they'll be anxious."

Many secret realms cannot transmit messages, let alone the star network, and it is even more useless to enter later.

So Ye Qianxing had to go back and settle the two children, and come back tomorrow.

"Roar!" Good!

Xiaoxiao took Ye Qianxing back, Shuangshuang and the others had already arrived home, Ye Qianxing simply explained the situation to Shuangshuang and Jiujiu.

Then he left a lot of ingredients for the two of them, but the vegetables could not be kept for too long. Ye Qianxing was afraid that he would spend too long in the secret realm, so he circled another vegetable field at the door, sowed the seeds that night, and used wood spiritual power to It was born and turned into a piece of green vegetable.

I bought an optical brain for Shuangshuang before, and now I transferred a lot of money to her and gave her a bottle of Bigu Pill.

"Jiujiu, you must take care of Shuang Shuang."

"I know the master."

When Ye Qianxing left, he set up a mist formation around their house and a nine-turn hunting formation to make sure everything was safe.

Then he took Xiao Xiao to the outside of the secret place that he saw yesterday.

"It's here, little one."

A gossip plate appeared in Ye Qianxing's hand. The secret gate here is a standard gossip and five elements gate.

Ye Qianxing needs to find the right direction and calculate the correct five elements before he can enter.

Ye Qianxing has a feeling that this secret realm may have something to do with the ancestors of the ancient country, because in this world, except for the people of the ancient country, the interstellar people don't know what the five elements and gossip are. This is something from the ancestors of the ancient country.

Ye Qianxing pointed, and the gossip plate in his hand suddenly became larger, with a mysterious and simple aura.


"The five elements are in the direction, the center of the eight trigrams array!"

The gossip direction rotated rapidly, Ye Qianxing stared at the gossip plate in front of him, his eyes condensed.

Quickly strike a decision.

On the left is the faucet.

"Dry Sanlian to open the sky in the northwest!" Ye Qianxing calculated the position carefully, and said slowly in his mouth:
"The Qian hexagram is connected by three horizontal lines, and the eight hexagrams are located in the northwest, representing the symbol of the sky, and the dragon opens the sky and the earth!"

Ye Qianxing took two steps forward and his eyes lit up suddenly: "Got it! The first one, do it!"

Ye Qianxing shot a stream of spiritual energy at the rocky wall in front of him, and this spiritual energy was directly sucked in by an invisible force, and Ye Qianxing knew he was right.

"Kun six cuts off the eight places in the southwest."

"Second! Kun!"

"Dui is short of the western Shuangze, and Sunda is off the southeast without wind!"

"The Xun hexagram is broken by three horizontal lines and one horizontal line. The direction of the eight trigrams is in the southeast, which represents the symbol of wind."

 Sister Xing is going to be on the shelves~ New Year's Day, February 2th, is the first day of the new year, a good day.

  The new year's gift for the babies is to explode. I said it will explode at 30, and the editor said 40. Hehe, let's make it 40.

  At that time, there will be activities such as keychains around Star Sister Huge in the book circle, so don't forget to come on the first day of the new year.

  In fact, after being free for two months, Bobo doesn't know how his grades are, especially in the face of fewer and fewer check-ins and fewer and fewer votes recently. Poorly written.

  Can you, when the time comes, you will use the New Year's money to support Bobo, the babies who support the genuine reading, let Bobo have a bottom line.

  I'll come first~ I love you guys, squeak~
(End of this chapter)

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